Chapter 288: The Sorcerer Supreme's Guidance

Oaks didn't mind learning some spells outside the Druidic heritage.

The spells he had learned from Frigga, the Queen of Asgard, were quite practical.

However, Frigga, despite her strength, would never let go of her heritage and teach Oaks as she had taught Loki.

Agatha was different.

Perhaps her spells were not as powerful as Frigga's in terms of level and potency, but the lineage of Earth witches was not to be underestimated.

After all, it was a lineage that had been hunted by the world for thousands of years and still managed to be passed down intact.

Oaks had no interest in the aspects of dark magic, so he was not affected even after reading the Darkhold. He did not have such a strong desire for the power and knowledge it represented.

Of course, this also had to do with his powerful soul and the protection of astral energy.

Aside from black magic, Agatha mastered many spells, with her greatest expertise lying in perception, transformation, and manipulation of mind.

Oaks was already skilled in perception himself, had no interest in manipulating the mind, but he was quite intrigued by transformation magic.

Previously, he could only transform himself, while Agatha's magic could transform both herself and others.

It was very similar to Loki's magic.

So, when Agatha was introduced to Wanda as her magical mentor, Oaks also learned some transformation magic from her.

It was the first time Wanda understood what Oaks meant when he referred to her as a "witch."

Agatha's vast knowledge shocked the young witch, who had always focused on developing her own magical abilities. Therefore, she naturally accepted Agatha as her magical mentor.

However, Oaks couldn't study with them for long. He still had to deal with the Darkhold and the lingering issues with Mephisto.

Therefore, after quickly mastering Agatha's transformation magic, Oaks left the Avengers Base.

"Malorn, keep an eye on Agatha. If she tries to instill any strange thoughts into Wanda, inform me immediately."

"Don't worry, brother. I will."

Malorn had created a physical body for J.A.R.V.I.S., serving as his biological computer core. J.A.R.V.I.S. had begun taking over Tony's Iron Legion, using his immense computational power to improve their operations and upgrades.

Malorn and J.A.R.V.I.S.'s information was interconnected, and the entire Avengers Base was under J.A.R.V.I.S.'s surveillance.

Therefore, Malorn also has complete surveillance authority over the Avengers Base.

Currently, apart from the Howling Commandos responsible for external operations and Wanda and Pietro undergoing training, Tony and Banner were devoting all their energy to optimizing the computational power of the biological computer.

Even with the enhancement by Nature magic, it was still unknown whether Malorn could handle the data of the entire Earth's ecosystem.

As various information and data collected by the ecosystem continued to accumulate, the estimated computational power required for the "Gaia Consciousness" mirror was growing rapidly every day.

Although it hadn't yet exceeded Malorn's reserved computational limit, the data they collected was still just a drop in the bucket for the Earth's ecosystem.

When Oaks returned to New York, Johnny Blaze, the Ghost Rider, had already bid farewell to his senior, Carter Slade, and continued his own wandering journey.

Oaks didn't try to recruit him because, after breaking free from Mephisto's control, Johnny had acquired the empowering Blue Flame and taken on the responsibility of the Spirit of Vengeance.

He aimed to punish evil and seek revenge for the innocent, desiring to do good and punish evil. He had grown accustomed to working alone.

Of course, Johnny left his contact information behind. After all, Mephisto hadn't achieved his goals yet and wouldn't give up easily.

Being no longer under Mephisto's control but still maintaining a special connection with Hell, Johnny would become an important force to counter Mephisto.

When Oaks arrived at the New York Sanctum, the Ancient One was already waiting for him in person.

"You didn't go find Odin first? After all, he was the one who told you about Mephisto," the Ancient One asked.

It is the familiar tea table, familiar tea set, and familiar tea brewing technique.

Oaks took a sip of tea from the cup and finished it in one gulp, sighing contentedly.

"Odin is too busy playing his gangster games. If he cared about this matter so much, he would have told me directly that Mephisto was the mastermind behind it. But he never mentioned that name."

He shrugged helplessly.

"Getting old, especially when you're old and still at the peak of power, makes you capricious.

The 'Guardian of the Nine Realms' on the surface is still sitting on the Asgardian throne. Unless things reach an irreparable point, he probably won't show up."

"Fair enough. It seems that it was the right decision to assign Odin to you in the first place."

The Ancient One smiled and brewed the tea. She looked at Oaks, who seemed reluctant to agree.

"So what was Mephisto doing here?"

"He was trying to trick me."

Oaks told Ancient One what Mephisto told him. She pondered for a moment and nodded slowly:

"Nightmare... If you can fully grasp the power of nature, this matter is indeed feasible."

"Mephisto's schemes are one after another, but I am well aware of them."

Oaks pointed to his own head:

"In terms of tactics, I can't outplay him, so the best way is not to play with him."

"Are you really indifferent to the dream dimension?"

The Ancient One took a deep look at Oaks, and a small portal appeared near her hand. She reached in and took out a book, causing Oaks's mouth to twitch.

So, Your successor's smart skills have already exhausted their usefulness in your hands.

The Ancient One flipped through the book and turned the open page towards Oaks. The book floated in front of him.

"A space shaped and molded by the collective subconsciousness of humanity..."

Oaks looked at the record on it. It was an introduction to the Dream Dimension, but the content was scarce, although it also mentioned the Dimension Lord - Nightmare.

Oaks furrowed his brow, finding it somewhat different from what he had expected. The Dream Dimension was a rather peculiar existence in dimensional space.

It is a physical space, but it only affects the mind.

And the most ridiculous thing is that although it is called the Dream Dimension, it seems that only nightmares exist here, and pleasant dreams are out of the question.

So, the name "Nightmare Dimension" seems more appropriate.

However, this dimension seems to have a characteristic that its dimensional power is limited by willpower.

This made Oaks look peculiar.

If Captain America, who has the strongest willpower in the entire Marvel universe, enters the Dream Dimension, can he defeat the Dimension Lord Nightmare?

It probably won't be that simple, right?

After all, he is a Dimension Lord... Isn't it said that Dimension Lords are invincible in their own dimensions?

And defeating him wouldn't really serve any purpose. It wouldn't be possible to strip him of his Dimension Lord authority, nor could he be killed.

So, another approach must be considered.

The Sorcerer Supreme said it is feasible...

The prerequisite is to fully master the power of nature, to be completely blessed by the "Gaia Consciousness."

Oaks suddenly woke up.

By that time, I would have reached the realm of "my will represents the will of heaven." In terms of willpower... I would be unmatched.

Defeating Nightmare shouldn't be a problem.

And the most important point...

The essence of the "Gaia Consciousness" is the collective subconscious of the biosphere, the collective subconsciousness of all living beings on Earth!

Its intensity is much higher than that of the "collective human subconsciousness"!

"I see now!"

Oaks' eyes sparkled. Truly, she deserved the title of Sorcerer Supreme.

He immediately grasped the crux of the problem.

"Hehe... it's good that you understand. As the Sorcerer Supreme, who has been guarding the Earth against dimensional invasions for so long, I really wish that we humans also had our own Dimension Lord."

The Ancient One nodded in satisfaction. But then her expression gradually turned serious.

"You... have you read that book?"

"I have."

Oaks remained silent for a moment and nodded.

"But the black magic mentioned in it conflicts with the nature of my magic power. It also attempted to affect my soul. I only read one page and couldn't continue.

So, today, I brought it here. How does the Sorcerer Supreme intend to handle it?"

He slowly reached out, and the book emanating strange magical fluctuations appeared in his palm.

"The Darkhold..."

The Ancient One's face became solemn as she carefully examined Oaks. After a while, she nodded slowly.

"To think that you could voluntarily hand it over... it seems that it hasn't affected your soul indeed."

"The protection mechanism of the New York Sanctum is not enough. Let's go to Kamar-Taj."

Oaks nodded, the Darkhold would reveal the knowledge that the viewer wants to know, so the page he saw was the record of the Scarlet Witch.

Oaks used the Nature energy and the Astral energy, along with his own immense soul power, to barely suppress the influence of this sinister book on his soul.

However, he absolutely dared not flip through another page.

With a gentle push, the Darkhold floated in front of the Ancient One.

The Ancient One chanted an incantation, made several gestures, and a golden protective layer was bestowed upon the Darkhold.

It was a spherical protective barrier, and Oaks could feel the immense magical power flowing within it.

Even the Sorcerer Supreme needed to chant incantations and make gestures to cast spells. Its strength was evident.

The Ancient One opened a portal and walked through, with Oaks following closely behind.

When they arrived at their destination, Oaks was taken aback.

It was a spacious area filled with countless bookshelves.

A chubby man in a mage robe was wielding a feather duster, cleaning the bookshelves.

"... Don't you have a cleaning spell or something?"

Oaks looked at the man, who had a serious expression but was waving the feather duster around with his eyes darting around. This guy is quite a performer in front of the Sorcerer Supreme!

"Greetings, Sorcerer Supreme!"

The man turned around and bow to the Ancient One, who nodded gently.

"Wong, the library is temporarily closed.

Also, Oaks, many of the books stored here contain magical power. Therefore, for safety reasons, all spells are not allowed here."


Oaks looked at the just-dispersed portal with a peculiar expression.

Well, the rules set by the Sorcerer Supreme didn't mention that she had to follow them herself.

The corners of Wong's mouth awkwardly twitched and he glanced secretly at the Ancient One, who was walking slowly, and also bowed to Oaks.

"Greetings, Master Oaks. I am Wong, the librarian of Kamar-Taj."

"Pleasure to meet you."

Oaks shook hands with Wong. He really admired his name for a long time——

During the time when Kamar-Taj was going green, he hadn't seen this funny guy, and he regretted it.

Wong closed the library as instructed by the Ancient One, and Oaks followed the Ancient One's footsteps to a special bookshelf.

With a sweep of her hand, the bookshelf slowly disappeared, revealing a hidden door behind it.

"Here we are, the Seal Chamber."


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