Chapter 304: The War Between Father and Son

The divine dragon's Qi magic, also known as the divine dragon power, is a special power derived from the nature demigod, the Great Protector.

Essentially, the cultivation of Qi by the people of Ta Lo Village is no different from sorcerers harnessing the power of dimensional beings like the Vishanti to perform magic.

So, in essence, this power does not belong to the learner themselves.

No matter how high their achievement in Qi is, Ta Lo has a way to directly strip this power, just like what happened to Xu Yingli, Shang-Chi's mother.

But if Oaks were to learn this power, he didn't want it to be just borrowed power.

After thorough analysis, he discovered the profound connection between this power and life, nature, and the soul.

As he explained to Shang-Chi and the others, it represented the "Mind" that represented the soul and spirit, the "Body" that represented the foundation of life, and the "Technique" that facilitated communication with nature.

Only when these three aspects harmoniously merged could one reach the highest state.

"I have discovered that individuals can cultivate their unique 'Qi.'"

Oaks first taught the Way of Mist Weaving to Xu Xialing, but Shang-Chi and Yingnan were also listening on the side.

His analysis of the divine dragon power that had been passed down through generations in Ta Lo was something Yingnan had never considered before. So even though she was currently the most advanced practitioner of the divine dragon power in the village, she listened attentively.

"But this is much more difficult than cultivating the divine dragon power. Without a foundation, starting from scratch is almost impossible. However, if you have already learned the divine dragon power, you can gradually change the nature of your own power."

A cluster of emerald mist energy appeared in Oaks's hand, which represented the altered nature of his divine dragon power, developed through its control over water, known as the Way of Mist Weaving.

Although this power seemed redundant when compared to his own healing spell, there were actually differences.

The healing power of Nature magic bestows the life force of all things in nature onto the recipient, aiding in their recovery.

On the other hand, the healing power of the Way of Mist Weaving involved an additional step.

"It infuses the 'Qi' that is filled with the life force cultivated by the practitioner themselves, in the form of mist, into the recipient, aiding in their recovery. That is the principle of healing in the Way of Mist Weaving."

The ever-changing mist in Oaks's hand could be clearly felt by Xialing and the others, and they could sense its difference from their own divine dragon power.

"The life force contained in Qi comes from the practitioner's refinement of external energies, including the food they eat, the breaths they take while communicating with nature, and so on. Therefore, be careful not to overuse it—

Unless you are prepared to sacrifice your lifespan."

Oaks himself didn't have this issue. He could rely on the enhancement from Nature Energy to expand the scale of his mist weaving. However, unless others can also attune themselves to nature to such a degree, they would be limited by the scale of their own Qi.

But that was already enough.

This was a completely new path of healing.

Most importantly, once the Qi of mist weaving was successfully cultivated, it represented that the practitioner has extraordinary power that is entirely his own.

At this point, if they continue to use the divine dragon power, its strength will bless the Way of Mist Weaving. And even if the divine dragon personally intervened, it would be unable to strip away this power.

"The Qi cultivated through the Way of Mist Weaving not only possesses healing power but also invigorates the recipient's spirit, clears their mind, and provides a certain degree of stamina and defense.

In terms of combat, while not as powerful as pure divine dragon power, it is still extraordinary.

With sufficient Qi, as long as they don't suffer fatal injuries, it's practically impossible for them to die."

Oaks's description of Qi made Xialing tightly clench her fists:

"If my mother had this power back then, nothing would have happened."

"However, this power also comes with some side effects."

Seeing the incredulous expressions on everyone's faces, Oaks rubbed his nose and poured cold water on them.

"Weak in combat? That's far from a problem!"

Shang-Chi looked at his sister with a hint of envy and scratched his head.

"If Xialing could heal my injuries, my combat abilities would definitely improve by leaps and bounds!"

"That's why it's not suitable for you to cultivate the Way of Mist Weaving, big brother."

Xialing rolled her eyes at his words and helplessly tapped his forehead.

"Chairman... I mean, Teacher explained the essence of the power in the Way of Mist Weaving. It originates from an individual's unique Qi."

She raised her chin slightly, adopting a righteous appearance.

"The side effect should be that one becomes particularly good at eating... But, Teacher, I think you're overthinking it. Which girl wouldn't want the ability to eat as much as they want without gaining weight?"

"Indeed... I overlooked that point. As long as you're happy with it."

Oaks didn't object to Xialing referring to him as "Teacher." Moreover, this side effect... it is indeed something that many people would cry out for, right?

Shang-Chi smiled wryly while shaking his head. But soon, he laughed joyfully—

He couldn't believe that this was the same sister who had tried to kill him when they first met?

But the fact that his sister could resolve her inner turmoil was undoubtedly the best thing.


As Ta Lo Village prepared in tension, time flew by.

At the dawn of the Qingming Festival, the vortex teleportation gate of the Ta Lo Secret Realm once again appeared in the cave, and the Ten Rings's convoy continuously entered.

However, they were faced with the fully armed and prepared villagers of Ta Lo.

Leading the charge were none other than Xu Shang-Chi and Xu Xialing, the two young individuals.

On the other side, Xu Wenwu no longer wore his usual benevolent smile.

"You have disappointed me once again, Shang-Chi."

He took out a letter, the one Shang-Chi had written to him before leaving.


He looked at his determined son expressionlessly and slowly tore the letter in his hand to shreds.

"Boy, I have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice. It's not your place to teach me what to do and what not to do."

"Dad, you've been deceived by the Dweller in Darkness! Ta Lo has encountered similar situations in the past!"

Shang-Chi took a deep breath. He had learned the divine dragon power with the help of his aunt, and was no longer afraid of his father.

But when his gaze shifted to the Ten Rings on his father's arm, his expression became complex.

"Your Ten Rings are the reason that monster tempted you. Do you remember saying that your memory was hazy when Mom was murdered?

That monster already influenced you at that time. It's the enemy of our entire family!"

"Oh? So you mean Ta Lo also used such despicable methods in the past to imprison the souls of its people?"

Xu Wenwu furrowed his brow, but then he heard the voice of his "wife":

"Save me! Get me out of here!"

His eyes flickered for a moment, and he immediately regained his resolve.

"I recognize my wife's voice."

"She is my sister, and I miss her just like you."

Yingnan, who was wearing a battle robe and wielding a staff, spoke solemnly.

"But it's wrong to commemorate her in this way. Ta Lo didn't, and won't, do what that monster said—

Our history has records, and the monster behind the door has existed for thousands of years. That is the undeniable truth!"

"Our paths differ, so there's no need to conspire together."

Xu Wenwu shook his head and his gaze became serious.

"Let me pass, one last time."

"It's not going to happen!"

"As expected..."

Xu Wenwu tilted his head and gave a decisive order.

"Destroy this place!"

The battle began.

With ample time to prepare, the Ten Rings brought in a large number of members, and many heavy weapons were also prepared.

But the people of Ta Lo wielded supernatural Dragon Scale equipment, and almost everyone possessed at least a trace of the divine dragon power necessary to activate the Dragon Scale weapons.

It was a battle between a modern combat legion and fantastical guardians.

In the first wave of attacks and defenses, both sides suffered losses.

But the Ten Rings Legion was shocked to find that with the emerald mist and sound of water waves, the Ta Lo villagers who had been knocked down or injured stood up again and reentered the fight!

"What is this!"

Xu Wenwu, who had defeated Shang-Chi with a few punches, looked in astonishment at the mist surrounding his daughter's hands and the three young Ta Lo girls behind her, who also wielded mist but on a smaller scale.

"When did Ta Lo gain this ability?"

Wasn't this healing power supposed to be exclusive to the Druid?

Although it appeared different, his wife had never mentioned that Ta Lo also had an inheritance of healing spells!

"So, the Chairman is here?!"

Xu Wenwu looked at his son who had climbed back up with an unpleasant expression.

"While I appreciate him not letting you experience years of hardship and wandering in a foreign land, he shouldn't interfere in my family affairs—

Where is he?"

"If the Chairman wanted to interfere, you would never have had the opportunity to come to Ta Lo in the first place!"

Shang-Chi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and assumed an attacking stance once again.

"Chairman initially said we should have a proper conversation... Since words won't work, we can only use our fists, right?"

"...Well said."

Xu Wenwu raised an eyebrow, and the fighters around them seemed to instinctively avoid their father-son area. But he glanced at the village in front of him and ignored his son's challenge as he walked straight towards the ancestral hall.

"Whether it's Ta Lo or the confidence given to you by your Chairman, challenging me with courage is a huge step forward for you."

He calmly approached the shrine, lit incense in front of the portrait of his deceased wife, and then turned to look at his son and nodded.

"Let me see how much progress you've made during this time."


The Ten Rings surged with a brilliant light as Xu Wenwu's fists collided fiercely with Shang-Chi's dragon-scaled staff!

But as Xu Wenwu had said, his millennia of combat experience couldn't be matched by Shang-Chi, a young man who had just come of age and possessed an incomplete divine dragon power.

After a few punches, Xu Wenwu perfectly demonstrated the truth of "your father is your father" and knocked Shang-Chi down.

"When they found her, you stood by and did nothing, just stood by the window and watched her die!"


The Ten Rings emitted a dazzling light as Xu Wenwu's fists, imbued with unmatched power, struck Shang-Chi's chest as he tried to get up, sending him flying out of the hall and crashing onto the shore.

"Now, you finally have the courage to use the power she taught you, but it's against your father!"


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