

Xiabo clenched her fists, she was gonna explode. She stood there as she stared at Lei Wuije and Miss Xia who laughed.

'. [Mei Lien!! Mei Lien!!]'. She groaned.

Hu Chuxi walked into the Lei company, she was heading to Mr Lei's office to submit the files that had been sent in.

'. Here!'. She smiled as she arranged them gently on the desk.

'. Hu Chuxi! Hu Chuxi!'. Xiabo called her name as she gently walked into the office.

'. Miss...Xiabo?'. She turned to her.

'. You have your way of pestering me, don't you?'. She folded her hands and stared at her.

'. What do you mean?'.

'. You just got fired from Lei company and you crawled your way into Mei Lien's hands!'.

'. She is not Mei Lien!'.

'. [Smiles] Really?'.

'. What do you want?...we are no longer colleagues!'.

'. I just need you to do me a little favor!'.

'. No!!...the last time I did such I got nothing in return!'.

'. Nothing in return?....if I hadn't refused you would you have been the secretary of Miss Xia?.'

'. You are right!.....but, fate works on its own!'.

'. Do me this little favor and you will be rewarded greatly!'.

'. How?'.

'. I heard you have been trying to look for your father!..... I heard he was a gambler and ran away from home because of loan sharks!'.

'. Why do you know so much?'.

'. Help me and you will find your dad!'.

'. Why should I trust you?'.

'. Because this is a win-win situation, do your job and I do mine!'. She smiled at her.

Miss Xia sat there in her car. Mulang sat beside her.

'. Strangely, your stepmother didn't trouble you as expected!'.

'. Who told you?'.

'. It's obvious!'.

'. [Smiles] It's not the time for her to attack, because if she does so, not just I would suffer but her puppet of a son!'.

'. You have been in the States since you were 8 years old, but you know so much about her!'.

'. I get what I want and how I want it!'.

'. [Smiles]'.

'. Anything new about Mr Hun?'.

'. Even your dad's P. A dares to hurt you!'.

'. The black sheep is always someone you know!'.

'. When do you dare to attack?'.

'. When I gain power!'.

'. Do you think you can succeed?'.

'. [Sighs]....even if the percentage of success is 1%, I would still love to give it a try!'.

'. [All that I want you to do is to make her deals gone!]'.

'. [The opponent Is mysterious!!]'.

'. [The main reason why I want her out!!.... I paid you for this job and you must bring me good news!!]'. He angrily hung up.

'. [These bastards!]'

Miss Xin sat there in the garden having a cold soft drink. Beside her was Lei Wuije. He stood with his head facing the ground.

'. Mr Lei!'.

'. Yes, ma!'.

'. I haven't heard anything from your company!'.

'. Ma, please give me some time!'.

'. Lei Wuije! Lei Wuije!'.

'. Ma!'.

'. It's been 8 years!!....where is the company?'.

'. Ma I promise to make it!'.

'. Promise?.....why do you keep Promising, but not fulfilling it?'.

'. I have done everything in my capabilities!'.

'. Lei company has been under Future Group company.....isn't this good privilege enough?!!'.

'. Ma, I beg for one more last chance, I met a big deal, and she promised to help, please!!'. He knelt.

'. Lei Wuije, are sure this person is trustworthy?'.

'. [I don't know, but she seems too innocent to harm me!]'.

'. Yes!!'.

'. This is your last chance, one more mistake and you are out!'.

'. You may leave!'.

Mr Lu and Mr Zhao sat there in the living room. Mr Zhao was Zhao Lisha's father. He is the head of the Zhao family.

'. Mr Lu, it's been a long time!'.

'. I am sorry I haven't visited since you returned from Korea!'.

'. It's okay!.... Lisha told me, you were too busy to visit!'.

'. I am happy you understand me!'.

'. You are like a son to me...shouldn't I understand you?'.

'. [Smiles].....Mr Zhao, in this business era, we all understand each other even if it is just a percent, it is helpful!'. He cheered and drank his drink.

'. How has it been in the business circle?'.

'. Not easy! Not hard!'.

'. Ahh!....you must be a domineering CEO?'.

'. [Smiles], Uncle please don't flatter me!'.

'. Lisha came the other day, she told me to please support you in your business saying you were going through a lot!'.

'. She did that?'.

'. Isn't obvious that she loves you so much?'.

'. [Smiles]'.

'. I was thinking if you two should get engaged?'.

'. Uncle!...as a businessman, I am not interested in a romantic life!'.

'. [Smiles]...I know, you are still young and just want to focus on your career!'.

'. Yes, I am happy you understand!'.

'. But, Lisha isn't any girl!.....you both went to the same school and studied finance together!'.

'. We are childhood friends!'.

'. Do you want to remain friends for a lifetime after all you shared?'.

'. Uncle what we shared was nothing but friendship!'.

'. I understand you are very busy and haven't realized your feelings, so I will give you some time to think about it!'.

'. [Sighs] Thank you, Uncle!'.

'. I just want you to know that as long as the Zhao family is by your side, you will get all you want in your business life!'.

'. Thank you, Uncle!'.

'. Cheers to a happy business life!'. He raised his champagne glass.

'. Cheers!'. They cheered.

Yuayua and Shanggue sat there in the garden.

'. You came back home pretty early!'.

'. Being in the office Is boring!'.

'. I am happy my life is fun!'.

'. Where is Mom?'.

'. Behaving strangely, how should I know!'.

'. You are her daughter!'.

'. And you are her son!'.

'. Stop making a fuss you two!'. Lun Weishan walked to them.

'. Mom!'. Yuayua hugged her.

'. Why are you both making a fuss, here?'.

'. Nothing special!....sit!'. She gently pushed her to sit down.

'. Mom, where have you been lately?'. Shanggue asked as he sat.

'. That's not a thing!....how's the company?'.

'. The company?....good!...I guess!'. He stuttered.

'. You haven't made me proud for the past years,...I am disappointed!'.

'. Mom, don't sound like that!....brother is hardworking'. Yuayua rubbed her hands.

'. Are you going to watch some mistress' daughter climb her way to the presidential seat and you a legitimate son, just a normal assistant?'.

'. Mom, do you think she can make it to the presidential seat?'. He got up with his hands placed in his pocket.

'. Never underestimate your enemy, she may seem innocent, but she's the devil underneath the angel!'.

'. [Sighs]....'.

'. Mom, what should we do?'.

'. I am after the company, so I will do anything to get it!'.

'. It's crazy that you are the lady of the house, but don't even propose any power!'.

'. It wasn't easy to get in, at least I made some progress!'.

'. Mom, I can't keep seeing you guys struggle for what's ours!'.

'. What are you going to do?'.

'. I want to join the company!!'. She stood up.

'. You don't know anything about the company!'.

'. I can learn!'.

'. Get that thought out of your head, and focus on your studies!'. Shanggue said.

'. Mom!'. She turned to her.

'. She's getting into the company!'.

'. Mom!!'. Shanggue turned immediately.

'. It's always been obvious that Yuayua is smarter than you!'.

'. Thank you, Mom!'.

'. [Sighs]'. He walked away.