Chapter 208: Father and Son

When they finally find the passage to Asgard with the help of Dr. Selvig, half a day had passed..

They went there as a group of four but returned with only two.

It was only the two brothers, Baldur and Thor.

The exit of the passage was located in the mountains outside the main city of Asgard, just as it was when they went to earth, so their first stop was the Bifrost control room.

Heimdall was still repairing the control room, but this time, they didn't need to use the Space Gem because the Bifrost itself was undamaged.

"All-Father would be proud of you."

Heimdall's armor was covered in scars left from his battle with the cursed warriors.

But it didn't diminish his imposing image in the slightest.

"Go to the Golden Palace, All-Father is waiting for you."

"What about Loki?"

Thor, who was concerned about his brother, didn't show any signs of joy on his face.

"Heimdall, has Loki returned to Asgard?"

"... I cannot see him."

Heimdall shook his head slowly.

"Not only in Asgard, but in other realms as well, I cannot see him."

"Could it be because of the convergence..."

Thor's heart tightened, and Baldur stepped forward and patted his shoulder.

"Let's go, let's see our father. Perhaps he knows something.

Even your Earth friends haven't fully understood the convergence.

Loki is the cleverest among us; he wouldn't put himself in danger, especially when he has the Aether."

"It's precisely because he has the Aether that I'm more worried."

Thor sighed.

"He only learned a fraction of Malekith's knowledge but deluded himself into thinking he could control such a powerful weapon. That thing absorbs the life force of its host."

"He can live for five thousand years."

Baldur laughed and pointed to his own eyes.

"Don't worry, Loki may be fundamentally a Frost Giant, but he has lived in Asgard for fifteen hundred years and has been personally cared for by our father...

In fact, there is little difference between him and a true Asgardian now, except that he himself can't let go."

Thor's eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Of course, my eyes can see many things.

And as a great sorcerer, Loki must have sensed something himself."

"Haha! That suits his character, always fixating on something."

Thor let out a sigh.

"This time, he made a great contribution, which should make up for the estrangement he felt towards Asgard."

"I didn't expect you to be so caring."

Baldur looked at his younger brother, the muscle-bound man who seemed to only resort to violence, with a strange gaze.

"Unfortunately, I'm your older brother."


After the commotion, the two brothers arrived at the Golden Palace and met with the King of the Gods, Odin.

"Baldur, my eldest son, your recovery brings me immense joy."

Odin received the two in his own chamber, and the guards were sent to guide the civilians and repair the damages suffered by Asgard during the war.

So now, only the three of them were here.

Odin stood in front of the throne with Gungnir and his face was emanating the usual majesty.

"No need to apologize to me. This is a mistake I made two thousand years ago... It's just that it has been left until today."

"I, Baldur, have acted with integrity throughout my life… I won't make any other excuses for my own mistakes."

Baldur smiled gracefully, his irresistible charisma even causing Odin to focus on what he was saying.

"When you make a mistake, you have to pay the price. The Nine Realms are in crisis because of me, and even Mother..."

Baldur clenched his fist and bowed to Odin.

"I have decided to exile myself, to live in obscurity, but I will still do my best to protect the Nine Realms!"

"But you are the Crown Prince of Asgard, my eldest son!"

Odin's voice was calm, devoid of much emotion.

"Have you ever considered how many difficulties and dangers you would encounter once you leave the protection of Asgard?"

"I embrace them willingly."

Baldur smiled faintly and turned around. He patted Thor's shoulder and his eyes were shimmering with divine light.

"Brother, if you find Loki, tell him that no matter where he is or what he has become, he is still a prince of Asgard, my brother!"

"...I will, Baldur."

Thor remained silent for a moment. Although Baldur's claim to the throne had not been realized, he respected his brother's choice.

So he nodded solemnly.

"May the wind be at your back."

Baldur nodded and turned around. He bowed to Odin once again before striding away.

"...Baldur has chosen his own path."

Odin seemed to age in an instant. He watched Baldur's figure disappear and then turned his gaze to Thor.

"You once said there would be no wiser king than me. You were wrong."

A faint smile of pride appeared on his serene face.

"The convergence, the overlapping of the Nine Realms. The people of the Nine Realms have seen you protect them with your life."

"But without Loki and Oaks, I am nothing."

Thor shook his head.

"Did Loki... really just leave without a word?"

"He knows very well who the new king of Asgard will be."

Odin paused and glanced towards the direction of the vault.

"Two Infinity Stones are in Asgard, treasures with infinite power that have existed since the birth of the universe.

Loki personally experienced their power, which is dangerous and difficult to control."

"Infinity Stones?"

Thor heard this term for the first time.

"And there are two?"

"The Tesseract, also known as the Space Stone, is one of the Infinity Stones. The Aether is the Reality Stone."

Odin looked at Thor again, who was surprised.

"Two Infinity Stones should not be kept close together. I will have someone send the Reality Stone away. It is also to protect Asgard."

"No wonder the Tesseract caused such a huge incident back then..."

Thor smiled wryly.

"My power is still insufficient to protect two Infinity Stones."

"Neither can I, my son."

Odin shook his head slightly.

"So, are you ready to take over my responsibility?"

"...I cannot take the throne."

Thor's tone was calm, but his gaze was resolute.

"I will spend my life doing my utmost to protect the Nine Realms, but I will never become a ruler.

Baldur and Loki understand many things that I will never learn—

Regardless of our willingness, the cruelty and sacrifices brought about by the throne will always be there, and they will change a person."

He shook his head and revealed a carefree and sunny smile.

"I would rather be a good person than a king."

"Is this your own wish or the wish of the woman you love?"

"I never believed that Mother could influence your decisions—

In fact, Jane hopes that I will become a great king, and she believes she is not worthy of me."

Odin looked at Thor with surprise.

"A self-aware mortal... but your decision surprises me even more. Her understanding of you is not in conflict with the throne."

"Baldur and Loki have made their choices for Asgard, and so have I."

Thor bowed deeply to Odin once again.

"Jane and I are destined to be together, even if we need to explore new ways of being together."

Odin's profound gaze followed Thor as he turned and strode away, disappearing from sight.

"Baldur... you choose to remain silent..."

As a burst of crimson light flashed, Loki appeared on the throne behind Odin with empty eyes and a fanatical smile, then transformed into Odin's appearance.

"The interweaving of illusion and reality is originally your best field.... I acknowledge what you have done for Asgard.

Now, let me see how far you can go from here."


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