Chapter 290: Making Friends Out of Nothing?

"Sometimes, people have to break the rules to achieve great things," Oaks said as he took a sip of tea.

"So, you broke the rules, drew power from the Dark Dimension, and extended your lifespan by hundreds of years, becoming known as the Ancient One, intimidating the universe until..."

His gaze met the Ancient One's eyes.

"That surgeon?"

"My destiny ends when he truly realizes his mission," the Ancient One smiled.

"He will be the best of us."

Then her gaze towards Oaks became peculiar.

"But strangely, ever since I discovered your existence, I saw a fate where Strange couldn't become the Sorcerer Supreme.

Originally, this was impossible, but if you really treat him, it would become possible.

So I had to make a deal with you.

But after that, I not only couldn't see your destiny, but even my ability to glimpse my own destiny stopped at the moment the deal ended."

"Which means, Sorcerer Supreme, your destiny has changed from predetermined to uncertain?" Oaks realized.

"Every choice creates a different future. If you hadn't chosen to draw power from the Dark Dimension for longevity, this timeline wouldn't exist.

And by making a choice outside of your original destiny—making a deal with me—it will undoubtedly impact your own destiny."

He looked at the Ancient One seriously.

"So perhaps, this time and the countless previous times, it's not just different paths leading to the same outcome, but rather different endings?"

"There is one year left until the original destiny," the Ancient One put down her teacup, refilled it from the teapot, and raised it again.

"I will hold on until that moment. And if my successor fails to realize his mission..."

She paused, her gaze seemingly trying to penetrate Oaks's thoughts.

"That would prove that your appearance has replaced the importance of the Sorcerer Supreme. Perhaps the Earth would have a better outcome without the need for the Sorcerer Supreme's protection."

"Heh, leave the professional matters to professionals. Sorcerer Supreme, you overestimate me," Oaks shook his head repeatedly. Taking on this burden recklessly would cost many lives.

"I wish the Sorcerer Supreme could find her own successor... but dark magic is always a great threat.

In my lineage, there are some not-so-detailed records about the Dark Dimension and its lord, Dormammu. He... is not a good company to keep."

He looked into the Ancient One's eyes and earnestly listed what he knew.

"The Dimension Lord has complete control over the power of dimensional space, just as Mephisto has in his realm or Nightmare in the Dream Dimension.

And the dark magic of Dormammu's Dark Dimension erodes the will of the user, ultimately turning them into his followers."

"Sorcerer Supreme, you can suppress the erosion of dark magic with your formidable magical attainment. But if your zealous disciples discover your actions, it would shatter their beliefs.

It would provide Dormammu with powerful followers, disrupt the image of the Sorcerer Supreme lineage maintained for hundreds of years, and severely impact the role of sorcerers in protecting the world."

The Ancient One furrowed her brow slightly, as what Oaks said had indeed happened in the countless times she had glimpsed her own destiny before. Although she knew it was part of destiny, she still couldn't let go of the destinies of her disciples.

Then the Ancient One spoke slowly.

"So what do you propose?"

"Sorcerer Supreme, the key is to extend your lifespan until the moment you desire, seamlessly passing on the role of the Sorcerer Supreme.

The universe and other dimensions must understand that the Earth will always have the Sorcerer Supreme to protect it."

Oaks squinted his eyes slightly.

"However, at that time, you had no other choice and no other magic could extend your lifespan... But now, you have options."

A verdant light emanated from his hand, reflecting in the Ancient One's green pupils.

"The miracles created by Nature magic are more suitable for life than dark magic.

Sorcerer Supreme can suppress the erosion of dark magic for hundreds of years, so there must be no problem in suppressing the side effects like turning into vegetation, right?"

"...Oaks, you have always upheld not breaking the laws of nature," the Ancient One's mouth curved slightly.

"At most, you can only allow ordinary people to live to the limits of their physiological age. But a lifespan of hundreds of years is something that can't be explained by human physiology."

"Sorcerer Supreme, Druids are an ancient magical profession, with a history that can be traced back four thousand years," Oaks wore a serious expression.

"The ancient Celtic ancestors obtained magical power from nature and the cosmos. When it comes to the study of life, no other magical school can surpass us."

He pointed to himself.

"Sorcerer Supreme, your age is merely a few hundred years, and my magical attainments are insignificant compared to yours. But with this unique magical lineage, living for a thousand years is absolutely no problem for me."

Well, maybe even a few thousand years.

"I won't break the laws of nature on this point."

Oaks revealed a meaningful smile on his face.

"But Sorcerer Supreme, you... are a Celt."

The Ancient One widened her eyes.

"Six hundred years ago, the last descendant of the Celtic Druids and the esteemed Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One fought together against dimensional invasion. To protect the world, the last Druid infused his powers into the Ancient One before his death...

The Ancient One promised to protect the Earth in place of his friend and find a successor for him..."

Oaks stroked his chin, his eyes were shining brightly.

"How about this version of the story?"


The Ancient One's expression became complex as she opened her mouth.

"This... Making friends out of nothing??"

"You are aware of Avalon, Sorcerer Supreme, and it was you who suggested I find it."

Oaks waved his hand, and the teleportation portal to Avalon appeared beside him and the Ancient One.

"Come to think of it, I haven't invited the Sorcerer Supreme to visit Avalon... It's quite impolite of me.

Oaks Woods, the descendant of the Druids, found the sacred land of Avalon under the guidance of the Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One.

He understood the connection between the lineage of the Sorcerer Supreme and himself after obtaining the inheritance.

Then, while visiting Kamar-Taj, he accidentally let it slip..."

He winked at the Ancient One, whose mouth twitched.

"Now the 'Sorcerer Supreme's secret to immortality' that weighs on the disciples' hearts has finally been answered, and they all lament making friends carelessly... or not."

Oaks coughed twice, and the Ancient One's expression had already become numb.

"It's a story about the longstanding friendship between Sorcerers and Druids, and in this era, they must join forces to fight against external threats and unite to protect the Earth...

Ah, it's truly a moving story."

Oaks unconsciously wiped the corner of his eye.

"Malorn, write three different versions of the mainline in different styles, and make them look old, covering the six hundred years of history."

"Understood, Brother."


The Ancient One silently looked at the entrance to Avalon. After a while, she suddenly smiled helplessly.

"Oaks, you said your personality isn't as rigid as Mordo's, but now it seems like you're quite sly..."

"But I can't seem to refuse your good intentions, so let's do it as you said."

She showed a hint of apology, not towards Oaks but towards her disciples.

"Sorry... let what can't be spoken remain a secret... Perhaps it's for the best for all of you."

"This isn't being sly, it's being flexible."

Oaks shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm a person with principles, but I'm not rigid. If it benefits the world and minimizes harm to others as much as possible, why wouldn't I choose that?

Moreover, I haven't broken my own rules or violated the laws of nature."


The Ancient One became curious. She also knew what Oaks had done to Carter and the others.

"So, how do you plan to extend my lifespan? Keep in mind that if I completely dispel the dark magic, the six hundred years would likely turn me to ashes.

It's not something that can be solved just by changing appearances."

"Because, in Avalon, I am nature's law."

Oaks stood up and walked towards the Avalon portal, gesturing for the Ancient One to follow.

"Here, everything I do does not violate the laws of nature, as long as it doesn't exceed Avalon's capabilities."


The Ancient One sighed. If her disciples had this way of thinking, would she have needed to worry and exert effort for hundreds of years?

Maybe several Sorcerer Supremes would have already appeared to succeed her.

Ultimately, the more outstanding the Mystic Masters, the more extreme their thinking became. To put it simply, the more they excelled academically, the more rigidly they adhered to their studies.

Only those with flexible minds and the ability to adapt could ascend to the highest and become the Sorcerer Supreme!

Thus, the Ancient One also stood up and took another look around. Then she strode into the teleportation portal.

Although the plan had been made, it wouldn't be easy to completely dispel the dark magic that had entangled her for over six hundred years.

Fortunately, Oaks had Avalon.

"Destiny is already changing..."

In the northern part of New York State, the Avengers' training base.

"Mr. Stark abnormal atmospheric energy readings have been detected, suspected to be Bifrost."

Jarvis's voice echoed in Tony's lab, his brow slightly furrowed as he set down his work:

"Bifrost? Is Thor coming?"

He instinctively looked at the Mind Stone still in the detector:

"Well... perhaps we're about to lose this little gem."

"Jarvis, inform Oaks and Bruce, and grant Thor access. Bring him over."

"Yes, sir."

On the grass outside the training ground, a beam of light from the Bifrost descended, and Thor's figure emerged from it.

He glanced at the vast, unfamiliar buildings before him, scratching his head:

"...If it weren't for Heimdall, I wouldn't have known they moved, but this place looks much more spacious."


Thor looked up to see a peculiar-looking robot flying towards him.

"Mr. Thor, welcome back to the new headquarters and training base of the Avengers. I will take you to meet Mr. Stark."


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