Chapter 279: Valhalla's Brewer

Tony is a highly proactive guy, and he is incredibly wealthy.

So within half an hour, he had selected a large and well-situated factory area in northern New York, near the Great Lakes, to prepare for relocation and reconstruction.

It would not only be the new home for JARVIS but also serve as the new headquarters for the Avengers.

Steve had never really liked the Avengers Tower, so now it might be much better.

Moreover, the new place was spacious enough for the Avengers to train and experiment to their heart's content, much more convenient than in a building.

By the time Oaks finished dealing with the affairs of the Asian branch and returned, Stark Industries' formidable construction team had already completed the construction of the new headquarters...

By the way, Wanda and Pietro had also joined the Avengers, but they were stationed on the Nature Guardian and conducted operational training at the training base.

It seemed that the Avengers had now split into two groups: one focused on fighting criminals, and the other on benefiting humanity.

Oaks himself even joked that his side should be called "Servers" instead of "Avengers".

"So, they just moved over like that? That's too fast! Bruce isn't here either."

In the Little Rainforest, Oaks was discussing Tony's speed of moving with Matt.

"What will happen to the original Avengers Tower?"

"It's temporarily restored as a research and development center for Stark Industries."

There was a slight bruise on Matt's face, which made Oaks raise an eyebrow curiously.

"Well, I'll go over there later... What happened to you?"

"Uh, I got a minor injury during practice with Shang-chi and Pietro."

Matt awkwardly touched his face but quickly regained some pride.

"Chairman, I have fully adapted to my super senses now. With the addition of vision, I feel like I can take on two of my previous selves!"

"Oh? Congratulations... You've made fast progress."

Oaks snapped his fingers and healed the bruise on Matt's face. After thanking him, Matt hesitated for a moment before asking:

"Chairman, what's our relationship with the bar 'Valhalla'?"

Oaks was taken aback, and then he saw Matt scratching his head with a somewhat complicated expression.

"After taking over the affairs of the American branch, I found that New York has been rather strange lately...

Hell's Kitchen, my old neighborhood, has unbelievably good public order. It's like a completely different block. I haven't been back there for a while, and last time I went, I almost didn't recognize it!

And my classmates who work as lawyers also gave feedback that several of the most dangerous areas in New York, with high crime rates, have all experienced similar situations recently...

And the common feature of these neighborhoods is that a Valhalla bar opened there."

Matt pushed his sunglasses— he still preferred wearing them— and even with the sunglasses on, he could see quite clearly.

"Chairman, isn't that a bar opened by Asgardians?"

"You noticed, huh."

Oaks stroked his chin. It makes sense since Matt's professional characteristics make him notice these things naturally.

Besides, he is now managing the Little Rainforest, so there is no need to keep it from him...

"Have you met the brewer of Valhalla?"

Oaks invited Matt to accompany him to the brewing workshop deep in the Little Rainforest. It was specially built by Oaks for Odin. Even Matt had never been there before.

"Actually, I have seen him, but only briefly, and we didn't say much."

At that time, Matt couldn't see, although his super senses could perceive that someone was often working there, and he could smell the various fragrances of alcohol, he still didn't know what the brewer looked like.

"Great, he's in the workshop. Let me introduce you, and then we'll go see the owner of Valhalla together."

Oaks spread his hands.

"You guessed it right. It's indeed opened by Asgardians, and not just one... And they're not ordinary Asgardians."

Matt's mind was filled with question marks. Although he had guessed it from the name of the bar, when it came to actually going, he couldn't help but let his imagination run wild.

It couldn't be that the two princes of Asgard were holed up in a bar, right?

Given the personalities of Balder and Thor, there is no reason for me not to know, right?

"Hey, Mr. Solomon, good afternoon."

As he was contemplating, Matt followed Oaks through a special door made of vines. He had never been here before.

Oaks greeted a big man in a white lab coat who was busy with bottles and jars.

"Oh! Chairman Oaks, you're back?"

The big man in the white lab coat turned around, revealing a face that looked somewhat... no, very rugged.

Matt only just noticed that this guy had an imposing figure. But when he saw Oaks, the big man in the white lab coat immediately smiled and hurriedly approached.

"Oh, Chairman Oaks, let me tell you, the ingredients you provide here are truly excellent, and many of them are unique treasures.

I have recently developed an extremely excellent flavored liquor. Would you like to try it?"

As he spoke, he noticed Matt standing next to Oaks and clapped his hands with a smile.

"Oh, it's Vice Chairman Murdoch. Hahaha, sorry, sorry for occupying the space for so long..."

"Yes, Matt has officially taken over the American branch for a few months now, and you are neighbors after all.

I was away for a while, so let's get acquainted now."

Oaks' expression was also somewhat strange. Every time he saw this brewer, he had a lot to say.

So he introduced Matt:

"This is Mr. Solomon, the elite brewer, sommelier, and bartender of Valhalla. He is the trusted assistant of Woden, the owner of the bar."

"Oh... I don't dare to claim that!

Mr. Randolph is Woden's trusted assistant. I still have a long way to go...

Besides, Mr. Randolph is the real master sommelier, while I only have some insights into brewing."

Solomon looked at the newly formulated liquor samples on the experimental table and his face was filled with happiness.

"The magical formulas brought by the boss are rare and exquisite wines that have never been seen before. With my rough brewing skills, I tremble every day, afraid of desecrating them!"


Matt looked at the intoxicated brewer and blinked his eyes. The name seemed familiar...

"Chairman, if I remember correctly, there's a gang leader named 'Solomon' near Central Park, right?"

He whispered softly, but he didn't notice the twitch at the corner of Oaks' mouth.

"Because of my eye problems, I've never seen what he looks like, but now I recognize the characteristics...

Chairman, you know I'm sensitive to criminal cases. I'm sure this guy is the gang leader!

Did he clean up his act? He used to specialize in robbery, theft, and protection money...

Huh? But it seems he really loves collecting fine wines..."

"You're right, it's him...

Ah, I'm interested in trying your new creation, Mr. Solomon. And how about a glass for Matt as well?"

After seeing that Solomon had snapped out of his daze, Oaks quickly diverted him and quietly told Matt:

"This guy went to Valhalla shortly after the bar was established to demand protection money, but he was conquered by the wines inside...

No, he was intimidated by the owner inside."

Oaks saw that Solomon was already happily mixing drinks, he touched his nose and said in a strange tone:

"He insisted on joining the bar, even if it meant being a waiter, just to get close to these fine wines. He said he would gladly die for these wines.

The bar owner, Woden, happened to need a bartender, so he kept him, and his entire gang became the first group to be incorporated by Valhalla."


Matt couldn't help but open his mouth wide. Could this really be happening?!

"Now he's a master-level bartender and brewer... You also know that Valhalla is run by Asgardians. You understand the level of their wines, right?"

Seeing Matt nod firmly, Oaks cleared his throat.

"So, Solomon' expertise lies in using Earth's materials to create these superlative wines, preserving their basic flavors while adding many changes and without harming Earthlings' bodies."

"That's why our Little Rainforest, which can provide a variety of high-quality ingredients, became their brewing workshop?"

Matt had just finished speaking when he couldn't help but sniff and looked in astonishment at Solomon, who was performing a string of mesmerizing actions—

His superhuman vision could clearly see the bartender's technique.

"I didn't smell anything special just now... but in an instant, this aroma..."

"Be careful when drinking. His wines have special effects."

After Oaks cautioned, he saw Solomon approaching with a smile, holding two small thumb-sized cups.

"Chairman Oaks, Vice Chairman Murdoch, please~ This is my newly concocted 'Delicate Sensation.' You must finish it in one sip!"

Matt accepted the cup, thanked him. Just as he was wondering what the special effect meant, he saw Oaks down it in one gulp.

So he followed suit and drank it in one go.


The liquor flowed down his throat, it was gentle and elegant. Matt's eyes lit up, but then he widened his eyes—

His superhuman senses hadn't expanded much in terms of range, but the level of detail had noticeably increased!

Now, he could even sense a speck of dust falling on his clothes!

"So, this is... 'Delicate Sensation'?!"

A wine that enhances perception, it was too amazing!

But he quickly calmed down.

Without superhuman senses, the effect probably wouldn't be as pronounced. Most people would only experience a slightly heightened sensitivity.

But Matt was still shocked—

How strong would I be if I drank a glass before a fight?

However, this time it was only a small cup, and the sensation came and went quickly.

Ten seconds later, Matt's feeling returned to normal.

"Truly remarkable, Mr. Solomon... Huh?"

He noticed that Solomon was looking at Oaks with confusion.

And Oaks, who had just opened his eyes, also had an extremely serious expression.

"Thanks, Solomon. That drink just helped me out..."

Then He suddenly turned his head to the west and his figure instantly transformed into white-throated needletail.

"Solomon, take Matt to Mr. Woden. I'll be back in no time!"

In the blink of an eye, Oaks' figure disappeared.

Solomon and Matt looked at each other, rubbed their heads, and laughed.

"Hahaha... Chairman Oaks actually thanked me. Come on, buddy, tonight's drinks are on me!"

But Matt knew that it wasn't often that he could see Oaks with that expression.

"I hope nothing big happens..."


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