

The next morning, Mr Lu woken up by the amazing aroma. He walked to the kitchen, only to find Miss Zhao toasting bread.

'.[You have got to be kidding me!]'. He sighs.

'. You are awake?'.

'. What do you see?'.

'. A sleepy boy!'. She said as she placed a plate of toasted bread on the table.

'. When did you wake up?'.

'. Some minutes ago!'.

'. Okay!'.

'. Go have your bath and come have your breakfast.


'. Walk fast!....a boss should be happy on a beautiful morning. She said as he walked away.

A few minutes later, Lu Si Cheng was having his meal. Miss Zhao sat there watching him eat.

'.[ He fakes a cough]'.

'. The water is beside you!'. She smiled at him.

'.[ What a weird girl!]'.

'. Do you like it?'. He takes a look at the meal.

'.[ I don't usually have this for breakfast]'.

'. Mr Lu, can you please rate my cooking?!'.

'. Your cooking?'.

'. Um!' She nodded.

'. Oh!...unexpectedly...amazing....!'.

'. You are lying!'.

'. No am not!'.

'. Did you eat the meal I prepared last night?'. She asked.

'. Last night's meal?...'. He tries to remember.

'. Did you forget?'.

'. I think I did.....I usually have 6mins amnesia'.

'.[Sighs]...you are such a liar!'.

'. Sorry.....I was pretty sleepy last night.

'. It's okay!..... enjoy your breakfast.

'. What did you prepare last night?'.

'.....I don't know.

'. Are you kidding me?'.

'. No am not.....I have no idea what I prepared'.

'. What did you do?'.

'. I just added every ingredient I saw'.

'.[ Tell me....she is joking]'.

'. It turned into a sweet, bitter, sour, and thick soup'.

'. Lisha....aren't you supposed to be at the company by now?'. He changed the topic.

'. My company is doing pretty fine....you don't have to worry.

'. Do you like it?'.

'. Why do you keep asking that?'.

'. Because I used a new recipe for the toasting of bread'.

'. You even needed a recipe for toasting bread?'.

'. Um!.... I added blending sauce to it and blended black pepper".

'.[Spits it out]'.

'. What is it?'. She asked as he got up.

'.[Sighs].....I will be right back. He walks to the kitchen.

'. What are you doing?'. She asked as he tried vomiting it out.

'.[ I just saw a living devil!!]'. He vomits.

Xiabo stood there arranging some files. She walks into Lei Wuije's office.

'. How are you, boss!'. She smiles at him.

'. You are here?'.

'. As you can see!'. She walks to him sitting on his lap.

'. What have you been doing lately?'. He asks.

'. Me?.....nothing...just having fun.

'. Aren't you afraid that you might be caught sitting on your best friend's boyfriend's lap?'. He smiles at her.

'. It had been 2 months since her death..does that mean you should be single for life?'.

'. Just kidding!'.

'. Now that everything has been settled...let's talk about us.

'.Us?...what do want to talk about?'.

'. Let's make our relationship public!'.

'. Why?'.

'. I can't keep hiding.

'. Bear with me a little.


'. I will be meeting Mr Lu later'.

'. Why?'.

'. Business talks'.

'. You still told me what he said the other day?'.

'. It doesn't matter!'.

'. I believe you will tell me soon.

'. Then keep waiting.

'. Anyway, I missed you. She stares at him.

'.[Smiles].... wait till we get home.

'. What are going to do?'.

'. You will find out!'. They kissed.

'. Mr Lei!'. A staff who walked in without knocking.

'. I am...so....sorry!!'. She stuttered.

'. Why can't you knock before coming in?!!'. Lei Wuije said as Xiabo stood up.

'. You are fired!'. Xiabo said.


'. You heard her.....you are fired!!'.

'. I just came to submit some files!!'.

'. Do want to be locked up?'.

'. No!'.

'. If you say anything...you are dead'.

'. Okay, sir!'. She walks away slowly.

'. This is what I am talking about!'.

'. Darling....don't be upset!!'. He stood up and walked to her.

'. Why?!!'.

'. It's my fault...I promise to make our public'.

'. Now you are talking!'. She smiles.

Later that day, Mr Lu has been having a stomachache. Mr Lu and toilet became best friends in just a day.

'. Mr Lu are you okay?'. Lin Ba asked as Lu Si Cheng sat on his seat panting.

'. [Pants]...why are you still here?'.

'. I already attended the meeting in your place you said you would be having a meeting with Lei Wuije later.

'. I said that?'.

'. Um!!'. He nodded.

'. Is he here now?'.

'. I think he should be on his way'.

'. Okay!'.

'. Mr Lu should I call a doctor?'.

'. No...'. He runs to the toilet.

'. I will take that for a yes!'. He dials a number.

'. Lin Ba!'. A guard walks in.

'. Any problem?'.

'. Mr Lei is in'.

'. Let him in!'.

'. Okay'.

A few minutes later, Mr Lu came out from the toilet, he sat on his seat.

'. Mr Lu.....are you okay?'. Lei Wuije asked.

'. You do not need to worry about that.

'. I came because I had something to discuss with you.

'. What's that?'.

'. Lei company is a little company that trying so hard to be at the top...I wanted you to help me meet investors.

'. Mr Lei...aren't you supposed to do that yourself?'.

'. Mr Lu...Lei company is under your company.....you should help us.

'. Lei company being under Future Group doesn't mean I should help with everything.

'. We are under you!'.

'. I invested in your company earlier this year....but what did I get in return,

a fallen company that went from 50% to 10%

who is willing to invest in such a company?!!'.

'. Mr Lu, you are taking things too far'.

'. The company has been with you for 8 years, but it has never made an achievement.

'. Then help us...Mr Lu!!'.

'. You should help yourselves!.....your company has poor quality.....the market doesn't care about your quantity, it is about quality!.....quality!!'. He yelled.

'. What are trying to say?'.

'. Before you took over the company.....that company was almost at its top.... it just needed one more contract which you messed up even before it started!!'.

'.[Sighs]...I am trying my best. He turns his face as he gets angry.

'. The only reason why Lei company is still available is because it is still under Future Group company...what will happen if it's no longer under my company?'.

'. We will try our best!'.

'. Then congratulations in advance.

'. Thank you!'.

'. You may take your leave!'.

'. [Sighs]'. He walks out of the office.

'. Are you okay Mr Lu?....shall I get the doctor?'.

'. I think I might be able to manage for a while.

He sighs.

Lei Wuije slammed the door angrily. Xiabo who sat there stood up.

'. What happened this time?'.

'. Who does he think he is?!!'. He yelled.

'. What did he say this time?!'.

'. We have been abandoned.... we only have to rely on ourselves this time!!'.


'. I am taking Future Group down!!'. He stabs the desk with the pen.

'. I am right beside you.....Lei Wuije!'. She hugs him from behind.
