Chapter 227: Death Beyond Death

Oaks wouldn't involve himself openly in S.H.I.E.L.D. matters.

However, whether Steve's acting skills were convincing enough didn't matter much.

Essentially, as long as he put on a serious face, he could handle everything. And a serious face was something this old soldier excelled at.

But when he was in the hospital, observing Nick Fury being dissected in the operating room, Steve had to exert all his strength to not show any flaws on his face.

Natasha and Agent Hill standing nearby assumed he was filled with anger—that suited Captain America's character quite well.

At precisely 1:03 a.m, Nick Fury was officially pronounced dead.

Oaks personally intervened, using the Balance spell of life and death to seal Nick Fury's vitality. Even the most advanced equipment wouldn't be able to detect it, and his body tissues were beginning to lose vitality.

Of course, unless Oaks allowed it, there was no other way to bring him back.

At S.H.I.E.L.D's Triskelion headquarters, Agent Sitwell was reporting Nick Fury's death to Pierce.

Despite it being late at night, Pierce, dressed sharply in a suit, showed no signs of fatigue.

The lights in his office were on as he looked out of the floor-to-ceiling windows into the deep darkness. He took a deep breath.

"Is the information reliable?"

"The medical team performed a dissection on Nick Fury, and they confirmed that his heart has stopped beating."

Agent Sitwell spoke earnestly, "Considering the circumstances, I don't think any miracles will happen."

"Oh? So, do you think our 'former environmental consultant' would have performed miracles if he were here?"

Pierce let out a cold smile, and in Agent Sitwell's mind appeared the image of that person who displayed almost miraculous healing abilities on a large scale in New York and saved Agent Coulson, who had been pierced through the heart, in an instant. It was the image of Oaks, the Chairman of the Benevolence Society.

"Dr. Oaks didn't appear at the scene where Nick Fury was being treated."

Agent Sitwell nodded with certainty, "I determined his whereabouts at the very beginning. The records show that Dr. Oaks went to Asgard with Lady Sif, and there have been no abnormal energy records from the Bifrost. He hasn't returned to Earth."

"What about his restorative potions?"

Pierce's expression remained unchanged. The restorative potions developed by Oaks had incredible effects.

"They're extremely rare, but Agent Sharon had a bottle. She used it to provide emergency treatment for Nick Fury."

Agent Sitwell smiled somewhat proudly, "But we've prepared for this situation in advance. The Winter Soldier's bullets are poisoned... As expected, the restorative potion only healed some of his external injuries and couldn't save his life."

"Have you confirmed this repeatedly?"

Pierce remained vigilant. He had received some complex information from another Hydra leader, which left him with mixed feelings.

One of the co-founders of S.H.I.E.L.D, Peggy Carter, has almost certainly regained her youthful appearance!

Anyone could guess that this had something to do with that annoying Druid who had displayed such incredible abilities.

If he could accomplish such incredible things, it wasn't impossible for him to do other things as well.

"It has been confirmed, sir."

Agent Sitwell's face showed admiration. Only with such a cautious leader could they achieve greatness.

"After the doctors confirmed that Nick Fury's heart had stopped, they continued to monitor his heart for another hour...

but they couldn't detect even the slightest trace of a heartbeat."

"...That's truly unfortunate."

Pierce finally revealed a faint smile.

"God didn't bless him, or rather, God is on our side."

"Yes, sir," Agent Sitwell bowed deeply. "God is on your side."

After a moment of silence, a deep regret appeared on Pierce's face.

"It's still not perfect.

Originally, he could have been a sacrifice for our resurgence, offered to the great new world, passing away without even feeling the approach of death...

This was also my special favor to this old friend and the benefactor of my daughter.

But now, it's too hasty, too early, making our entrance seem somewhat crude."

"Sir, Nick Fury's existence was for this moment. Perhaps his early departure is a good thing for us."

Agent Sitwell pushed his glasses and wore a serious expression.

Perhaps because Nick Fury had put too much pressure on him in the past, after receiving this news, he seemed to have a feeling of liberation—a feeling of a serf singing a song of rebellion.

In him, who was known for his caution, an aura of a "victor" had unknowingly emerged.

"Every minute he lives is filled with uncertainty."

Pierce looked slightly surprised as he glanced at his trusted subordinate and gave a slight nod.

"You understand it that way, and it's not wrong.

But Nick Fury is Nick Fury. Even if he dies, he has left us with no small number of loose ends."

"You mean... Captain Rogers?"

Agent Sitwell's expression turned serious.

"Captain Rogers didn't catch up with the Winter Soldier, but the Winter Soldier hasn't returned to the base yet...

There aren't many traces of the battle at the scene. Perhaps something has delayed him?"

"Delayed? The Winter Soldier has successfully carried out over twenty critical assassination missions in the past fifty years without fail..."

Pierce let out a cold snort as he turned away from the floor-to-ceiling windows. He placed one hand in his pocket and slowly paced around the office.

"The Winter Soldier has deep connections with Captain Rogers...

It seems that these connections may have caused some problems for the Winter Soldier, who was already mentally unstable."

Hearing Pierce's words, Agent Sitwell became alarmed.

"Are you saying he might lose control?"

"That won't happen. You should have confidence in our brainwashing techniques."

Pierce glanced indifferently at Agent Sitwell, causing a chill to run down his spine.

"Yes, sir. I will intensify the search for the Winter Soldier. His characteristics are distinct, and it won't take much time."

"No, don't invest too much effort for now."

To Agent Sitwell's surprise, Pierce waved his hand.

"As the last person to see Nick, if he left anything behind or any clues, Captain Rogers is the only candidate. We must focus our efforts and quickly find out what's going on!"

Pierce turned around, his gaze burning into Agent Sitwell.

"Your change in demeanor is premature... Collect yourselves, and others should do the same.

Block the news, give orders to the Special Forces team to 'escort' the Captain here. I want to personally talk to him.

If possible, I'd prefer to have fewer complications before the carrier takes off. But if Captain Rogers doesn't cooperate, we will have ample reason to brand him a 'traitor' to S.H.I.E.L.D...

By then, even if he truly possesses something, we can use extreme measures to keep him silent!"

Agent Sitwell's forehead broke out in cold sweat. He took a deep breath and returned to his former self.

"As you wish, sir!"


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