Alexander Evergreen

The dome could easily house a population of 10,000 and it was almost at full capacity with the people in here that included students, news reporters, family members of the students and important members of society.

The students that were graduating had the most excitement among the people there as they would be receiving their licenses immediately after the speech ended.

As the speech was ending the graduating students started to get more rowdy as they couldn't wait for it to all end finally.

"Ahh, finally this speech is ending. I thought I'd die of boredom if it went on for five more minutes", one student said.

"I'm just glad that I would be getting my license and will finally be able to hunt infected after today. I can now flaunt it to my family that I would be one of the city protectors", another replied.

"Both of you keep quiet. I'm trying to listen to what Sir Gilgamesh is saying." another student wearing glasses said to the both of them before concentrating on what Orion was saying.

The two students also ceased their talking and turned back to face the man who was just about rounding up his speech.

"... you all to remember something very important, especially you that are about to graduate.", he said. 

"Always remember these three principles as you go out to represent humanity in the outside world. Protect yourself, protect your fellow humans and never show mercy to an infected."

It might have been their imagination but everyone felt that the air in the hall became a notch heavier when he said the last principle.

It disappeared just as quickly as it came, leaving everyone thinking that it was just their imagination playing tricks on them.

Before anyone could question their sanity, Orion continued on, "Let us now welcome the student who will give the closing speech and help me hand out the badges."

"With 201,006 merit points to his name and the title Undying Spear, please welcome to the stage the firstborn son of the Evergreen family and the first ranked student in this graduating class, Alexander Evergreen."

Even before he finished speaking the crowd of students had already gotten rowdy.

Immediately after his last word the students, especially the females, started chanting with loud voices.




It was so loud that you would wonder how just 2000 people could actually make this loud a sound.

It was so loud that deaf people would feel the vibrations on their skin. The air seemed to vibrate and every window would have cracked and broken into pieces if they weren't reinforced with energy and could repair damage to themselves immediately after they appeared.

The teen all this was directed towards stood up at this moment and began walking towards the stage.

He had bright green eyes with a very dark and lustrous black hair. He stood at six feet two inches tall.

He was dressed in the school's uniform of a royal blue jacket with a blood red outline at the collar's edge and tiny gold runic etchings all over which made it look like a cluster of shimmering golden starts in a blue sky when moved about in the light and buttons that looked like a perfect harmonization of red and gold.

He wore long black trousers that matched with an equally black belt with a dark gold buckle that had two obsidian vines that twisted around each other and curved to form the infinity symbol ( a sideways 8) and a black long sleeve turtleneck sweater that stuck closely to his torso, outlining his perfect figure.

The jacket sported the school's badge on it's left chest, completing the school uniform look.

The look on his face as he walked towards the stage was neither welcoming nor cold. It was just ... bored. Like he was wondering why he got out of bed this morning to come here.

Although he looked tired of all this he still turned towards the crowd and just lightly nodded with a small, almost unnoticeable smile on his face but this small gesture excited the students all the more as their loud voices raised by a few decibels.

He quickly walked up to the stage because the noise was starting to get a bit too loud. If he let it go on there was a chance that thirty percent of the people here might actually go deaf.

Orion made way for him to take center stage with a small smile on his face. It was clear that he also had a good opinion of Alexander and was also happy that he was the one to give the speech.

'To think that someone who treats even waking up and walking like a chore would still become first ranked in a class of geniuses. Makes you wonder what he would be like if he actually gave a task his full attention', he thought.

For as long as Orion could remember Alex had always been lazy and unmotivated. He would never attempt to do a task on his own but if you asked him and he didn't dislike you, he would help you do it so well that you would wonder if he had been planning to do it for years.

He would always have this look on his face that seemed to say 'Don't bother me. I don't want to do anything today.' but that didn't mean that he was cold to people.

In fact as you could tell from the response from the crowd he was very well liked by everybody. He was polite and kind to everybody he met no matter their status and was the kind of guy who would rather put himself in danger than watch another person die in front of him.

This was one of the reasons even someone like Orion liked him very much. If only he could actually find something he liked doing then maybe this person would even be a fine candidate for the next king of humanity.

As for why he always found everything to be boring to him, that's something only he knew.

Alexander arrived at the stage and gave Orion a bow of respect before facing the crowd in front of him to speak.

As he didn't like wasting time and found this boring so he just cut to the chase to finish this speech as fast as he could. As he got to the microphone he started speaking.

"Hello everyone. I'm not really good at this kind of thing so I'll cut to the chase" he started with a calm voice.

"This may as well be the last time we will see each other because some of us might die before the end of the week so listen up"

If there were people talking before they all kept quiet to listen to what he had to say. Alexander did not waste time and continued shortly after.

"So as this might be the last time some of us might see face to face let me ask you this. Are you afraid? If so then I advise you to quit now before my speech will end."

"The outside is very dangerous and doesn't take kindly to people who show fear so if you know that you are afraid, quit now."

He looked at the area where his classmates were seated when he spoke those words and seeing that there was no one raising their hands he continued on.

"If there really is nobody quitting then there is nothing left for me to say. But if you didn't raise your hands because of fear of being ridiculed then all I can say is that you should value your life more."

Having said his piece he put his hand on the school badge on his jacket and pulled the badge of, saying; "I have nothing else to add as we have all been taught everything we need to survive so we'll move on to the next part of the program."

He took a brief pause to gather his thoughts before he continued on. The crowd was entirely silent but the silence was for different reasons for different people. Majority were surprised that he was ending the speech so fast while the minority, which was mostly the students in his class, knew that this would happen and were instead anticipating what he would do next.

The school badge was a shield with an etching of a crown being held by the front hooves of two winged horses on it. A longsword was passed through the crown and the two horses stood on a drawn bow that held a spear instead of an arrow at the middle of its string, making the tip of the spear pass by the side of the sword and through the crown.

"From today onwards, it is my honor as the first ranked student in this class to announce that the graduating class of this session are now no longer students of this school but instead are verified hunters of our human race."

All the people in the hall watched on as the badge in his hand started to glow a bright blue light which then began to envelope his body.

The blue jacket where the badge once was turned a vibrant green and fused together with the turtleneck, turning it into a deeper shade of green and expanding a bit, making it less skin tight than it used to be.

 The gold runic etchings and red strips on the collars gathered together to form a crest similar to the one on his belt with only a slight difference, which was the colour.

One of the vines was a vibrant green while the other was of a deep and bloody red.

The surroundings of the two vines was of a golden colour with little red and green dots all over it's surroundings and instead of looking like it was painted on the clothes it looked like a golden badge that was integrated into the clothing material. 

A closer look would reveal that the gold, red and green parts were actually made up of thousands of tiny runic words stacked upon each other to form a circular construct, making the integrated part look more like a badge as more gathered.

 Basically he just went from a young school boy to a suave young man ready to go on a stroll through a forest, and all this took about one second.

Before he could continue on with the program his classmates started another chant which was arguably louder than the last one;




Show what, you might ask. Well this all boils down to what happened about three days ago.....

--Three days ago, the academy grounds, inside a classroom.--

The hunter academy was a large campus which consisted of seven large buildings that took different areas of study.

The two center most buildings took the weapon master and infected behavior courses. 

Currently, in the weapon master building, a classroom at the 9th floor that could seat about 800 students, one student was standing in front of about 600 others with a mischievous expression on his handsome face.

He had red hair with orange and yellow stripes that made it look like it was fire. His eyes where of a bright blue colour.

That along with his lean but muscular body, lightly tanned skin and wild and ferocious expression gave the impression of a guy that fit more to swinging across a forest filled with flaming trees wearing clothes made of animal skin.

He wore a white t-shirt with a red sports jacket with blue and yellow stripes on it's front and back.

It was was unzipped and with the sleeves folded up to below his elbows. The red pants and white sneakers completed his look an gave him a wild and unrestrained aura.

To cut short, he looked like someone who was used to causing trouble.

"Okay, we all know why we are here so I'll just cut to the chase." The boy, who went by the name of Arthur Thermes said with the same type of grin plastered on his face.

"The bet to find out how Xander designed his after school battle suit is on so start placing your bets!" he said.