Chapter 297: Xu Wenwu's Anomalies

In this conference room, through the accounts of the siblings Shang-Chi and Xialing, Oaks finally gained a true understanding of the Ten Rings and their father—

The leader of the Ten Rings, Xu Wenwu.

Despite Tony's intelligence network, Oaks couldn't even find a photo of Xu Wenwu, let alone detailed information.

So, having never seen the movie before, Oaks was extremely curious about Xu Wenwu—

What kind of person was this warlord who had secretly influenced history for thousands of years?

However, after listening to Shang-Chi and Xialing's account, he frowned and fell into contemplation.

"Don't you find this strange?"

He raised his head and looked directly at the two siblings, who seemed a bit bewildered.

"You're saying that your father lived with your mother and you two children. Then, when he went out to buy groceries, enemies came to your home and your mother was killed while protecting you...

The most outrageous part is that those enemies just left without harming you?"

Oaks looked incredulous.

"What kind of person is your father? He's the leader of the Ten Rings, and both of you know the power the Ten Rings possess...

Even if he had given up the Ten Rings at the time, he was still a warlord who had dominated the world for thousands of years. How could he make such a low-level mistake?"

He looked at the siblings, whose mouths gradually opened wide, and helplessly spread his hands.

"Don't you find anything wrong? With such great power and strength, even if he retired from the martial world, how could he not consider the grudges and disputes he had outside?

What would happen after losing the powerful deterrent of martial strength? The tragedies that occurred throughout history for thousands of years, your father should know better than anyone.

You used to live in the heavily fortified headquarters of the Ten Rings, not some defenseless utopia. Were there no guards or defensive measures at all?

The technological strength of the Ten Rings is not low, so they didn't even have alarms or communication devices like phones?

Since these enemies dared to come directly to your doorstep, they must have confirmed that your father had completely lost his ability as the leader of the Ten Rings—

If your father didn't reveal any flaws, I find it really hard to imagine that such a legendary powerhouse could have their home stolen by a group of ordinary gangsters!"

Oaks shook his head with a sense of absurdity.

"Sorry, I don't know if your father has been wasting his time for a thousand years, but if your father paid a little attention, those so-called enemies back then wouldn't have been able to set foot in your family's courtyard!

And what's truly baffling is that it happened right before your eyes, as if by a miracle—

Even movies wouldn't dare to depict it like this!"

Oaks even wanted to commend those guys for having a sense of righteousness!

They killed someone's wife but spared the children. Were they confident that the children wouldn't retaliate or did they hope to leave a way out, expecting the others not to seek revenge on them?!

Was there really no trace of deterrence left from Ten Rings in front of those guys?

What kind of weakened state had he appeared in the eyes of others that allowed those enemies to carry out such a "compassionate" operation?


Shang-Chi and Xialing were stunned.

For so many years, whenever they recalled the scene from back then, all their focus was on their mother being killed.

They had never, even for a moment, thought that all of this was so strange and unreasonable!

"What's going on..."

Shang-Chi carefully recollected the scene again, only to despairingly discover that, as Oaks had said, it was riddled with flaws!

After Xu Wenwu put on the Ten Rings again and took him for revenge, he saw it clearly—

Those guys were completely helpless.

It wasn't that they were powerless against the Ten Rings; even without the Ten Rings, they were still no match.

Simply put—

They were far from qualified to be opponents of Xu Wenwu and the Ten Rings.

These rubbish-like guys killed their mother, who had lost her formidable magical power, and yet they talked about righteousness and spared him and his sister?!

Only the strong would speak of righteousness to the weak!

In their eyes, was their father weak back then?!


"There must be something fishy here!"

It was Xialing who spoke up. She clenched her fist tightly and her eyes were filled with various complex emotions.

"Chairman Oaks, thank you for pointing out these doubts... This whole thing, from beginning to end, is so strange. We didn't realize anything for so many years!"

"We must uncover the truth!"

Shang-Chi snapped out of his daze. He looked at his sister with a grim expression.

"Lingling, it's obvious... It's related to Dad again!

It seems there's even more to discuss with him this time..."

Oaks and Xialing both heard the sound of Shang-Chi clenching his fists, "crack, crack."

"He must be hiding something from us!"

Shang-Chi became unusually determined. He looked at Oaks seriously.

"Chairman, please bear witness for us siblings... Honestly, I'm not confident that I can force Dad to tell the truth under the influence of the Ten Rings. So, perhaps we may need to resort to some extreme measures."

"Huh? I didn't expect you to be so decisive."

Oaks raised an eyebrow and pointed at himself.

"You shouldn't have forgotten why I came this time... Your father's Ten Rings is the target I need to deal with.

Whether as an Avenger or because of Tony's connection, I need to find out about the Ten Rings.

But as the young master and miss of the Ten Rings, well, what you're doing could be seen as betraying your teacher and destroying your ancestry."

Initially, Oaks had planned to wait until they finished their conversation with their father before talking to Xu Wenwu.

But if we go by Shang-Chi's words...

"Chairman, if that was truly a tragic accident, I will personally kneel before him and apologize—

But if it was something orchestrated by our father, it means that in his eyes, our mother and the two of us were merely cold chess pieces and tools!"

Shang-Chi's expression was serious, but his eyes were clear. He knew what he was doing.

"I don't know what his purpose is for doing this, but I don't care about some so-called betrayal in front of the enemies who killed our mother!"

Shang-Chi now vividly remembered his father's desolate and lost look after his mother's death.

The utter despair, hopelessness, and burning desire for revenge...

If all of this was truly an act by his father, what a terrifying person he must be!

What kind of actor would portray all of this so convincingly?!

What was his motive?

Shang-Chi didn't dare to think further.

He could only pray that all of this was a misunderstanding and hope that his father could provide a reasonable explanation for all these doubts.

"It seems you have thought it through..."

Oaks looked at Xialing. She didn't object at this moment, and her gaze towards Shang-Chi softened.

"Alright, then. I'll accompany you, but I won't show myself unless your lives are in danger."

"You can go and talk to Xu Wenwu. The two of you pose no threat to him, and you're his biological children. I believe you'll gather more information without me, a huge threat, standing by your side."

"Thank you, Chairman."

Shang-Chi breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Oaks was there to support them, he could cast aside all his concerns.

He still hadn't completely overcome his fear of his own father. If it were just him and his sister confronting Xu Wenwu, he was afraid he wouldn't be able to say a few words.

"Dad, I hope... it really wasn't you..."


"Oh? They suddenly appeared in Changsha? Together?"

Inside the headquarters of the Ten Rings hidden in the mountains, Xu Wenwu, dressed in white, set aside the ancient book he was studying and looked at his subordinate who came to report.

"Razor Fist," this young man with a tall and muscular build had his right hand missing, replaced by a prosthetic that could generate energy blades.

"Yes, sir. After the young master and the miss escaped our surveillance, they appeared in Changsha separately from New York and Macau. Despite our best efforts, we couldn't find out how they managed to arrive in Changsha."

Razor Fist reported respectfully.

"But based on the young master's relationship with the Benevolence Society, we have reason to believe that all of this is the doing of the Avenger, Druid."

"The Avenger... Heh, makes sense. This Chairman Oaks, his Benevolence Society branch in Asia is located in Changsha. It seems he has already discovered the information about our organization's headquarters and knows about Shang-Chi's identity."

Xu Wenwu had five golden rings engraved with mysterious runes on each of his arms. These were the "Ten Rings" that had allowed him to wage wars for thousands of years and attain immortality.

"Is he planning to destroy our organization? After all, his relationship with Iron Man is quite good...

Hmm, as an Avenger, he is inherently opposed to us. I had originally thought it would be Tony Stark who would come."

"Sir, that incident involving Tony Stark was just a farce staged by an actor..."

Razor Fist looked at Xu Wenwu cautiously.

"You have already captured him, and although his acting skills are truly remarkable, if you hand him over..."

"The incident in Afghanistan won't be easily swept under the rug."

Xu Wenwu smiled and waved his hand, showing no hint of seriousness about the impending powerful enemy.

"If Iron Man isn't personally coming, and instead it's this Druid with deep connections within the country, it means they don't want to make a big fuss about this—

Speaking of which, I have to thank Shang-Chi. If it weren't for him being in the Benevolence Society, that deeply emotional Druid wouldn't have been completely silent until now.

In theory, with Shang-Chi and Xialing's presence, they would have long known the location of our headquarters and could have directly stormed in. But now they've released the news about these two little brats..."

He supported his chin with both hands and his eyes flickered.

"It seems the two little brats have at least realized that using external forces to deal with their father, who stands before them, doesn't look good when it's known to others.

Well, since they're willing to come, they should have figured out a few things during these years away from home."

Xu Wenwu fell silent for a moment, then nodded.

"You go arrange the plane. As a father, I'll personally go pick them up and bring them home...

Let's see how much progress my son has made in these years!"

"Yes, sir!"


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