Chapter 202: Hoder, the God of Darkness

Everything has its opposite. Light gives birth to darkness, and darkness nurtures light.

Without light, there is no shadow.

Without shadow, light loses its meaning.

Oaks' theoretical knowledge was quite extensive when it came to the fact that the life of the Holy Light Naaru could transform into the void creature Entropy...

But even with that knowledge, Oaks couldn't help but be greatly surprised when he witnessed the drastic transformation of the God of Light, Baldur, before his eyes.

"You scoundrel!"

He swung his claw to tear apart Malekith, the mastermind behind all this, but it was too late—

During the short interval when Baldur triggered the transformation, Malekith had successfully absorbed the Aether particles and became its new host!

Oaks's claw, empowered by starlight, couldn't tear through the Aether's defense!


A powerful energy erupted. Oaks managed to protect Jane, who had fallen and lost the Aether particles, but he and Odin were both sent flying by the impact.


Odin roared in anger as the Gungnir emitted an infinite amount of energy, directly knocking Malekith, who was laughing maniacally, away!

And Baldur, with his drastically changed appearance, released his grip on the weakening Frigga and was manipulated by Malekith, who took control of the Aether particles!

"Naturally Swift!"

"Healing Touch!"


The healing radiance in Oaks's hand dimmed, but there was no sign of improvement in Frigga's condition!


"It's not working?!"

Odin knew how miraculous Oaks's healing spells were, but even so, Frigga showed no signs of improvement...

It seemed that the sword strike from earlier had already been a fatal blow!

"Hoder! Damn it... This can't be!"

While they were delayed, Malekith had already used the Aether particles to escape the Golden Palace, causing the massive warship to disappear in an instant!


A tremendous energy eruption shook the entire Golden Palace. Thor and Loki appeared at the entrance to the Queen's chamber, but what they saw was Frigga lying motionless on the ground!

"No! What happened?!"

Thor rushed forward, while Loki stood still, completely motionless.

"What's going on? Mother! Father? Oaks? Jane?"

Thor's trembling hands almost couldn't hold onto his hammer.

"What about Baldur? Didn't he just come here?"

"Baldur... he..."

"My King!"

Oaks's solemn voice interrupted Odin's pained voice.

"I need to utilize the power of Asgard!"


Odin's clouded eyes erupted with a brilliant light. He immediately stood up while holding the Gungnir, and an immeasurable power radiated from him.

"In the name of my father and my grandfather, I, Odin, the All-Father, the King of Asgard, grant Oaks Woods, the Royal Advisor of Asgard, the authority to wield the power of Asgard!"


The Nature Energy of Asgard opened their embrace to Oaks.

Now, Oaks didn't need to communicate in advance and could rely on the powerful power of his soul to communicate with the Nature Energy and obtain spell enhancements at any time.

However, Asgard's Nature Energy was somewhat different.

Although Odin couldn't control the Nature Energy, Asgard had a unique situation. The infinite cosmic energy from this land itself permeated the Nature Energy.

And this energy was under Odin's control.

The current situation, to save Frigga, was no less difficult than when they first revived Baldur—

But they obviously didn't have time to go look for Freyr again.

Fortunately, Oaks was not the same as before. But relying solely on the small portion of power he could control, he still couldn't resurrect Frigga.

But Odin, who could unleash his full power, was present.

Fortunately, Frigga's soul had not departed yet, which was much better than Baldur's situation.

With Odin's permission, Oaks made full use of Asgard's Nature Energy and successfully saved Frigga, who couldn't be revived by ordinary healing spells!

"Power of Nature, be at my command—Resurrect!"


The radiant pillar of light dissipated, and Queen Frigga slowly opened her eyes amidst Thor's tears of joy.

"What is this...?"



Even Loki couldn't help but finally walk quickly to Frigga's side.

However, as a great sorcerer, he instinctively sensed something unusual and furrowed his brow.

After a few seconds of confusion, Frigga understood the current situation.

It was very similar to Baldur's situation back then.

"Oaks... Thank you."

"Sage Oak, Asgard owes you a great favor!"

Odin's expression was solemn. He didn't make any more promises to Oaks.

The weight of a "great favor" spoken by the King of the Gods himself was immeasurable.

"My King, my Queen, what... What's going on?"

After using several conventional healing spells, Oaks completely healed Frigga, who was still somewhat weak, and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"Baldur... He..."

"Baldur? What happened to him? Where is he?"

Thor became nervous again as he heard that.

"Did Malekith...?"

"Malekith escaped and took the Aether particles with him."

After a moment of silence, Odin sighed heavily.

"We were too confident, too arrogant. The Dark Elves... They are not opponents we can underestimate."


Thor looked at the still-confused Jane. She had been bewildered by the chain of events that just happened.

"Are you okay, Jane?"


Jane finally regained her senses at Thor's call.

"I'm fine..."

"Dr. Foster's life is no longer in danger. The Aether particles have indeed been taken by Malekith."

Oaks nodded to Thor and made a gesture of secrecy to Jane.

"Dr. Foster, just now... You didn't see anything, right?"

"Well... okay, I didn't see anything."

Jane instinctively covered her mouth. In front of an Avenger who could "resurrect" the dead, what else could she do but comply?

"Baldur... He was taken by Malekith."

Odin's next words caused Thor to explode with anger.


"He dared to kill Mother and take away our eldest brother?!"

Thor grabbed his hammer and was about to rush out, but Loki held him back.

"You fool! Something is wrong with this situation!"

Loki sneered coldly.

"There is indeed a dark aura here, but it's not from the Dark Elves!"

"Exactly, it's from Baldur."

Odin's words widened everyone's eyes.

"No, perhaps we should call him... Hoder, the God of Darkness, the other personality of Baldur!"

"Malekith discovered the existence of Hoder, hidden within Baldur's body. He sensed Hoder's presence through the power of darkness derived from the Dark Elves and used the Aether particles to draw him out... Hoder dealt a heavy blow to Frigga himself."

Dangerous light flickered in Odin's eyes.

"That's also why Baldur fell into a false death in the past... The presence of Hoder's personality made Baldur's soul increasingly unable to bear the burden—

He is almost the complete opposite of Baldur, and no one wants him to appear. But as Baldur grows stronger, Hoder also becomes stronger in response.

Over two thousand years ago, when Midgard entered the 'Year 1 AD,' as light and darkness intertwined, Hoder's soul took advantage of the situation to manifest.

We had no choice but to severely wound him, along with Baldur... and seal him using the power of the Helheim."

"But now, he has returned."


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