Chapter 311: The Arrival of the Gaia Consciousness!

The heroes on the technology and mutation sides could only witness the grandeur of Oaks' power but couldn't deeply understand what that power represented.

On the magical side, Wanda and her mentor Agatha, on the other hand, understood it quite well.

In unison, their eyes emitted an incredible brilliance.

"Teacher... Is this the true power of Chairman Oaks?"

In Wanda's eyes, the magical power of the entire world was being mobilized, and there seemed to be an incredible magical channel above Oaks' head, connecting to an infinite source of magic.

It was Nature magic different from her own magical power.

"Compared to this immense power, our magic is simply fragile and laughable... Is this the power of the Gaia consciousness?

The power of nature can be so powerful, yet we humans are still fighting like ants..."

"Wanda, you have unlimited potential, don't underestimate yourself."

Although Agatha was also impressed by this immense Nature magic, she had a clear understanding of Wanda's potential:

"Every person's abilities have their place. Your power can be used to help others, and it will surely surpass the majority of sorcerers and wizards. But you're right..."

She could also see the unbelievably powerful Nature magic, and her expression became somewhat perplexed:

"So, things like dark magic... are truly laughable..."


The might of nature energy grew stronger and stronger, impacting the natural environment of Avalon, causing the weather to change dramatically.

In front of Oaks, the region with the densest concentration of Nature magic stirred up gusts of storms even though he exerted great control.

Malorn's soul projection lightly swung his enormous antlers, and a magical barrier appeared in front of everyone, isolating the storm.

In Oaks' consciousness, the immense Gaia consciousness that was once so overwhelming had now become extremely close to his own consciousness.

After all, if 'Worship' could be considered a child of nature, and the 'peak' represented the harmony between one's heart and the heavens, then 'admiration', at the very least, could be recognized as an authentic envoy of nature, a loyal minister.

So, when he, this loyal minister, presented his counsel, the Gaia consciousness, for the first time in over three million years of human existence, gave positive feedback on a human's opinion.

If the image of the Gaia consciousness in Oaks' consciousness could be compared to a bright sphere akin to the sun, then now, a portion of its radiance was being transmitted through the channel established by Oaks' magical power and flowing into the Sacred Oak Tree!

Just as they had planned.

On the trunk of the Sacred Oak Tree, the light initially appeared as faint threads, then dense like a web, and finally poured down like water ripples.

The rich emerald green light continued to pour into the huge root system through the trunk's powerful magic transmission ability.

Malorn projected the holographic image of the unseen root system of the Sacred Oak Tree into the air, and everyone saw the abundant green light pouring into a large sphere at the center of the tree's roots.

That was the core of the Gaia consciousness "mirror," the central bio-computing center.

Next to the holographic projection, a progress bar was considerately displayed.

Gaia Consciousness Mirror Progress: 10%, 30%, 50%...

Everyone held their breath and focused their attention. When the progress bar surpassed 50%, they noticed a change in the enormous Earth projection on the pedestal!

The details on the projection became more and more realistic and rich. Many areas that seemed empty before gradually revealed complete terrain and topography, and even the distribution of plants and human structures became distinctly visible!

"This is..."

Even Hank Pym, who previously didn't understand magic and had no idea what Oaks was doing, gradually widened his eyes.

Before, he could not comprehend the details of the Earth projection.

But now, he fully understood what the details on the Earth projection represented!

The holographic projection quickly underwent changes. After the surface details were perfected, the underwater and underground details followed!

The vast ocean section was just like real water on the projection model. They could even see marked ocean currents moving and fish migrating!

Pym even noticed some areas labeled as "temperature anomalies" and "pollution alerts"!

And finally, the atmosphere.

Wind, clouds, rain, snow, temperature, humidity, light, air quality...

Various data cascaded down in square units, then disappeared one by one—Malorn had closed his eyes, trying to process this massive data.

60%, 90%... 100%!

As the progress of the Gaia Consciousness Mirror reached 100%, Oaks knelt down with a thud.


Everyone hurried forward, with Steve being the first to help him up.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine... Hoo... That was exhilarating!"

Oaks shook his head, feeling a bit swollen and throbbing, and forced a smile:

"Even as a magical channel with the support of nature's power, I almost couldn't hold on..."

"But it's done!"

"This... is definitely a milestone in scientific history, well, perhaps even the greatest miracle in magical history!"

Tony muttered to himself and looked at the Earth projection, which was now as exquisite as a work of art. The projection gave him the feeling...

As if it is observing them!

"So, this is the Gaia Consciousness Mirror?"

"I feel... that it's alive!"

"I sense something staring at me..."

"Data displayed on it is real-time!? They keep changing!"

"Oh my! So many places around the world are marked as polluted!"

"Those clouds are drifting toward my home... Is it going to rain?"

"Look! There's an alarm here. The jungle is being deforested..."

"There's an alarm here too! A shipwreck... Looks like we need to go and rescue them!"

"Flash flood and mudslide alerts!"

"Storm surge warning... Did we have so many unknown threats?"

The Avengers instantly noticed several alarms marked as "high-risk." Tony's expression became complex as he muttered under his breath and immediately put on the armor he had brought with him.

On one hand, he was pleased that the global warning system was operating as expected.

On the other hand...

"Jarvis, we need to continue increasing the number of Iron Legion units. Our manpower is far from enough—set up the production plan, and let's start with deploying 50% of the drones!"

"Yes, sir."

Jarvis' signal was also present there. Tony could still command it even without wearing the armor...

"Captain, let's assign tasks. Apart from Bruce staying to take care of Oaks, the other Avengers need to return to their posts!"

"Indeed, it seems that we have been too isolated from regular information."

Steve immediately began organizing tasks based on the high-risk alerts marked by Malorn. The team quickly returned to the Avengers base, equipped themselves, and set off individually.

"Sorry, Oaks. We'll have to wait for a while before you can explain the details. Take some rest for now..."

Tony was the last one to step into the teleportation portal, leaving only Oaks, Banner, and the Pym family at the scene.

"Don't worry, brother. I will promptly send the alert updates to them."

Malorn shook his head, and a large communication interface unfolded before him—it was specifically for the Avengers:

"Everyone can stay connected here. We are well-prepared. I still have a lot of spare capacity other than that for Gaia consciousness data."

"That's good..."

Oaks took a breath and stood up, he accepted the acorn handed to him by Banner and took a deep breath:

"Dr. Pym, I apologize for not being able to host you properly... The Avengers are busier now."


Pym remained silent for a moment, withdrawing his gaze from the Earth model and sighing:

"Let's assign two more tasks to Hope and Scott. They are also capable."

Oaks and Banner exchanged a surprised glance and nodded slowly:

"...Thank you."

Hope, in her Wasp suit, and Scott, in his Ant-Man suit, were indeed powerful assets. Pym allowing them to go on missions meant he implicitly approved of the Avengers' actions.

"Malorn will send your identity information to Jarvis, and it will arrange transportation for you."

Oaks handed two leaves to Hope and Scott, and their expressions looked odd:

"These are leaves that allow direct communication with Malorn. Just carry them with you, and if you want to speak with Malorn, just think about it."

"...That's quite eco-friendly."

Scott thought about his new smartphone. The latest announcement from a company said they had spent three years developing a robot for automatically dismantling phones for the sake of the environment.

He had just joked about whether they would stop including headphones and chargers to be more environmentally friendly, but now he was witnessing an even more extreme approach.

If these leaves are not needed, I can probably eat them!

So, he asked amid Hope's helpless expression.

"Of course, all-natural. If there's a danger of severe injury, eating it can save your life."

Hope: "..."

After seeing off Ant-Man and Wasp, Banner also took an acorn and gestured to Dr. Pym, who looked strange:

"Do you want a drink?"

"...Let's talk about business."

Pym pushed his glasses up and dropped his haughty demeanor. Now that it was only the three of them, he could set aside his pride and freely discuss the topics that interested him.

"I heard from Carter that you want to build a quantum computer... But from what I can see, your bio-computer is already incredibly powerful.

The World Will... The fact that it actually exists, and that you've actually replicated it!"

"Well, 'replicated' is an exaggeration. The bio-computer is far from having such powerful capabilities, and it's impossible for two identical World Wills to exist at the same time."

Oaks waved his hand, correcting Pym's statement:

"More accurately, this is a 'mirror.' It only provides real-time feedback from the World Will, or rather, the Gaia consciousness is willing to open up to us for global environmental monitoring and early warning data."

He scratched his head with some regret:

"I wanted some special permissions, but 'It' wasn't willing to grant them."

"What kind of permissions?"

"For example, mining. That way, I could buy any undiscovered minerals or oil..."



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