A force greater than him.

Hagar was startled by the glare thrown her way. For a fleeting moment she looked just like her mother in every way and that looked made her feel like she had the full force, the anger of the dead woman.

Her daughter whining snapped her out of the daze.

"I can't believe the first miss pushed her sister into the river."

One of the noble women say.

"Humph! What do you expect from a child with such a bitter heart" a man said.

"I feel bad for young lady Valerie"

The whispers of the small group of people they came with her, fueled Hagar once more. That was right... she had all the power now.

Lucinda carefully climbed down the tree.

"Would you apologize to your sister!"

"I have no sister." Lucinda words were clean and precise as she turned and walked away.

"Come back here!" Hagar continued to scream as Lucinda walked away. Lucinda small fist tightly clutched together to rein in the anger and bitterness she had streaming through her veins.

"Don't worry about that ugly doll dear. We'll get you something prettier".

Lucinda heard those words as she walked away. Ugly?

What did she expect from them anyway...?

Connor stood still as he witnessed all this. Was this really how they treated the first daughter.

His gaze moved to the chaotic body of water. A thunder bellowed somewhere in the distance.

"Connor! Are you slacking off from training"

Their instructors finally caught up to him.

"No sire!" As he jogged back as commanded he couldn't help but look back once more.


In the dark hours of the night. A little girl creeped out of the side of their mansion. A lamp in hand illuminating her path.

She walked to the river and stared down at the dark abyss. The night air was cold impending a heavy rain fall. With a deep breath she gathered the side of her night garment and plunged a foot into the river. Sucking in a harsh breath through her teeth at the almost icy water.

With careful movement she lowered herself into the water. The water current low now, only reaching a little above her knee.

A cold breeze whistled through her and she shivered, holding tighter unto her lamp.

She peered down into the liquid darkness the pale moon reflecting on the surface in chaotic ripples.

From a distance Connor watched. Young Lady Lucinda?! Why was she out so late?

Moment pass by as lucinda searched the cold body of water. Plunging into their depth to arise with a gasp.

The temperature was dropping and the wind was picking up like her frantic thoughts.

Her wide with frenzy eyes searched beyond the darkness.

The scene of early coming to play. Ugly doll!?

That was from her mother!

The last gift she had. The only thing they hadn't taken away from her. But the more she searched on, the more she feared she had truly lost it.

Remembering the significance her mother had whispers to her hit little lucinda somewhere deep.

Her mama said it was a representation of her beauty. Unique and loved. The ceramic doll bearing sharp features and unique style portraying Lucinda.

The wind were picking up. Warm droplets fell on her small hands only to realize it was her tears. She done that more than enough lately. Mama wasn't here to clean her tears anymore. All alone. She was all alone.

Lucinda wiped angrily at the tears that blurred her vision, but it kept falling, trailing down her cheeks as she sniffed.

She couldn't do this anymore. Didn't want to do this anymore.

Heavy rain drops begin to fall. Mixing with her salty tears. Her eyes stung and throat burned.

Lucinda continued to wipe frantically at the rain and tears. Before long, she broke into frantic sobs that threatened to rip her apart.

She wasn't aware of the water picking up. Too distracted by her own sorrow.

She was all alone. So she could cry now.

She was startled, reminded of the water only when it started to creep up her shoulder.

She jolted from the cold in shock and her solid footing slipped, plunging her into the freezing water.

That current took not a moment more to harshly push and pull against her.

Connor just realizing what's happening eyes widen. His small legs pushed forward. Kicking against the patches of grass as he raced for the river.

Lucinda head appeared out of the water and he breathed a relive. It was like reflex. He wanted to save this girl. Something more than him pushed him too.

The current had began to push her. Her now extinguished lamp push by the current, and rapidly filling with water.

With a breakthrough, little Connor dived into the water now at impressive chaotic Dept. His leg didn't meet the river floor like it was suppose to when the current was calm.

Needlessly, he kicked his feet toward Lucinda. Using his knowledge of their rocky shore lines in the fishing village. He maneuvered through the slabs and juts of black rocks.

A beat. Two beat. He pumped his legs faster.

"I'm coming lady Lucinda!"

He announced seeing her head duck back into the water and push out a few seconds later.

She was breathing heavily now and maybe loosing conscience.

Finally his arms wrapped around her fragile self and like in relief she stopped struggling and let go. Her body sagging against his for a moment. She jolted a second later and assisted him in getting them back to leveled ground.

On his way, pumping his legs faster to fight the current he had alot of thoughts. He could have alerted an adult. Just why did he feel the need to save the girl on his own. Almost like he trusted no one with her safety.

He threw them both to the level surface. Crawling against the grass. He then plooped under the curling tree. The branched providing adequate shelter from the rain.

Breathing heavily with his back leaning against the tree, he looked down at the now passed out Lucinda. Her chest rising and falling slowly.

His fingers moved to pushed away her wet locks and peered down at her face.

Her lashes with droplets strangely illuminated by the moon. Her skin cold to the touch

With a swallowed gasp, he gaze at her. Sharp nose and soft clear skin.

A realization hit him. All the rumors were false. This young lady before him; she was such a cold beauty.

He brought out the ceramic doll from his pocked and stared down at it beside her face . Half of the face was broken.

He looked at it simultaneously with her face.

Indeed, her beauty wasn't made for this society. They were undeserving.

They all tried to break her.

Suddenly a swell of protectiveness rise in him. He glared at the doll for long moments clutching it in his fist.

He felt like he had a purpose. His young brain screaming at him that this was where he belong. Beside her.

To protect Little Lady Lucinda...

For he had failed to protect his own little sister.