Chapter 252: Taking a Bite...

It is impossible to quit. You think you can just leave after receiving such a great arm like this for free? You should advertise properly...

Hmm, anyway, the Quinjet landed outside a jungle amid a chorus of complaints from everyone on board.

On the other side of the jungle was the secret fortress of Hydra.

Setting the Quinjet to stealth mode, the group prepared to make their way through the jungle.

"Be careful, the jungle is full of Hydra's hidden sentries!"

Carter closed her eyes and sensed the surroundings, her expression turned serious as she warned everyone, "Even though I can sense their positions in advance, we must avoid them from supporting each other..."

"Well, actually, it's not that troublesome."

Oaks coughed lightly, interrupting Carter's arrangements. "In a place full of trees like this, I have some experience."

The three Avengers who had witnessed Oaks' power exchanged glances and silently mourned for Hydra.

Skoll, of course, tilted his head disdainfully. He alone could eliminate all the hidden sentries, not to mention his master.

Carter, Bucky, and Sam looked at Steve, Natasha, and Barton, who did not object, and quietly watched Oaks move forward alone.

"Nature's power, at my command... Forest, clear a path for us."

As the light on Oaks' hand shimmered, the six individuals and the dog marveled as the trees in front of them grew and entangled, forming two impenetrable walls!

These walls extended forward from where they stood, and they could see the Hydra fortress on the other side through the passage in the middle!

The disturbance in the forest clearly alarmed Hydra's sentries, but without the Mind Stone, Baron Strucker currently lacked the unlimited power to create such powerful weapons!

With only conventional weapons at their disposal, Hydra's sentries were unable to break through the formidable defense of the forest walls!

Not only that, but when they gathered together, countless vines and roots emerged from the ground, firmly binding them in place.

The next moment, it seemed as if the stars were shining in broad daylight, and fine stardust fell as a terrifying explosion wiped out all the Hydra agents on both sides of the forest walls!

"...I feel like we didn't need to come," Sam couldn't help but comment.

"I thought he was just a doctor."

Bucky absentmindedly touched the "Goose" icon on his mechanical arm and swallowed nervously. "I think cats are nice."

"Well, Nature Energy is indeed very strong."

Carter instinctively touched her abdomen. Her powers came from Oaks, and when Oaks took action, she felt it the most deeply—as if he had merged with the forest itself.

In that instant, Carter felt as if the forest itself had annihilated the Hydra sentries.

"Let's go."

Steve was no longer surprised by what these magic users could do. "Skoll, we're counting on you."

Oaks nodded, and Skoll licked his lips, stood up, and transformed into a giant wolf right before their eyes, startling Bucky—Skoll hadn't been that big when they fought.

"Come on, Bucky!"

The members of the Howling Commandos were used to this by now. They had already coordinated with Skoll many times.

Except for Sam, who was flying on his own, Steve, Carter, Natasha, and Barton climbed onto Skoll's back.

Bucky chuckled bitterly and also jumped onto Skoll's back. "It looks like I'll need a lot of time to familiarize myself with this world."

Oaks transformed directly into falcon form and flew towards the Hydra fortress with Sam, while Skoll led the others on the ground.

Baron Strucker had already noticed the massive changes in the forest that had served as a barrier—

Not only were all the hidden sentries wiped out, but what was going on with those trees?!

"Mobilize all defense forces!"

In the control room, Baron Strucker's face turned dark. With the Mind Stone lost in broad daylight and Sokovia somehow finding out that they were Hydra, it was a disaster!

"Your Excellency, Colonel Zemo is still engaging us with his army, so we can only recall half of our forces for defense!"

A subordinate came to report, "Since our identities were exposed, Sokovia has already uncovered dozens of our agents!"

"Hmph, damn Zemo..."

Baron Strucker clenched his fist tightly. "The rebels and the government actually reached an agreement under his mediation, specifically targeting us... He's just an inconspicuous colonel!"

Glancing at the monitors showing the Howling Commandos advancing, Baron Strucker gritted his teeth. "Forget about Zemo! The New Howling Commandos are led by Captain America! Bring out all the available weapons and equipment, use all the accumulated energy, and withdraw all armed forces!"

He turned and left the lab. "They may be strong, but we have a trump card!"

"Yes, Your Excellency!"

As the subordinates carried out his orders, Baron Strucker entered a special room.

"The time has come to take action, Pietro, Wanda."

He looked at the twins who turned their gaze to him, a cruel smile appearing at the corner of his mouth. "Although Stark didn't come, among the people who did, there are four Avengers. If you capture them, you can even strike directly at Avengers Tower and kill Stark!"

"Avengers? Hmph..."

Pietro Maximoff sneered, standing up from his chair. "I wonder if they can keep up with my speed!"

"Brother, they are, after all, Avengers."

Wanda Maximoff tilted her head and glanced at Baron Strucker for a moment. The red glow in her eyes made him involuntarily take a step back. "I wonder what kind of past they all have? I can't help but want to find out."

"...They're almost here. Prepare for battle!"


Before the words could fully escape, Baron Strucker heard a loud explosion followed by the shaking of the building—

Sam had already launched small missiles that hit the blue shield just erected outside the Hydra fortress.

"The shield can hold for a while. You must hurry!"

With a stern shout, Baron Strucker turned and ran towards the lab—

If all else fails, I have to destroy those records!

However, before he could reach halfway, it was as if he had stumbled into a strange void—


Everything went black in front of him, and Baron Strucker vanished from his spot.


This time, it wasn't just the tremors caused by a small missile. Oaks and Skoll combined their powers to summon the power of the sun. A thick beam of sunlight seemed to directly shoot down from the sky, landing squarely on the shield!

Without the Mind Stone, they relied on the energy previously accumulated by Hydra. Under this intense solar strike, the shield couldn't last more than a few minutes!

With the shield shattering, the Howling Commandos, who had already dealt with the exterior watchtowers, launched their attack on the fortress!


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