Chapter 249: Hercules Armor

As the pioneer of affordable mechanical prosthetics, Oak Environmental Technology Company had even collaborated with several insurance giants to jointly create "Limb Disability Insurance."

With the advancement of technology, the cost of mechanical prosthetics was continuously decreasing. Even the President had discussed with Oaks the possibility of including them in the new round of healthcare reforms.

Now, in accordance with the healthcare reform plan, Oak Environmental Technology Company has customized the "Bionic Series" of mechanical prosthetics, with the metal casing replaced by the newly developed plant-based biomimetic material.

Although it was solid and the cost was relatively low, its strength surpassed that of engineering-grade plastics.

While it didn't reach the level of steel, it was much stronger than human muscles and even had a touch similar to skin.

Not only did it have a lifespan of over a decade, but it could also be re-shelled--

Just like changing a phone case, there was even a transparent version with a personalized touch made of engineering-grade plastic.

Since there was such significant progress in the development of civilian-grade mechanical prosthetics, naturally, high-end mechanical prosthetics wouldn't be left behind.

Even before Oaks had finalized Bucky's situation, he had arranged for Dr. Bruce and Dr. Yinsen to collaborate in crafting the latest model of a mechanical arm.

"Is this the finished product?"

Oaks entered the laboratory of Bruce and Yinsen and immediately saw a beautifully metallic mechanical arm placed on a central stand.

"Not bad at all."

"What about our friend?"

Dr. Yinsen, who was busy, heard Oaks' admiration and put down what he was doing as he turned around with a slight smile.

"I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to create a version for a super soldier, especially one who is Captain America's comrade."

"It's done... I can wake him up anytime now."

Oaks touched the metallic protective layer on the surface of the mechanical arm and nodded in satisfaction.

"But I think it's better to perform the surgery while he's still in a dormant state."

"I agree."

Dr. Yinsen rubbed his chin, feeling somewhat proud.

"With Bruce's help, this mechanical arm is currently the most powerful form we can create--

In addition to the latest energy weapons, it also has built-in transforming cold weapons that can definitely unleash its formidable close combat capabilities."

"Furthermore, the strength of this mechanical arm surpasses that of Steve, and it also has a communication terminal and many small tools."

Dr. Banner also joined them at this moment. He reached out and patted the mechanical arm, and the forearm opened, revealing a screen.

"Wherever Malorn can establish contact, it will never go offline."

He patted it again, and the mechanical arm quickly returned to its previous state.

"Now we're just one step away, and it requires your personal touch."

"Well, it will be done soon."

Oaks gave thumbs up to the two doctors, and his hands were covered in a layer of green Nature magic, pressing onto the mechanical arm.

The thin metallic protective layer on the surface of the mechanical arm was infused with Nature magic, instantly maximizing its defensive capabilities.

"By the way, Tony mentioned wanting to convert his armor plates to be rechargeable. Is that done?"

"Uh... not yet."

Dr. Banner spread his hands in a somewhat helpless manner.

"We have tried many models, but Uru metal is indeed a very unique substance. Our conventional electrical energy is unable to alter its properties like Thor's lightning power or your Nature magic.

So, we probably have to wait until Thor returns to Earth so that we can study his lightning power and determine the final solution."

"Well, Thor has disappeared somewhere..."

Oaks felt a headache when he thought about Asgard. If Thor found out that his brother was taking over their father's command in Asgard and their father was running a bar on Earth, Oaks wondered if he would faint.

But when Thor returns, it should be after Loki has had his fun and realizes that his scepter is still on Earth and needs Thor to take it back.

It seemed that before Thor arrived, he needed to properly secure the Mind Stone.

"We're currently working on creating something big--but we're running short of Uru metal."

At this moment, Dr. Banner thought of another issue and opened the panoramic image. A colossal entity appeared in front of Oaks.

"Wow, size does mean strength, Tony figured it out..."

The holographic image displayed in front of Oaks was none other than the support-type armor enhancement component known as the "Hulkbuster Armor," nicknamed "Veronica."

However, the current plan no longer uses that name. Instead, it was called...

"Hercules? The Mighty Hercules? Are you serious?"

Oaks had a strange expression on his face.

"This doesn't seem like Tony's naming style. He would definitely give it the name of a beautiful woman."

"In fact, Tony wanted to call it 'Veronica.'"

Dr. Yinsen couldn't help but laugh.

"You really understand him."

"...I came up with the name."

Bruce scratched his head, looking somewhat embarrassed.

"Because it was designed as a combat force against Asgardians, I thought of using the name of a Greek god--

At least for now, we haven't seen any Greek gods, so there shouldn't be any copyright issues with this name, right?"

"As long as you're happy with it."

Oaks breathed a sigh of relief. The Uru metal protective layer of the mechanical prosthetics had been reinforced.

"Bruce, are you suggesting to fully equip this giant with the Uru metal protective layer?"

He rubbed his chin and carefully examined the holographic image.

"For the replaceable parts... Although we have the technology to smelt Uru metal now, the required amount is still enormous."

"While the existing Uru metal is sufficient to cover the entire Hercules Armor, there are not enough for spare components. So..."

A smile appeared on Banner's face.

"Could I trouble you, boss, to bring back some Uru metal from Asgard? After all, you have the authority to summon the Bifrost."

"...I'm not your boss."

The corner of Oaks' eye twitched. Odin was still running a bar in Manhattan. You guys created a machine with Asgard as the hypothetical enemy and now you want materials from Asgard?!

"You should make use of what you have for now... I've also been thinking about finding an opportunity to go to Nidavellir to create a weapon. I'll ask the Dwarf King for some...

But last time Lady Sif came down, she said that neither Thor, Baldur, nor Loki were in Asgard. I'll need to come up with a reason to go there."

After all, it was Loki who currently sat on the throne. Who knows what mischief he might get up to.

It's probably safer to wait for Thor to arrive before going together with him.

"It's alright, no rush. It's just good to have a backup plan."

Banner seemed to feel somewhat embarrassed as well. After all, this thing hadn't been built yet.

"The mechanical arm is ready? Let's go install it."

"Well, it's already good to go."

Oaks nodded, and with a wave of his hand, the faint green light on the mechanical arm disappeared, replaced by a metallic sheen.

"By the way, does it have a name?"

Banner raised his eyebrow proudly. "The Hand of Tyr!"

Oaks: "..."


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