Chapter 264: Looming Sense of Crisis

Tony coughed violently a few times, interrupting these two guys' reckless discussion.

"Well, let's put aside the issue of artificial intelligence. What we need is powerful computing power... but I have a question."

He pointed to the Mind Stone placed in the detection device.

"Why can't we directly use this... Mind Stone as the mainframe of the computer?

If this thing really has infinite power, wouldn't that make it the most powerful computer in the entire universe, capable of even simulating the entire universe?"

"But it would attract endless covetousness from the entire universe."

Oaks shook his head lightly, while Banner pondered.

"Just like the Tesseract? When S.H.I.E.L.D. researched the energy leaked from the Tesseract, it attracted Loki and the Chitauri.

Similarly, if we use the original form of the Mind Stone as computing power, it would also cause powerful energy fluctuations and attract other invaders!"

"That's true, but the replicas based on it won't have this problem."

Oaks pointed at Tony.

"For example, your Arc Reactor. You haven't forgotten its connection with the Tesseract, have you?"

"The isotope of the Space Stone..."

Tony nodded silently. Indeed, the Arc Reactor made with the isotopes of the Space Stone would not attract the attention of aliens like the real Space Stone.

Similarly, if they used the structural principles of the Mind Stone to create a supercomputer, it wouldn't repeat the mistakes of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"And strictly speaking, the Mind Stone has an owner."

Oaks's words drew the attention of Tony and Banner. They exchanged astonished glances, and a name blurted out:


"No, Loki obtained the Mind Stone from someone else. Asgard wouldn't keep the Mind Stone.

In their view, the two Infinity Stones shouldn't be kept too close together, so they gave away the Reality Stone, also known as the Aether, last time."

Oaks's gaze turned toward the Mind Stone. He couldn't reveal the true original owner of this thing yet, but it didn't prevent Tony and Banner from feeling a chill.

"Loki was manipulated at that time... but he had a cooperative relationship with the Chitauri. So there is an even stronger force behind him that provided him with the Mind Stone!"

Finally, Tony understood the reason behind this. His face became serious and somewhat rigid.

"Loki received forgiveness from Odin...

In other words, the invasion by Loki and the Chitauri not only failed, but he also betrayed his previous master?

Ha! This guy will be held accountable!"

"But as long as Odin is alive, this incident won't happen in a day... but Odin only has a few years left to live.."

As someone who personally treated Odin's injuries, information revealed by Oaks was absolutely reliable.

At this, Banner's eyes widened.

"In other words, after Odin's lifespan is over, that force behind Loki is likely to hold him accountable and set their sights on the Mind Stone!"

"Perhaps it's not just the Mind Stone..."

Oaks sighed.

"Remember, during the last Chitauri invasion, Thor mentioned that the Tesseract, the Space Stone, was Loki's reward for those guys!"

"So, in reality, it is the force behind Loki that needs the Space Stone!"

Tony's voice turned as cold as ice debris.

"He's collecting the Infinity Stones!"

"Asgard didn't want to keep the two Infinity Stones together. With him collecting so many..."

Banner wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, giving a bitter smile.

"So, we need to deal with this matter as soon as possible and then send the Mind Stone away from Earth?"

Oaks spread his hands helplessly.

"That seems to be the case for now. Asgard will probably remember that the Mind Stone is on Earth sooner or later, but I am confident that we can delay it for some time."

He couldn't say, "Sorry, there's still an Infinity Stone on Earth, and whether we send the Mind Stone away or not, Thanos will come anyway."

Moreover, if the plan is successful, is there really a need to fear Thanos?

Analyzing the characteristics of the Mind Stone using a computer, creating a data conversion port between the biological computer and the existing systems, and developing new algorithms suitable for the biological computer are not Oaks's areas of expertise.

Therefore, the design work for the completely new biological computer was entrusted to Tony and Banner, the two smartest guys on Earth, while Oaks was responsible for the subsequent construction of the body.

For the "Life Sanctum Project" and the strategic issues discussed by the three, Oaks called a meeting of all the Avengers.

After all, the Life Sanctum Project was not just a scientific plan; it could be considered a "genuine global warning system" led by Earth itself.

It's just that the system itself lacks active defensive capabilities.

But this can be solved with Tony's Iron Legion and Oaks's Nature magic.

This seemingly incredibly far-fetched plan, which surprisingly has a chance of success, unsurprisingly gained unanimous approval from all the Avengers.

Even Steve, who is always criticized by Tony for being stubborn and conservative, agreed to this plan.

On one hand, it was due to his trust in Oaks, and on the other hand, Steve had gained a profound understanding of environmental issues through his work with the Benevolent Society over the years.

In seventy years, the world had already been destroyed by humanity itself. What would it look like in another seventy years?

Modern wars were fought for resources.

Having carefully studied the history of world wars after World War II, Steve understood that a small Earth might not be enough for humanity to continue for another seventy years.

Oaks's plan was a good method to shift internal conflicts. With the ability to expand outward, humanity would truly unite as a whole in the face of threats from the unknown universe.

Just like what the Allied forces did when facing the threat of the Red Skull.

Steve focused on the strategic level, so he had no reason to oppose this plan.

Moreover, Steve did not trust governments or organizations influenced by political factors.

He had more trust in the Benevolent Society led by Oaks, the Oak Environmental Technology company, and the leadership of the Avengers in this matter.

Therefore, the "Life Sanctum Project" would be smoothly implemented as a secret plan that truly affected the future of all humanity in the coming period.

As for the other focus of the plan, the manifestation of the "Gaia consciousness" and the simulation of the ecosystem, it would be a massive undertaking.

It required Oaks to make contact with the Gaia consciousness under the influence of the Mind Stone and directly guide its "arrival" into the data system.

However, with Oaks's current "friendly" reputation, it was far from achievable.

Only "Respect" could make it happen.

Therefore, the ongoing data collection of environmental information from around the world by the Benevolent Society could now be put to use.

It was a gradual process of improvement.

Hence, in the second half of the year, Oaks had other plans to assist the implementation of this project.

To facilitate this auxiliary plan, Oaks needed to complete the globalization process of the Benevolent Society as soon as possible.

Therefore, after another week had passed, Oaks finally called Dane Whitman back after dealing with a bunch of things.

"Dane, you've been doing well in Sokovia lately."

In the conference room of the Nature Guardian, Oaks looked at the slightly uneasy young man in front of him and smiled faintly.

"You've been getting along well with Baron Zemo, haven't you?"

"Well, Chairman Oaks, I have to say Baron Zemo is truly an impressive guy!"

Dane prepared a bunch of task reports. After Oaks returned from Sokovia, he handed over the heavy responsibility of dealing with Baron Zemo to Dane.

As someone from an ancient noble family, Dane Whitman was suitable for dealing with nobles like Zemo. Perhaps compared to Zemo, Dane's intellect was slightly lacking, but he was full of enthusiasm and worked very diligently, even to the point of being stubborn.

This was to Zemo's liking. Zemo would handle domestic affairs on his own, and the people sent by the Benevolent Society just needed to focus on their own tasks.

"The progress of the initial 'Foundation' pilot work is much faster than expected."

Dane took out a data report and was a little excited.

"Although Sokovia has a small land area, the mobilization of power is very rapid.

After Baron Zemo gained influence, all the preparations were completed in less than a month!"

"As of yesterday, 'Foundation No. 4' has been planted in the sunny slope of Sokovia's largest logging site, and its growth is as expected.

We used the tree stumps left from logging as the foundation and transformed all the bare land in the logging site into a moss substrate.

The first batch of 'Abundance No. 4' seeds suitable for sunny slopes has been planted. With a growth period of only three months, we will soon see results!"

Dane couldn't help but praise, "Chairman Oaks, although Sokovia is small, it has important transportation routes to neighboring countries. If it can stabilize with our help, the regional situation will greatly improve!"

"Well, that's even better. Baron Zemo won't regret it. Our assistance will only help him further consolidate his influence, or even go further."

Oaks nodded with a smile. Zemo was highly efficient, and Dane's work was also on point. It was time for the next step:

"Dane, leave the follow-up work to your assistant. I have something more important for you."

"Tomorrow, come to London with me."


Dane's smiling face instantly fell, and he asked with a disappointed expression, "Chairman... Did my uncle speak ill of me again?"

Dane Whitman knew that his uncle had connections with Oaks. In fact, due to some communications in the past two years, his relationship with his uncle had improved, and they were no longer as distant as before.

So he was actually quite grateful to Oaks in private.

"No, it's a really important mission I have for you."

Oaks looked at Dane's somewhat flustered expression and couldn't help but smile wryly, "I'm planning to have you take over as the regional director of the Benevolent Society and oversee the construction and management of the European branch in London!"


Dane suddenly widened his eyes and gradually opened his mouth, "Huh?"

"Why, not confident?"

"Uh... no, no, ah, no, I mean..."

Dane's forehead started sweating, and he even nervously stood up, "Chairman! I mean, my experience in the Benevolent Society is still too shallow, and there are many more suitable candidates than me, Secretary Antonio, Supervisor Matt, and even Jack..."

"They all have their own tasks. In terms of Europe, especially London, you are a 'local'."

Oaks waved his hand, and Dane felt an invisible force pushing him back into his chair.

"The European division is very important, and it's time for you to have a proper talk with your uncle."


Dane remained silent for a while, and finally, a determined look appeared in his eyes.

"Alright, Chairman, I accept this mission!"


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