Chapter Six - Bewitch by the Witch

After several days, Einar hasn't returned to the central kingdom by Sir Michael's additional task to make him unable to return.

"Haa... I've used all my excuses to his majesty. A little further, he will start to get suspicious about me."

He says with a sigh as she continues walking down the road on their way back to the household from their training area. The sun is still high in the sky and it has started to turn a little darker as night is approaching the horizon.

While on their way, they saw a commotion of their people at the Shivergate's plaza.

They didn't get close enough to see what was going on, but they could hear someone's voice yelling for them that they should be careful. When they finally got close enough to the scene they could identify what's going on.

The two buffed knights harshly drag the witch that they caught several days ago from the battle. The witch's face is revealed and it shows that her face is swollen and red like a ripe apple from the beating and torture from the knights. She's trying to break free but failing miserably because she's bound with anti-spell cuffs. Her arms have been tied behind her back, and have a gauge on her mouth preventing her from muttering magic against the knights or escaping.

The crowd of people roared their anger and threw a stone to the witch. One of them cheered when he successfully hit the head of the witch. They heard something crack in the witch's skull and the small muffled scream of pain after. A little after that, the witch's expression went back from being stoic. It seems the witch wants to keep a hold of herself from the pain, because showing any expression will give satisfaction to the crowd of people.

She secretly tried to cast spells in her impulse but her power isn't working anymore.

Blood trickles from her forehead where a wound is beginning to form. She wanted to wipe it to avoid the blood getting in her eyes but she couldn't. The thing that she doesn't want to happen is already happening now. The searing pain in her eyes scattered in her left eye but the witches' expression didn't change.

There is an urge of feeling to Einar that he wants to rush into her but he stops himself from doing that. It will be dangerous for both of them if he makes a scene.

Keiran stared at his commander. He already notices that there is something different to their commander even though he still has his stern personality. Sometimes he felt that Einar got soft.

"What is happening here?" Michael asked the knights and he couldn't help but to rise his eyebrows because of the disturbing scene that they saw.

"We are just transporting this Witch to her prison before executing her tomorrow." Says one of them and the child slips between the people on his front to throw another stone towards the witch. A second stone lands at the place where the first landed.

Michael steps forward. "Stop this immediately!" he shouts and that made the child shakes with fear.

All eyes turn to them. His appearance is intimidating, causing all who looked at him to feel scared.

His presence alone can make the people tremble their legs in fear. Michael holds his hand high to give a signal to stop everyone from moving. He is still wearing an elegant black coat and his lion mask hangs on his shoulder blade, which makes him look more atonish when he makes a good posture.

He doesn't want these knights to do anything unnecessary. Especially in front of their prince. "Let her go." Michael orders.

One of the knights looks surprised by his command because that is unusual for him, Sir Michael is known to despise monsters.

The knight turns his back to the witch and again to sir Michael. His mouth opens and closes a couple times like he is trying to say something but then he chooses to close his mouth without saying anything fearing sir Michael's anger.

Character's Information

Name: Morgana Sutcliffe

Race: Demon

Class: Witch

Rank: High Sorceress

Level: 30

She was the witch who glared Einar at the battlefield. She looks human except for her scalera of her eyes, it is pure black like an orb.

What is most frightening is that she has no emotions at all, blank as a sheet. All that's left is a cold mask. It makes her look dead.

She looks terrifying. There wasn't any sign of intelligence in her eyes whatsoever but as soon she saw the face of the commander, she flinched, fear flashes through those empty orbs.

"???" Einar wondered because the witch was supposed to be angry at him like last time that they saw each other.

If there's something she fears, it would surely lose her powers, the commander can't help wondering why the witch is now frightened towards the prince.

She flinches and her heart rate rises like crazy when Einar approaches her a little. A memory flashed on her when the commander beheaded a monster.

"Let her go." The commander ordered but the knights looked at each other in confusion. "I said let her go!" he raised his voice again and this time the knights actually listened to him. They let go off the witch's arms and step aside while watching her cautiously.

"Your highness." The knight bows his head respectfully but it doesn't stop the commander from raising his voice once more.

"I think our commander is exhausted from the training ah-ha-ha-ha..." Keiran butted in and awkwardly laughed. "Shall we go back to our room?" he added while signaling him by blinking his left eye.

The knights nod their heads in understanding but they still get puzzled because of the sudden behavior of the commander.

Keiran leads the commander after giving them a small smile that only they know.

When they arrived at the house, Einar went straight into the bedroom that he shared with Keiran. Ignoring his knight, who called for him multiple times to wait.

He lies down on the bed.

"It would be dangerous for both of you, if someone sees what you want to do with the witch." Keiran whispered.

Einar ignored his words and turned away his gaze.

"You want to free her right? But how can you end up with that? Are you out of your mind?" Keiran said calmly and sighed after, he was clearly worried about Einar.

He knows the knight is right, it was unnecessary for him to try to save the witch. She is a threat, an enemy to the kingdom but he has a feeling that he needs to rescue her.

In the middle of Keiran's sermon, the system slowly shows up little by little.

System Task: Bewitched by the Witch

Task: Save the Witch [Morgana] from her execution.

Time limit - 26 hours, 44 minutes and 32 seconds (counting downwards)


Intelligence and Strength attributes +20%

Level Experience 2500

1,225 gold

Special : Fragment of memory x1

Failure: It depends on the situation. (It will make it harder on the next task.)

Note: The task is not repeatable, you can only do this once.

"So it looks like I am being ignored again." Keiran retorted annoyedly and sat down on the other bed while crossing his arms. "Einar," he called. "Please listen to me. This witch is dangerous. You might find yourself getting hurt and there is a chance that you might become the future ruler of the kingdom. Why don't you take my advice and-"

Einar shook his head. "No, it's better for me to help her now than later. I need to---" recover my memories to escape this game!

He wants to finish his words but a deafying ping sound rings in Einar's ear.

[System Notice! You shouldn't have to tell about the task or anything related to the system to another person/character. You will have a penalty, 'Mild Heart Attack'.]

[System notification: MILD HEART ATTACK]

[Warning: You must endure the pain for 30 seconds.]

"Huh?" Einar gasped and he clutched onto his chest as soon the pain reached his inside.

He can't believe this penalty because the system didn't state any of its rules. He thought about how stupid this game that he gets in.

How foolish. How cruel.

When the pain subsided, he saw Keiran wearing a worried look. "What happened to you?" He asks. "Do you need some rest? Should we call a doctor?" He offers.

"Nooo. I'm fine." replied Einar quickly.

Einar felt so tired. His eyelids droop. His entire body began to feel heavy and his eyes were closing shut.

"I just need to rest."

Keiran got speechless because their talk ended up in nowhere. He didn't understand what happened. He keeps bugging the commander to wake up and finish their talk but the commander doesn't bother and sleeps like a log.