

It became hot news as it was heard that Lei's company had been taken over by Miss Xia and also that Mr Lei committed crimes within and outside the company and had been arrested.

'. Mr Lu!...!'. Lin Ba ran into his office.

'. What's is it again?'.

'. Boss, After Miss Xia took over Lei company, the news has already become a hot search exceeding a million!'.

'. A million?'.

'. Hmm!'. He nodded.

'. I didn't expect Miss Xia to be popular!'. He said as he read the comments.

'. Miss Xia isn't popular!'.

'. If not popular, why is she in the hot search?'.

'. Mr Lu read through the comments!'. He said.

'. [This girl is a goddess!....am sure she is more fit to take over the company!]'. He read.

'....so she became popular because of her beauty?'.

". Definitely!....many recommended her to be a model!'.

'. [Sighs], lazy beings!'. He turned his head away.

'. Mr Lu, you have a meeting in an hour!'.

'. A meeting?'.

'. Hmm!'.

'. I don't remember calling for a meeting '.

'. Mr Smith did!'.

'. I see...get my things prepared!'.

'. Okay!'. He walked out of the office.

Miss Xia sat there in her office. Yuayua and Shanggue bagged in.

'. Don't you have manners!'. She turned to them.

'. Xia, how dare you!!'. Yuayua yelled.

'. I haven't been in the company lately, so I have no idea what you are talking about!'.

'. Mei Xia, this is the company!!'. Shanggue said.

'. I know!'.

'. You can't come or even sit in the presidential office if you are not the president!!'.

'. These are rules! And as an employee of ZGDX company, you must obey them!'.

'. So you both walked into my office rudely, just to ask me to leave?'.

'. Of course, dummy!'.

'. [Smiles]....least I remind you, this is my father's office.....I have the right to come in and go out!'.

'. [Scoffs].....father's office?....he is also my father!'. Yuayua said.

'. He is your father, no doubt!....but what are you?'.

'. Xia, you are crossing the line!'.

'. I never thought I did!'. She got up from the seat and leaned her back towards the desk.

'. As the next CEO of ZGDX company and as a brother to you, I advise you to leave this office or I will the security on you!'. Shanggue said.

'. Why do I find all that you have said wrong!'.

'. What's wrong with it!!'.

'. Point of correction, you are not even a step closer to being a CEO and secondly, you are just my stepbrother, I won't biologically have a brother like you!'.

'. Who the hell do you think you are!!!...just some lowly kid who returned from the States and here you are pouring your frustration out on us!'.

'. Yuayua, do you want to know the difference between us?'.

'. I would gladly want to hear it!..there is no way you can compare with me!'.

'. That's true!.... I can never be in comparison with some illegitimate kids!'.

'. What did you just say!'.

'. Illegitimate?....my mother is a legal wife.....'.

'. No need to brag okay!....of course, I know she is a legal wife.....but that doesn't change the fact that you both are still illegitimate kids of our Ài family!'. She sat on the seat.

'. You bastard!!!".

'. Xia, I know that you are jealous and afraid because you think you won't get anything from the family's property!....but don't worry, as a good stepbrother I won't let you leave empty-handed!'.

'. [Smiles].....afraid?.... jealous?..... shouldn't I be the one saying this!....'.

'. What do you mean?'. Yuayua asked.

'. To be sincere, I feel so pitiful for you guys!'.

'. Mei Xia!!'.

'. I mean, I am a mistress daughter who can live freely and have achieved so much in life but what about being the kids of a legal wife?'. She smiled.

'. Stop trying to play smart!!". They turned their eyeballs.

'. Isn't this to say that, the life of being a mistress daughter is 1% better than your lives!'.

'. [Scoffs].....trust me, I won't let you sit officially on that seat!'. He pointed at her.

'. Let's make a deal then!'.

'. What deal?'.

'. If I become the CEO, you will have to leave the company and if you become the CEO, I will do whatever you ask me to do!'.

'. Deal!!....and who refuses to stick to the deal, will face serious punishments like going naked live streaming!'.

'. What a nice decision!'.

'. Let's go Yuayua!'.

'. My brother is the CEO!'. They walked out of the office.

The board members gathered there in the conference room. Mr Lu sat among them.

'. Mr Smith,.I was told you called this meeting?'.

'. Yes, Mr Lu!'.

'. What are we here for?'.

'. Mr Lu, it's about the company's current situation!'.

'. Current situation?....so far as I have seen, Future Group company isn't facing any challenge!'.

'. Mr Lu, this is about Lei company!....as we all know Lei company is also under our company, whatever happens to it, must surely affect us in some way!'.

'. So what do you have to say?'.

'. We can't just let a stranger take over Lei's company!'.

'. A stranger?...'.

'. Yes!....even though things are messed up now, we can't let that lady take over!'.

'. Are you talking about Miss Xia?'.

'. I guess that's her name!'.

'. Miss Xia and I are good business partners, and I think it would be good if let her take over!'.

'. Mr Lu, please think it over again!'.

'. I have known Miss Xia for quite some time now...she is domineering when it comes to business!'.

'. So Mr Lu, are you willing to give out the company to her?'.

'. Don't get me wrong!..... she is now the CEO of Lei Company, but that doesn't change the fact that Lei Company is still under us!'.

'. So that is to say that you approve of this?'.

'. Yes, I do!.... As the board members of Lei company, you have no other choice but to cooperate and support the new CEO!'.

'. What do you mean we have no choice?!'.

'. If you can't cooperate, then you might as well choose to quit, after all, you haven't made progress in the past years!'.

'. Mr Lu, it hasn't gotten to this!'.

'. From now on I don't have any business with the internal affairs of Lei company, as long as it doesn't affect Future Group company negatively!'.

'. Yes, Mr Lu!'.

'. The meeting is over!'. He walked out of the conference room.

'. Mr Lu do you want to think this over?'. Lin Ba asked him.

'. I believe Miss Xia isn't as simple as she is!'.

'. I see!'.

'. Make sure to send me every detail of how she operates the company in the future!'.

'. Yes, boss!'.

Miss Xia walked to the garage with Chuxi and Mulang.

'. You guys go back and help Fan Yin, I can return home myself!'. She said.

'. Do you think it's safe to go alone?'.

'. I have told you guys don't worry about me, I will be fine!'.

'. Okay, if you insist!'.

'. Chuxi, make sure to help Fan Yin with the project, we have to try our best to make sure it is completed without any mistakes!'.

'. You can trust me, boss!'.

'. Don't overstress yourselves, okay?'.

'. Yes, boss!'.

'. Bye!'. She entered into her car and drove off.

'. Let's go!'.

Mei Xia drove at speed since it was midnight, and there were only a few cars on the way. She stepped on the brake as someone stood there in front.

'. [What's going on?]'. She came down. Due to the smoke coming from her car, she couldn't see clearly who it was.

'. Do you need help?....'. She tried to stare at the person.

'. Because of you, I lost everything!!!'. He ran to her.

'.....'. Mei Xia had a cut on her arm.

'. Lei Wuije?' she said as she saw his face.

'. Shocked?'.

'. Weren't you arrested!'.

'. Arrested?.....do I look like someone who would give up so easily!'.

'. Lei Wuije, why can't you accept that you are doomed!.....you already failed!!'.

'. No!.....no!!, this is just the beginning!'.

Lei Wuije fought with Mei Xia, but she was able to take him down due to her great fighting skills.

'. [Pants]...it's been a long time since I used these fists!'. She said placing her feet on his shoulder.

'. You...'. He groaned in pain.

'. Do you think you can take me down with just a knife!'.


'. Trying to attack me?.....you must be daydreaming!'. She took out her cell phone and called the cops.

'. [Yes ma!]'.

'. Someone just performed a sneak attack on me!...you won't believe who he is!...'.

'...my late sister's ex-boyfriend, isn't it crazy!'.

'. ....you.....'.