Chapter 213: The Sorcerer Supreme's Commission

After getting the information he wanted from Professor Randolph, Oaks felt a faint magical reaction on the back of his hand as soon as he left.

It was the magical imprint left by the Sorcerer Supreme, the Ancient One, before Oaks first traveled to Asgard.

Finding a secluded place, Oaks infused some magic into the magical imprint on his hand.

Soon, an orange portal appeared beside him, and Oaks turned and stepped into it.

"Sorcerer Supreme requests my presence. I wonder what urgent matter this is?"

Oaks saw the Ancient One sitting by a table, sipping tea. He casually sat down and filled up a cup in front of him, drinking it in one gulp.

"Speaking of which, I thought the London Sanctum would intervene before."

"I was in the London Sanctum at the time."

The Ancient One put down her teacup and took out her folding fan, slowly waving it open.

"The convergence has its peculiarities, and the attention of the Nine Realms is focused on Asgard. It wouldn't be a wise choice to disturb Odin's trials for his three princes at this time."

She smiled slightly, closed the folding fan, and pointed to Oaks, who had just put down his teacup.

"Besides, weren't you present? You did well."

"Heh, Sorcerer Supreme really thinks highly of me. After all, I involved three Avengers this time."

Only now did Oaks survey his surroundings and raise an eyebrow.

"No outsiders? It seems this matter is very important?"

He had undertaken the greening and renovation of the Kamar-Taj and the three major Sanctums alone, so now he could tell that he was meeting the Ancient One in Kamar-Taj and not in the London Sanctum.

But precisely because of this, he and the Ancient One were now sitting in a hall alone, without anyone else present, which surprised Oaks to some extent.

Having just dealt with the Greenwich incident, what other matter on Earth required the Sorcerer Supreme's solemn attention?

"Just a while ago, Kamar-Taj detected an abnormal spatial teleportation fluctuation in Norway."

The Ancient One stood up slowly, folding her hands behind her back.

"In terms of time, it was roughly the third day after the princes of Asgard returned."


Oaks was slightly taken aback. At that time, the aftermath of the convergence had completely dissipated, so there shouldn't have been any unexpected space travel incidents.

"Someone from Asgard has come again?"

He poured himself another cup of tea while furrowing his brow.

"If Thor has returned to Earth to see his girlfriend, I think it's very likely. Even Baldur going to Las Vegas for a spree is not impossible."

"But is that really a big deal? Did something go wrong with the Bifrost?"

"No, this time it's not the Bifrost."

The Ancient One frowned slightly.

"It's the Dark Energy transportation, just like when Thor came before."

"Dark Energy?!"

Oaks was surprised and put down the half-drunk tea in his hand.

"Not using the Bifrost... What secret thing did Odin secretly send down?"

"He sent himself down."


Oaks almost choked on his breath.

"What did you say?!"

"Odin has personally come to Earth, without using the Bifrost Bridge, but by quietly using Dark Energy transportation."

The Ancient One seemed to find Oaks' shocked expression amusing. She tilted her head and looked at him.

"I was also surprised when I found out, so I went to talk to him... After all, even though he claims to be the protector of the Nine Realms and the ruler of Midgard, I don't acknowledge it."

She said this with a domineering tone, and Oaks let out a sigh of relief.

At least, the fact that the person in front of him was still here and talking to him meant that their conversation had gone well.

"So, why did he come?"

Oaks furrowed his brow. Right now, Odin was in his prime because of their relationship.

He shouldn't have any intention of self-exile, right?

Without his cooperation, Loki wouldn't have been able to seal his memories and dump him into an Earth retirement home, right?

And even if Loki possessed the Reality Stone, with his limited mastery of magic, he wouldn't stand a chance against Odin in his prime...

That's wishful thinking!


Oaks widened his eyes and a horrifying thought came to mind—

Both Baldur and Thor have said that they have no interest in the throne.

If Odin didn't force one of them to take the throne, and now he personally came to Earth, the one on the throne of Asgard...

Is it Loki?!

Did Odin pass the throne to Loki?

Just like what Frigga did when he fell into the Odinsleep?

Isn't he afraid that the Nine Realms will rise up in rebellion again?

And does Frigga know about this? She's not dead yet!

The Ancient One looked at Oaks with interest, observing his changing expression, and nodded in satisfaction.

"It seems you have already figured out the key to the matter."

"So Loki really succeeded?"

Oaks spread his hands and smiled bitterly.

"But how is that possible? Odin is still not senile!"

"'Odin' is still in Asgard, and 'Loki' has vanished into the universe with his permission, exploring unknown knowledge."

The Ancient One opened her fan again with a "swoosh."

"He himself is ready to have a vacation on Earth and enjoy life... He even sent the Queen of Asgard to have a tea party with her sisters whom she hasn't seen in centuries."


Oaks felt like his mouth couldn't close anymore.

When the father of the gods starts pulling off such maneuvers, is there any room left for Loki to play his part?

"Who else knows about this?"

"Odin, me, and you."

"...Loki doesn't know?!"

"That's right."

Oaks slapped his forehead hard.

"Loki doesn't even know that he's being manipulated? Why... why am I the third person to know?"

"Because you are an outsider, but at the same time, you are a royal advisor with the authority to call the Bifrost.

If there are any unexpected circumstances, you are the suitable candidate to communicate between Earth and Asgard."

The Ancient One tapped Oaks' shoulder with her fan, sounding somewhat gleeful.

"So, even I, the Earth's protector, isn't trusted by Odin, but you are.

The matters concerning Odin on Earth are entrusted to you. When you go back, I'll send him to New York."

"Why New York?!"

Oaks' face turned pale, and he quickly waved his hands.

"Wouldn't it be better for him to stay in Norway? The scenery there is so beautiful, Even I want to go...

He has been there before, and there are even statues of him there!"

"So, he wants a change of scenery."

The Ancient One looked at Oaks, who was almost crying, and suddenly became serious.

"Oaks, don't worry. The New York Sanctum will keep a close eye on Odin in secret. You should know that his decision must have a reason behind it."


Oaks calmed down and suddenly felt a bit sweaty on his forehead.

"Sorcerer Supreme... have you 'seen' that reason?"

"No, I wouldn't attempt to peer into the fate of a being of Odin's stature."

The Ancient One shook her head.

"Every action he takes may have a significant impact on the future. Peering into fate would bring serious consequences.

So, based on your contact with Odin, why do you think he suddenly made such a move?"


Oaks remained silent for a long time before finally sighing.

"Perhaps... he doesn't have many good years left."


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