Chapter 295: Can You Spit Silk?

Originally, Oaks planned to depart with Shang-Chi as soon as possible, but now he had to delay it for a moment.

Peter Parker has been bitten by a bug and undergone some changes...

So now, can he officially be called "Little Spider"?

Oaks asked Shang-Chi to take care of matters at school and prepare for a few months of traveling. Meanwhile, Oaks found the little spider who had been testing his abilities in the Little Rainforest.



Peter was testing his ability to cling to tree trunks and climb when he suddenly reached out and caught a flying acorn.

"Hmm, spider sense..."

Oaks nodded slightly and walked out.

"Chairman Oaks!"

Peter was taken aback and quickly jumped down.

"Uh... um... about Shang-Chi..."

"He told me about your situation."

Oaks carefully sensed Peter's vigorous life force and was secretly amazed—

This guy isn't tall, but his physical parameters are almost comparable to Captain America's.

And he doesn't have Captain America's muscle bulk.

So now, the ranks of mutated superhumans have gained another member.

But... Tony doesn't know yet.

Oaks nodded with satisfaction, leaving Peter somewhat confused.

"Chairman, earlier..."

Peter rattled off the whole story, explaining the cause and effect of his situation to Oaks.

With Oaks's authority in biology and magic, he was the most likely person to answer questions about his physical condition.

"You should have some ideas, Peter."

Oaks pointed to the tree Peter had just climbed.

"The electrostatic adhesion ability you displayed just now is one of the spider's abilities.

And when I threw the acorn at you earlier, you immediately reacted and caught it. That shows a certain degree of danger premonition ability, which can also be considered one of the spider's abilities.

In addition, I used magic to sense your physical qualities. If we proportionally amplify the weight and strength parameters of a spider to a human, it would roughly match your current physical abilities.

And you may not have noticed, but your body's self-healing ability has greatly improved, including physical stamina recovery.

Your metabolism has also increased accordingly, and it seems your immune system has been enhanced."

Blue and green lights alternated in Oaks's eyes as he basically analyzed Peter's current abilities:

"That spider is peculiar. It caused the mutation in your body, but I don't see any adverse effects."

At this point, his expression became strange:

"Hmm... do you have a... sensation of being able to secrete mucus... or spit silk?"


Peter widened his eyes. Dr. Oaks was very accurate with the previous points, worthy of being the chairman...

But what the heck is the last one?

"No, no... I don't feel anything like that!"

Peter vigorously shook his head:

"Then won't I become a humanoid spider?"

"No, not really..."

Oaks rubbed his chin, pondering:

"In fact, it wouldn't be too difficult to modify your body to give you that ability..."

"Mr. Chairman... I don't want to become a monster!"

Seeing Peter on the verge of crying in desperation, Oaks could only shrug:

"Alright, maybe you'll regret it later and come to me for it... Anyway, let's not discuss this matter for now."

He coughed lightly and looked at Peter earnestly:

"So, Mr. Peter Parker, you now possess countless superpowers that many people dream of. What are your thoughts?"


Peter looked bewildered:

"I... I don't have any thoughts... I just adapted to it. I couldn't even walk properly before."

Oaks raised an eyebrow, thought for a moment, and said:

"Well, then do your family members know about this?"

"No, I haven't told them."

Peter answered quickly this time, pleading with Oaks:

"Chairman, can you keep it a secret... I... I don't want Uncle Ben and Aunt May to know that I'm a strange kid. I'm just an ordinary person, and... I'm afraid they'll dislike me..."

"So, you chose to seek answers from us 'strange people'?"

Oaks chuckled:

"Well, I respect your choice regarding your abilities. After all, not everyone likes to be as high-profile and eye-catching as Tony. When I first gained my abilities, I also hid them for a long time."

Peter breathed a sigh of relief. Chairman Oaks truly understood him.

However, he soon became curious:

"So, Chairman, what made you decide to reveal your own abilities and become an Avenger, saving the world?"

The current Little Spider was only a fifteen-year-old kid. Although he is not as introverted and easily bullied after secretly learning martial arts with Shang-Chi, he was still a young boy whose values had not fully formed.

During his time in the Benevolence Society, he learned about the great achievements ordinary people could accomplish.

And compared to the Avengers who were nearby, it was the ordinary members of the Benevolence Society whom he interacted with more frequently.

People who were just like him, ordinary individuals.

So, when he himself stopped being ordinary one day and gained abilities like the Avengers...

He felt lost for a moment.

The identity of an ordinary person and the image of the Avengers protecting civilians caused his thoughts to become somewhat confused.

"At first, I only intended to quietly study and train my abilities on my own."

Oaks snapped his fingers, and two vine chairs rose. He gestured for Peter to sit down, and he took a seat as well.

"You should be familiar with the history of the Benevolence Society. Initially, I had no intention of establishing such an organization, let alone growing it to its current scale."

"Yes, the history of the Benevolence Society is nothing short of a miracle!"

Peter's eyes sparkled. As a young member, how could I not know these things?

This Little Rainforest beneath their feet is where the Benevolence Society was conceived and grew!

"I found Goose, and Goose scratched Antonio, so I brought Antonio back to the shop. The small shop gained one more person and one cat.

At that time, S.H.I.E.L.D. came knocking on my door, and I thought I should at least ensure that they wouldn't have a negative impact on my cat and my store, so I revealed a portion of my abilities as a bargaining chip."

Memories flickered in Oaks's eyes, and Peter listened attentively with wide eyes.

"And Agent Coulson led me to the Benevolence Society founded by Blaze. That's when I suddenly realized that there was such a group of people who experienced a transformation and rebirth due to the conveniences brought about by my abilities...

So at that time, I realized that I could do more, help more people... That's why I took over the Benevolence Society and promoted my environmental public welfare concept, dedicated to making more people's lives better."

"After that, Nick Fury, that bald man, found me and gave me a long lecture, coaxing me to become a world's bodyguard—

That was also the origin of the Avengers.

Although I wasn't very enthusiastic about it, I also realized that if my presence could prevent many tragedies in the world, then it was worth working a bit harder. Besides, it also helped to promote my ideals."

Peter's eyes grew even brighter, and his face was flushed slightly. He excitedly clenched his fists.

"And then, Chairman, you saved me at the Stark Industries Expo and treated a large group of people!"

"Haha! I didn't expect you, this little rascal, to be so promising!!"

Oaks spread his hands helplessly.

"Although that should have been Tony's moment to shine, it's difficult to remain indifferent when faced with a group of people panicking or wailing in danger, especially when you have the ability to help—

So that was the first time I displayed my large-scale healing ability. Although I deliberately kept it hidden, it was eventually exposed by the media once my abilities were revealed."

"After that, there was the Battle of New York!"

Peter became even more excited.

"Chairman, not only did you participate in the battle as an Avenger yourself, but you also dispatched the Benevolence Society for immediate and powerful rescue!

And at that time, you spread healing and enemy-attracting spells throughout half of Manhattan. It was so cool!"

"Perhaps. Although I couldn't prevent many deaths, I did my best to minimize injuries, from severe to minor, and from minor to none. For that, I didn't hide my abilities."

Oaks let out a soft sigh. Many times, he wondered if he had done too much, as quietly profiting and taking advantage of loopholes wouldn't have resulted in a worse outcome.

But the love for life inherent in the druid profession prevented him from ignoring the occurrence of many tragedies when he had the foresight and knowledge.

At least now, he has changed the fate of many people.

The Insight Project, Ultron, Sokovia, the Inhumans...

"So, should one use their abilities to help others?"

Peter looked at his hands in a daze. There was no boy who didn't aspire to be a hero, and he was a huge fan of Iron Man himself.

No, perhaps it wasn't just Iron Man.

"Chairman, do you use your abilities based on this principle?"

"At the very least, it shouldn't be used to harm others. But it's not just me; most of the Avengers choose to use their abilities to save and help people.

In this regard, the ordinary people of the Benevolence Society excel—they do what they can to help others.

An ordinary person's power may be insufficient, so we have the Benevolence Society as an organization. By combining everyone's power, we become stronger than me, someone with special abilities.

Many things always require someone to do them. Just because most people can't do it doesn't mean that everyone can't do it.

Public morality, public welfare, public responsibility, Peter, humans are social animals. The entire human society needs every individual to contribute their share of strength.

If everyone only looks after themselves or uses their extraordinary powers to disrupt society, displaying selfishness and self-interest without any restraint, then society will never progress, and it will never become better."


Peter's mouth was slightly open. Although it was written in books and taught in school, hearing it from a first-generation Avenger he admired undoubtedly had a greater impact on him.

"Perhaps it's a bit presumptuous, but I have to say that this statement holds great meaning, Peter."

Oaks stood up and patted Peter's shoulder.

"With great power comes great responsibility."


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