A Threat to the Empire (UPDATED)

Throughout most of history, there have always been Empires. Ever since the start of civilization, one thing has been constant: Empires will rise, and Empires will fall. However, there has been one exception to this rule: The Empire of Arman, or the United Sisters of Arman. For thousands of years, this Empire has stood at the top of the world, never once faltering or showing signs of stopping. When it comes to this Empire, one motto has been with the nation since its inception: The people of Arman are the most superior, and anyone who resists must be dealt with without mercy.

Since the fall of the Roman Empire, the Arman Empire, under the rule of the Queen of Humanity, has strived to subjugate every other nation under its boot. Currently, the Arman Empire controls more than 20 million square miles of land and even more in territories. However, their plans of world domination were always stopped by the legendary Godslayer, the strongest Phoenix ever to live. For 3,000 years, the mighty Godslayer kept the Queen of Humanity in check, stopping their advances when they only ruled over five million square miles of land. And when the King of Humanity rose to power, founding the Libra Empire in response to the Queen more than 500 years ago, so too did the Godslayer put a halt to the land he could control, ensuring that both nations stayed on their side of the planet of Jupiter. While life was far from perfect during the era of the Godslayer, the chaos was more than contained, preventing an all-out war between the Armani and Libra Empires.

But no era lasts forever.

In one of the most sudden and shocking events in human history, the Godslayer was suddenly killed in battle by a man known as Ignis the Inferno, the holder of the Phoenix God title at that time. Despite his victory over the Godslayer in single combat, Ignis abruptly died of his injuries not long after the Godslayer did. With the Godslayer dead, a power vacuum emerged that threatened to destroy the entire world.

Over the past century, both Empires have been at a standstill, with neither side wanting to threaten nuclear war that could cause unprecedented devastation. But one thing is sure: Another World War will come; it is only a matter of when, not if. 

Present Day. HoliLand, the capital of the Arman Empire. Narrator A. 

The news of Yuzan's escape from prison sent panic throughout the Empire and the entire world. In contrast with the atmosphere of HoliLand, a city that is always sunny and bright, even at "night," the citizens were anxious at the thought of Yuzan attacking the Empire again. Throughout the world, the most feared name is that of Yuzan. Families were purchasing crisis bunkers in preparation, grocery stores ran out of food to supply customers with, and the higher-ups at the Arman army had to deny thousands of requests from soldiers to resign, as no woman in the Arman Empire could leave her duty. 

This paranoia was constant even in the Queen of Humanity's holy castle, with five of the twelve generals arguing over their course of action. Eventually, to the dismay of everyone involved, they decided to go to Helena for advice. The generals of Arman were all serious-looking, middle-aged women, except for the youngest two, Villa and Lucy. All 12 generals were known as some of the most powerful Phoenixes in the entire world, with legendary names such as Villa the Cruel, Rachne the Queen of Horrors, Missal the Wretched, Lucy the Unbreakable, and Hathor the Cupid. Despite these women's fame and power, none were willing to confront Helena when she was in a bad mood. After pulling at straws, the sticks decided Villa was the unlucky loser who would greet Helena.

"Just my fucking luck," said Villa as she made her way to Helena's office, which sat on the top floor of the castle, adjacent to the Queen of Humanity's throne room, as the two were relatively equal in status. Right before Villa made her way to Helena, she handed Lucy a birdcage necklace, her most valuable possession, "If I don't come back, take care of this for me, Lucy." 

As Villa passed through the many floors of the castle, she could hear the royal guards whispering to each other about the rumors they heard relating to Yuzan.

"I heard he's the boogeyman. That he's unable to die."

"I hear he once defeated Helena in a fight." 

"I hear that he killed a dozen Armani soldiers when he was only six years old." 

"I hear he gets off on inflicting suffering on other people." 

Soon, Villa stood before the intimidating steel doors to Helena's office. The massive double doors extended more than forty feet into the air, almost reaching the roof. They were so heavy that even some of the army's lieutenants could not open them. The doors slowly opened themselves when Villa knocked on them only once. 

Helena's office was so dark and large that Villa could hardly see a few inches away. The only sources of illumination in the entire room were the aquarium, which housed some of the most dangerous aquatic animals in the room, the light of Helena's cigarette (chain-smoker that she was), and the red glow from Helena's eyes. "Take a seat," said the shadowy voice of Helena, her voice so chilling that Villa's soul almost left her body. Villa sat in front of Helena's desk, and she could not catch even the tiniest glimpse of her appearance despite being almost directly in front of her. "State your business," she said, snapping Villa out of her panic. 

"We need you to make a statement about Yuzan's recent escape from prison. We need to hear your plan of attack, Supreme General Helena the Void," said Villa nervously. 

Helena appeared to ignore Villa as she focused on her mountain of paperwork, which had only grown after Yuzan's escape. "Don't waste my time with such nonsense. You should know how to deal with such a petulant child. He's no threat at all." 

No threat at all? What was she talking about? Thought Villa. Helena's complete dismissal of Yuzan shocked her and left her confused. "No threat? How could he possibly be no threat? He's the most dangerous man on the planet!" 

Her retort caused Helena to stop glancing at her mountain of paperwork, focusing her eyes on Villa. She adjusted the military hat that adorned her head and said, "You don't know Yuzan like I do. All these rumors of the man as some 'Dark Lord' are just that, rumors. He's nothing more than a small child throwing a temper tantrum and rebelling against his mother. I've dealt with him hundreds of times throughout his life, and he'll fall in line once I get my hands on him." 

Her response only left more confusion. Helena spoke about Yuzan as if she were his mother. As if she saw a man responsible for incalculable deaths around the globe as a mere child. "Miss Helena, I implore you to take this more seriously." 

"There is nothing to take seriously here. That man thinks of himself as some unstoppable force of nature, as if he were in any way capable of standing up to me." Helena put out her cigarette, placing it in her ashtray, "Now, I suggest you leave, little Villa. I have no time for children. You just play your part in this game and avoid the front lines as much as possible. Yuzan will show himself in due time, so it's best to wait for him to finish his tantrum so I can show him the price of disobedience." 

Before Villa could leave, there was one question on her mind that she needed to know the answer to: why was Helena acting as if she were Yuzan's mother? Looking back at Helena, she asked, "Helena, who is Yuzan to you?" 

A slow cackle erupted from Helena's mouth. Her laugh was slow, methodical, and sinister. "I suppose you should know this since it's you. But just know that if you tell anyone about this, I will not hesitate to kill you, Villa Ella Shadowthorne." She then moved her hand forward in a "come here" motion. Villa almost had a heart attack as she moved to her, placing her ear to the woman's mouth so she could whisper the secret to her. 

"Yuzan is my adoptive son." 

The shocked Villa said nothing as she left the office. Whenever somebody asked Villa about her distress, she said nothing. She took back the birdcage from Lucy and ran off to her apartment, uncharacteristically quiet.

With Villa gone, Helena could return to her paperwork. She didn't even make it two pages in when she sensed a presence. In an instant, an invisible force dragged the intruder from the shadows onto the chair in front of her. Greeting Helena was the annoying presence of Sir Black Viper, a general in the King of Humanity's army. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't disintegrate you on the spot, rat!" 

Black Viper was a pale, emotionless man with black hair, tall horns, and empty eyes that made him look like a walking corpse. He was a man who took almost nothing seriously, even the prospect of his death. Shrugging off Helena's words, he spoke to her in a monotone voice, "Relax, I'm just here to pay a visit. No one is accompanying me, so I wanted to have a little chat." 

"You have one minute to leave before I kill you," Helena said dismissively, "That is the most mercy I am willing to give the likes of you." 

Viper cut straight to the point with his words, trying to speak as much as possible within the time limit, "This is big news, Helena! The Great Yuzan has returned once again! This could shatter the very balance of the world! This could finally be the start of the next war." 

Helena said nothing as she checked her watch to see that he had thirty seconds left. 

"I can help you capture Yuzan if you can give me information on his whereabouts. I wish to do battle with the legendary Dark Lord! I can solve all your problems if you give me your aid." 

Helena said nothing as she checked her watch to see that he had fifteen seconds left. 

"Please, Helena. I can bring you his head." 

Ten seconds.

"I'll even pay you to let me fight him." 

Eight seconds.


Helena looked up from her watch, giving Viper a death stare to intimidate him, with only her eyes visible from the darkness. 

"Five," she said. 

It didn't take Viper long to realize what she meant when she spoke again. 


He tried to appeal to her once more before being cut off again. 


For the first time in his life, Viper felt fear. 


Before she could speak again, Viper disappeared as quickly as he had shown up. 

Helena sighed in annoyance as she went back down to her papers. As she read through her paperwork, she giggled to herself like a schoolgirl, something so uncharacteristic of her that the mere thought of it would be impossible for everyone on the planet. Thinking back in nostalgia, Helena remembered all of the things Yuzan had done in his life. That kid is a natural-born killer; there's no way he'd die from someone like Viper. Only I can deal with him. I'll throw some pawns at him to make him think he's won before I take it all away. 

In her excitement, Helena spoke to nobody in the darkness, "Make no mistake: I will have that mad dog back on his leash in due time."