Chapter 261: If Something Happens to You, I'll Come Back.

After resolving a major threat and gaining a group of allies, Oaks understood that it was about time to let go of this thing he controlled.

With each use, Oaks vaguely felt that he was becoming somewhat dependent on it.

And that was not a good thing.

So, after settling the Johnson family, Oaks sought out Pietro and Wanda.

"Are you ready to meet Tony?"

When they saw him enter, the twins stood up from the sofa. Sharon, who was accompanying them, gave Oaks a signal and excused herself.

Oaks raised his eyebrow. Pietro and Wanda didn't seem as serious as when they first arrived.

"You have shown us quite a lot of extraordinary things."

Pietro looked meaningfully at the tablet on the table in front of him—

Before Oaks came in, they were looking at the information on it.

"To eliminate misunderstandings, honesty is needed, not concealment."

Oaks glanced at the tablet, which was still lit up. It displayed recent events involving Stark Industries, and he saw Obadiah's name as well.

"So, you found the guy involved in arms trafficking in Eastern Europe?"

"Compared to the henchman Obadiah, Tony Stark seems more like an inventor of weapons. It seems he doesn't really care about who he sells weapons to."

Wanda also glanced at the tablet and then shifted her gaze to Oaks, her tone was slightly different.

"And regarding the Battle of New York, I have to admit that he is indeed completely different now compared to before.

We have gained a deeper understanding of what Hydra did—but that doesn't absolve Tony Stark of his responsibility."

"Well, I understand."

Oaks shrugged:

"I've done everything I can, and the information you saw is all based on real events. Now, it's time for you to meet and talk."

"We are ready."

Pietro crossed his arms and nodded slightly:

"But if he's still the same arrogant person, he won't get away without facing some trouble."

"Then let's go. Follow me to New York first. We'll go to Avengers Tower."

When Oaks led the two through the portal to arrive at the Little Rainforest, they were shocked, as expected.

"Is this the work of a sorcerer?"

Wanda was clearly more interested in the portal:

"It's indeed an amazing technique... or should I say, magic? Can it be used like this?"

"Of course, just like technology, magic can bring certain conveniences."

Oaks pointed to the Little Rainforest:

"Here, my magic was involved in the construction from the beginning."

"Can my magic also do something like this?"

Wanda looked at the vibrant Little Rainforest with envy. When she was on the Nature Guardian, the overwhelming magic energy from the Ark had already impressed her.

This made Wanda, who used to think her abilities were only for revenge, have a different longing for "magic."

"Even in magic, different individuals excel in different areas. You both need to keep learning."

Oaks smiled and walked out of the courtyard with the two:

"Well, I'll find someone to drive us..."

"That's too slow."

Pietro stretched his body and felt a little excited:

"I've already looked at the map of New York. I'll take Wanda there directly... Avengers Tower is hard to miss!"


Oaks rubbed his chin. Young people just couldn't contain their excitement. Were they showing off?

Ignoring whether Oaks agreed or not, Pietro picked up Wanda on his own and exclaimed:

"Don't keep us waiting too long!"


Their figures disappeared.

"It's quite fast, but it's still in the early stages, far from enough..."


"This is Avengers Tower?"

Pietro stopped in his tracks, gently setting Wanda down. He looked at the entrance with a complex expression and snorted.

"Heh, looks like we'll have to wait a bit longer."

"...You guys are so slow."

As soon as he finished speaking, Pietro saw Oaks walking out of Avengers Tower.

"Come over here, I'll take you inside."

"...Wait, how is it possible that you're so fast!"

"Hmm? I only used... less than half of my speed."

Oaks raised his eyebrow and said calmly. "Around ten times the speed of sound."


Pietro frowned. Despite awakening his abilities not long ago, his speed was fast, but not fast enough to reach the speed of sound.

"You both need to keep learning..."

Oaks smirked, leading the slightly subdued duo into Avengers Tower, straight to the Avengers' gathering area on the top floor.

"Welcome back, Dr. Oaks."

J.A.R.V.I.S.'s voice sounded, causing Pietro and Wanda's expressions to change slightly. However, having learned of Malorn's existence from the Benevolent Society, they weren't too surprised.

"Hello, J.A.R.V.I.S. Where's Tony?"

"Mr. Stark is in the laboratory. Shall I call him out for you?"

"Yes, I've brought two guests. We'll wait for him in the reception room."

"Very well."

Oaks brought the seemingly inadequate Pietro and Wanda to the reception room--

It must be said that even though Oak Environmental Technologies, under Banner's leadership, had a complete set of equipment, it didn't compare to the facilities in Avengers Tower. Underneath the transparent floor were assembly factories.

"These robots... seem familiar to me."

Wanda sat on the sofa in the reception room as a service robot brought them drinks.

She furrowed her brow.

"Strucker also had something similar."

"These are Tony's unmanned drone legion. They can replace regular soldiers for frontline combat."

Oaks picked up his drink and took a sip. The coffee here was provided by him, and finally, he could drink it.

"J.A.R.V.I.S here is the overall commander of the Iron Legion. Their existence has reduced the casualties of ordinary soldiers and allowed the Avengers to focus more on more dangerous matters."

"But it seems like you're quite free."

Pietro, who was still bothered by who was faster, huffed.

"Besides, isn't Dr. Banner also an Avenger? It seems he doesn't even need to take action."

"That's because we haven't encountered targets that require both of them to take action."

The door opened, and Pietro and Wanda turned their heads abruptly, seeing Tony walk in wearing casual clothes.

"Although sometimes I don't want to admit it, I have to say that being with these monsters is quite stressful."

"...Hey, I'm still here!"

Oaks pursed his lips and stood up.

"Alright, you guys can handle the rest. I'll wait outside—Is J.A.R.V.I.S.'s distress call still active? If something happens to you, I'll come back."

Tony: "..."

Though Oaks said he wouldn't be involved in their conversation, in reality, with J.A.R.V.I.S.'s assistance, he was monitoring the entire process.

As expected, Wanda detected the fear hidden behind Tony's seemingly serious remarks.

Tony believed he had overcome the aftermath of the wormhole, but in reality, that scene only ceased affecting him in normal circumstances.

The fear he experienced was something that could never be forgotten.

"Do you... dare to face your own inner fear?"

So Wanda asked him, looking into Tony's calm eyes, she, who had lived in fear and hatred for more than a decade, faced Tony directly.

"We have been tormented by fear for over a decade. So, what about you? What will you be like in the face of fear?"

"Fear? Ha, the fear that I faced, you haven't experienced that."

Tony sat across from Pietro and Wanda, these two young people in their twenties who were facing a forty-four-year-old man. They could only be considered younger than him.

He understood what they had been through, and he acknowledged his guilt. But guilt couldn't solve the problem--

He was a futurist, accustomed to looking forward, rectifying mistakes, and compensating for guilt by doing better.

"I understand your fear because I have also experienced it--

It wasn't even until over a year ago that I completely resolved this issue."

He shrugged, lifted his glass, and took a sip. His voice sounded heavy.

"The details of this matter are known only to me.

When I was attacked in Afghanistan and saw the Stark Industries logo on the bomb next to me, believe me, I didn't fare any better than you did at that time--

Especially when it actually exploded."

Wanda and Pietro were taken aback. This was something Tony had never publicly disclosed.

All along, he had kept quiet about the details of being attacked in Afghanistan and subsequently creating the Iron Man armor.

And now, he finally chose to reveal this experience to two young people who had undergone similar events.

"If it weren't for some luck, I might have died there... Fortunately, I have some good friends who helped me recover and gave me a chance to make up for my mistakes."

"...What he said is true."

Wanda turned to look at Pietro, nodding slowly.

"It's ironic. So, the executioner also had such an experience."

"I thought people's impression of me had already changed. Superheroes and such seem more suited to me."

Tony put down his glass, forcing a smile. Clearly, this recollection wasn't pleasant.

"Regarding Sokovia, Oaks has already informed me. I will cooperate with him and do my best to help your country."

"As for you two, are you interested in joining the Avengers?"

He took out a remote control-like device from his pocket and waved it lightly, causing holographic projections of Pietro and Wanda to appear in front of them.

"Your abilities will greatly help those who have suffered similar misfortunes in the world."


Pietro and Wanda exchanged a glance, seeing the same complex expressions in each other's eyes.

But finally, they stood up together.

"We will be watching you."

Wanda looked at Tony seriously, just as Tony stood up as well.

"If you make a big mistake again, we will kill you."

"...Aren't you afraid that Oaks won't be able to revive me?"

Tony made an exaggerated expression.

"In case he was bluffing, the world would truly lose a superhero!"

"Then try your best not to make mistakes!"

Pietro crossed his arms and huffed.

"As for the Avengers, we need to consider it. Oaks said our abilities require continuous learning."

"Well, he has more say in that regard than I do."

Tony secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed he wouldn't trouble Oaks to resurrect him today.

"Alright, with the misunderstandings cleared up, let's go have a drink!"


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