Chapter 235: Big Data Killing

The 21st century is like a digital book, and Zola has taught Hydra how to read it.

Bank records, medical records, voting patterns, emails, phone call information, even exam scores.

Going further, shopping preferences, favorite food types and flavors, sleep patterns, work habits, and so on...

In the age of big data, people have no privacy.

Zola's algorithm uses this data to evaluate a person's past and, based on that, predict their future.

"And this will allow us to identify people who are harmful to Hydra among the global population--

those who opposed Hydra in the past, those who currently oppose Hydra, those who may potentially oppose Hydra in the future, and even those whose behavior and achievements may pose a threat to Hydra..."

Sitwell no longer cared about any sacred mission. After experiencing being swallowed by a giant wolf and thrown off a rooftop, and witnessing the complete annihilation of the Special Forces team...

If it weren't for the resilient nerves developed through his career as an agent and Hydra training, he would have gone mad.

So, in his hysterical state, he revealed the information he knew and that the other side wanted to know:

"Then, the Insight program's helicarriers will eliminate the people on the list--

conservatively estimated to be tens of millions of people. Is that exciting enough? Hahaha!

This will bring about a new order for 7 billion people!"

Sitwell gasped heavily, enjoying the incredulous expressions of Steve and Sam, and laughed in a low voice:

"Hehehe... It's too late now.

I've been waiting for you all morning, and now you're just arriving. The Insight program is only two hours away from going live!

There's nothing you can do to stop us!"

"Wow, Hydra really knows how to brainwash people."

Sam looked at Sitwell's crazed appearance and frowned:

"This is definitely a trap. They're all a bunch of lunatics!"

"We have enough time."

Steve's expression was cold, and he thought of Bucky, who was still unconscious.

"Skoll, he's in your hands now."


Skoll, who had turned back into a German Shepherd, turned his head and glanced at the pale-faced Sitwell, asking as usual:

"How well done do you want it?"

"...As you prefer."


S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Triskelion headquarters was located at the tip of the delta where the Potomac River and the Anacostia River converged in Washington--

Although it appeared to be inland, it was indeed a harbor.

The Insight hangar was built beneath the sea in front of the Triskelion building.

The Insight hangar had strict DNA encryption access mechanisms, and only specific personnel could enter.

And at this time, even if someone obtained the DNA of a high-ranking Hydra member like Sitwell, there was no conventional way to infiltrate the Insight hangar.

Unless it was a direct frontal assault.

Therefore, Oaks did not plan to enter using conventional means.

The Insight hangar was located next to a huge underwater gate, and there appeared an incredibly cute baby harp seal.

With its snowy white body, pitch-black eyes, and a face that seemed to be smiling...

The rice ball was adorned with two black pearls.

This was Oaks's underwater form.

Casually, he swam towards the massive underwater gate.

Now, the Insight program had entered the launch sequence, with only two hours remaining until the estimated time.

In a corner of the enormous gate, a beam of blazing solar flame, as thick as a bowl, directly blasted onto a steel plate of the gate.

Under the control of Oaks's manipulation of nature energy, a blank "passageway" was formed in the layer of seawater, concentrating all the power of the solar flame onto the steel plate.

In no time, a hole the size of a bowl melted through the steel plate.

"It's quite thick, but it's useless."

With Oaks's current spell proficiency, achieving this was not difficult.

Transforming into a small bird, Oaks directly flew into the entrance of the Insight hangar and disappeared in a flash.

"Shet... Am I seeing things?"

A patrol officer was distracted by the fleeting sunlight, but as soon as he looked up, he noticed...

"There's a leak?!"

In the lobby of the Triskelion building, Pierce led four council members as they walked in:

"Enjoy the flight?"

"It was quite pleasant."

The only female among the four council members, a blond woman, spoke coldly:

"But the journey from the airport wasn't great. There were explosions in the sky."

"Sorry, S.H.I.E.L.D. can't control everything."

"Including Captain America." The bald council member added, and Pierce smiled without saying anything.

Then he received four identity identifiers from the receptionist and handed them to the four council members:

"These are biometric control devices that will allow you to move freely here."

Implicitly, even as council members, without Pierce's permission, they couldn't take a single step.

But the four council members didn't say much and placed the identifiers on their chests.

Finally, they arrived at the top-floor conference room of the Triskelion building.

As they watched the countdown of the Insight program on the holographic projection, Pierce offered them champagne:

"Although the journey was a bit bumpy, and some of you wanted to kick me out of the car.

But finally, we have arrived, and the whole world should thank us."

Just as Pierce was about to savor his success, an internal broadcast sounded, and the entire building could hear it clearly.

"All S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, attention. I am Steve Rogers."

With Oaks's help, Steve didn't need to steal a uniform from the museum, and the poor old security guard didn't lose his job either.

After Steve's impassioned speech, the entire Triskelion building fell silent.

Sharon Carter, located in the control room, immediately reacted and seized command, mobilizing forces to try to gain control of the Insight program team.

A joke. Who would believe anyone other than Uncle?

Without the powerful control of the Special Forces team, including Captain Rumlow, the armed forces of Hydra in the Triskelion building engaged in fierce combat with S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

In the rooftop conference room, the four council members looked at Pierce, their expressions grim.

"You self-righteous bastard!"

However, soon armed Hydra personnel pointed their guns at them.

"I have the final say on this level."

Pierce picked up his phone and made a few manipulations--

He already knew about Sitwell and the Special Forces team in less than five minutes.

Now, he directly initiated the launch sequence with the highest authority!

However, the enormous "error" message that popped up on the holographic projection surprised him.

"What's going on?!"



Before Pierce could react, the blond councilwoman had already annihilated all the armed Hydra personnel with astonishing combat skills, and she casually pointed her gun at Pierce.


The blond councilwoman removed the holographic disguise from her face, and Natasha's alluring face appeared before the disbelieving Pierce and the three council members:

"Did I ruin your fun?"

"By the way... your Insight helicarriers can't take off anymore."

A vivid red warning message popped up on the holographic projection--

"Insight hangar under attack!"


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