I felt like I had been on go the last 30 days. I haven't really had time to do nothing. I'm supposed to be securing this bag. I'm supposed to be keeping the streets flooded. I'm supposed to be building a empire for when my nigga come home.
I haven't built shit, but myself a long list of enemies.
Reggie went stupid and left Cash and some other nigga slumped in Stick car. I had to tell Jewels I might need to lay low for a few days untill shit die down and she wasn't trying to hear that shit. We still didn't know where Doe to add to the fire.
I'm dressed whenever you're ready đ
Ok babes see you shortly
Jewels was older so I felt like I needed to talk to her sweet at all times. She was soft on me and that's exactly where I needed her.
I didn't know how I was gone have feelings for two different women, but I felt if I kept me and Bre on a non sexual level we could be cool on everything else.
That was my only real problem. I was falling for both of these damn girls and for different reasons.
It had been cold the last few days, but today the sun was out. I wore some Purple Brand jeans though because Texas weather is bipolar.
My white and red Prada runners went perfect with my off-white tee.
The woman that Doe killed name was Kiarri Stone. Her momma and my momma went to school together. The family is raising money for her funeral and that's where I'm headed.
I didn't too much have nothing to do with her getting killed but I was close enough to it. That's why I decided to give ten thousand to the family today.
We were all getting dressed and ready when the door bell rang. I wasn't expecting any company so I knew it wasn't for me. I kept on getting ready.
"I got it"
Gino yells.
He was dressed in a Polo patch work collar shirt, some crisp Purple brand jeans wit the all white G-Nikes.
That boy be fly.
I was behind him when he answered the door.
"Who you is?"
Gino asked the lady.
"Hello Gino, I'm detective Amanda Shaw"
Gino just turns around
Momma runs out her room half dressed, one Gucci shoe on, one off, 1 lash and a wave cap on.
"Boy what the hell is you yelling-
Who the hell is you?"
You see where Gino get it from.
"This detective Shaw"
I said.
"Detective? What you doing here at my house. Gianni not involved in nothing is he?"
"Not that I know of,but I do have some questions for him if he would like to come down to the station"
"I'm cool on going to that station. You want to ask me some questions do it here. Momma go finish getting dressed"
I checked my phone.
"You got 10 minutes"
She came in looking around like normal cops do then stopped at the picture of me Tay and Bre.
"So when does Tay come home"
"You got 8 minutes"
"Ok Gianni. So by my count there's been 4 murders since you've been home and you're linked to the first one. Tron. And he's linked to two more of those murders and I bet he's linked to that woman's murder as well"
"I grew up with Tron that's it. As far as his dirt went, I been gone I don't know what he had going. He had beef before I even touched the city"
"Well I know for a fact you were at Candyland the night of those murders.
The bodies were found not even a mile from there"
Amanda was fine. I could see her print thru her slacks and when she was talking to me I couldn't stop looking.
"I was getting lap dances all night. I didn't leave untill the club was over. And by my knowledge those murders happened while I was still there" I replied.
She smiled that cop smile like she had something.
"You see I never said when they happened. You sure you not involved"
"Girl miss me wit the bullshit I was there allnight. I saw the laws out there afterwards. I'm far from stupid Amanda"
The way this young nigga just keep staring at my pussy let's me know his ass not sweating me at all. I try to keep this cop persona up, but at the end of the day I'm a black detective from the hood and these niggas know that.
Most of these niggas give up that information with ease. They see me and they think I'm gone be that by the book cop. Nope help me help you or in most cases help me and I'll see what I can do for you.
I'm not dirty I'm just a nigga wit a badge and I use this bitch.
I've always loved me a true street nigga. When I was a rookie and my partner was dispatched to scoop Gianni up, I read his file and his ass tried to rob a known cartel leader at 14.
I knew then this nigga was gone turn out exactly how I needed him to. Now look at him Prada and shit.
I had to collect my thoughts. I was getting too far away from the badge and I needed to keep my head on straight.
And if he didn't remember, he would soon.
I knew I didn't have shit on Gianni that screamed murder. He knew something though. And I knew I wanted to be apart of his world.
"Two minutes Amanda"
I had started looking around again. When cops do this they stalling.
So I hit him from a different direction.
"What did you and Tdot have to talk about?"
"I mean you were riding with him last week. He is the biggest drug dealer in west Texas. I'm just curious as to why you would be talking to him. Especially now that you speak as if you don't know him"
"So you a narc now?"
She looked at me and smiled.
"I'll be in touch"
I slammed the door on her nosey ass. I wasn't too worried about Amanda. I knew her type. She just like them guards when I was gone. Fine with some authority, but cared more about how fine they was and used thst to they advantage.
I'd use Amanda ass alright. Give me the chance I'd have that hoe moving them bowls for me.
It hit me just then dude never told me what his name was. We was too caught up in the moment.
"Tdot oh hell na. Gianni you can't do business with him that's Doe brother"
"Bre I know. He must not know what's going on. Damn I didn't know who the nigga was and I don't think Tron did either"
"Gianni do I need to come back. I'll get on a flight back tonight"
Bre was in Philly with her mom Porche, with her fine ass. That's how her and my mom got cool they both named after foreign cars.
"Naw you good I'm gone figure this shit out. Enjoy yoself and bring me something back"
"Boy I done already spent a band on you alone, don't gotta tell me how to be a best friend"
"It's probably some Skechers and shit"
"Boy I almost hung up on you so I look like a skecher buying bitch?"
We shared a long laugh like we always do.
"Love you hit me when you back"
Bre paused. I had to ask if she was still there.
"You love me Gianni?"
"Yea you my bestfriend"
"Do you think we'll get past bestfriends?"
How did I tell Bre that I was into Jewels. How do I explain to her that I don't trust her at the moment. I know she probably green to whatever Doe had planned but, she really the cause of this.
"For now I just wanna pick up where our friendship left off. I think If we go further out of that realm, we wouldn't know what to do"
I should have said yes, but then I'd be offering false hope to an already emotionally attached Breanna Crane.
"I get it and it takes a real nigga to know what he want and dont want. I respect you Yanni"
We hung up as I was turning down n18th street. Jewels' dorm room faced the street and there were parking spaces right in front.
I still had the bowls sitting in the Tahoe so I moved it and grabbed Trons jeep. I don't know what this nigga put in the motor, but this bitch is way too fast for a jeep.
I pull in and text Jewels.
As I'm waiting I notice people taking pictures of the jeep. One dude asked if he could take a pic standing next to it. I said yea because it's just a jeep to me.
I saw Jewels walking out in these tight, light wash capris with a red and blue flannel wrapped around her waist. She had a white Tommy Hilfiger shirt tucked and the Tommy dad hat to match.
She wasn't doing the most, she wasn't showing ass. She wasn't trying to be the baddest. She listens though, I asked her to wear red and she did.
"Gianni did you have to bring my whole dorm out"
She said, as I was helping her inside.
"All I did was pull up and park"
I said, once I got in.
"Yea In a damn Trackhawk. One dude was saying this may be the only one in west Texas"
I don't be paying attention to what people say. I been gone, I don't know what the hell a Trackhawk is.
"Is that supposed to mean something though Jewels it's a jeep. I think the picture of a hawk on the side was cool though"
She looked at me like I was dumb.
"Boy this thing has over 700 horsepower. The biggest brake package in the game and launch control!!"
Now I was feeling stupid.
"Well damn how do you do the launch control?"
I asked looking around for it.
"Well you got about 475 more miles before it kicks in. You sitting at 27 miles and won't unlock launch untill 500"
Tron must have got it delivered to have such low miles, but the knowledge Jewels had about this car had me intrigued with her even more. Her innocence mixed with looks and brains, made for the perfect combination for me and what I had plans of doing.
"Damn girl how you know all that"
"Lol I love cars Gianni. I can work on them too. I guess you can say I'm a car girl"
Damn Jewels was fine. Her smile made you smile. The way she carried herself, her smell, all of it had me in a place of peace I've never felt before.
"And look if you don't want that much power. You click this down and it puts you at 500 horses, you should be able to handle that"
She said laughing at me.
Hell the last car i remember being in was a old ass crown vic with my hands cuffed behind my back. Before that, it was moms old Chrysler 300.
"Oh look what I did"
She pulled out a pack of back woods.
"What!!! girl let me find out"
"Right. I think I did pretty good"
Jewels was a swisher type of chick, so for her to have rolled a whole pack of woods was impressive.
"So those are yours, it's a 8th in each one and I made sure to wrap a paper around them"
Jewels was perfect. Her attention to detail only made me want her around even more.
She pulled out her swisher pack and took her own sweet out.
I would have usually questioned her and what she rolled but it's something telling me she's trustworthy.
"Nobody has ever rolled me up a whole pack of woods before"
I said, kissing ass..
"Well good I like to be different"
We shared a smile and we smoked as we listened to Aaliyah's greatest hits.
The event for Kiarri was Down the Hill in Stevenson park. That's where the black folks go to be black.
All walks of life be Down the Hill. That's what make going down there worth it. The park was the symbol for the lene town since I was a kid.
And today it was packed.
"Y'all be lit like this every Sunday?" Jewels asked.
"Not really nowdays. You get them days where it is though. We here to pay our respects for Kiarri"
"I heard about that. Was it the same guy that killed your friend. They say they died the same."
"Where you hear this at?" I asked because nobody was telling me shit.
Amanda didn't even know shit.
"I'm in this cybertech group and they track down crazy shit. Ok so Tron and Kiarri supposedly, we're killed by the same gun.
It's called the Sweeper"
I was grabbing my bag out of the back seat and had to stop.
"Ok here just watch this.There's so much we don't understand and that's what I like about the world there's so much shit we haven't even thought about but others have"
Jewels gave me her phone and there was a video ready to be played.
I hit my wood again then pressed play
Ok y'all know what it is it's Big 2-0 and we got another crazy shooting to talk about. Y'all remember that gun I was explainging where the bullets don't leave shell cashings or bullet holes. Look the damn gun don't leave any evidence. I'm talking they go thru you then back thru you, then back into the gun.
Now I don't know about y'all but it's definitely looking like another one of Lo-Techs designs being leaked. Who's actually capable of redesigning this shit in the hood?
Ladies and gentlemen someone has a Sweeper pistol on these streets and from what I've counted thats 7 murders and I'm gone say and counting because whoa. Y'all know what happen wit the first leak, how many people died. This shit too good to ignore.
Stay tuned Big 2-0 out
I repeated.
I heard that name back when me and Bre were in Certas stash house, then when I was trying to get in Tron phone there was a LT logo flashing on the screen.
Was all this tech shit connected somehow. What was Lo-Tech?
I was interested in this technology shit now. I wanted to know more about what Doe used to kill Tron. There was way more going on than just some street politics.
"That guy really is obsessed with Lo-Tech. Swears they are the future of black owned tech businesses. Crazy thing is nobody knows whos behind the company just that they're changing the game"
"And now they have a mole leaking all they shit. How can we track dude down" I asked.
We was walking along the side walk headed to the circle in the middle of the park.
It's where most of the old school playas and old head smokers go to hang out, while the younger crowd stayed close to their cars outside the circle.
"He stays in Houston, you ever been? That's where I'm from"
"Naw but if he can maybe tell us more about that gun, we can find out who made it and see if they have a eye on Doe"
I felt like a double agent or some shit.
And I knew Doe would go back wanting more. How did he even come across some shit like that?
I thought about what his ass was out there doing. Nobody has seen or heard from 'em since Tron got killed and if he the one behind the other killings, we needed to stop his ass.
I did away with hood niggas and tech, got back focused on what I was out here doing in the first place. And avoided a few folks I didn't recognize, but knew me.
There was a set up for Kiarri with food for sell, T shirts and donations. Momma was helping some woman I assumed was Kiarri's mom serve plates.
I swept the crowd for Gino and didn't see him.
"Where Gino?"'
"He found some of his friends earlier. You know your brother. I should get him a phone now"
Before I could even say anything Jewels was already in line helping. I took that as my que to handle the business and as a sign that she is as sweet as she comes off.
Definitely earned her more points. Bre ass would have been with me trying to find whoever I need to give this money too or where ever the beef was.
That's what made Bre, Bre. She was fine as hell paid and didn't mind taking a life or saving one. It went hand and hand and I loved her for that.
In my bag I had a 20 ball and a few sacs of bud incase someone was looking. I had been making some good plays lately, but I still had so much bud to get off.
I could hit the old heads that only had 5 bucks, youngstas that couldn't get no bud cause nobody would serve em, or the females that want to flirt they way into a sac.
I saw a line that lead to a desk with a woman sitting behind it. She had a lock box and was taking cash from people.
On the left side of her was a big picture of Kiarri. I let the line get a little shorter before I made my way over. I didn't want too many people seeing me pull cash out my bag.
Standing in the line, I made sure to keep my head on a swivel. There was a lot of niggas out here and most of them had a unfamiliar face. The only thing that keep me In mode was the fact I was here on some positive shit, but if shit needed to get hot I was ready.
I finally made it to the front of the line. There were a few people behind me but they looked old, occupied and not too much worried about me.
I didn't say much just took the envelope out and put it in the ladies hand. I turned to walk off, but she pulled my hand.
"Young man did you make a mistake"
The lady said.
"No ma'am that's for Kiarri no mistake"
She smiled, but was still confused.
"Did you know my grandbaby? She was only 20, she didn't deserve that. She wanted kids and a good life just got caught up wit the wrong man"
"I'm sorry I didn't know her personally. Do you know much about him, the dude Kiarri was seeing"
I could kind of put two and two together but needed all the right info I could get.
"We know he's a cartel bosses nephew. It's why we didn't want her to be involved with him. Of course she didn't listen. She liked that fast life. I'm sorry I'm talking too much"
"No you're good ma'am. Do you know where I can find him?"
I needed to talk to this cat. Maybe I could get my foot in the door and keep Tron legacy going. Knock the Cartel off one by one.
"Yes. He's not allowed in the park at all. The Stones are in town and keeping him at his car. He can pay his respects from there"
She said, waving her hands and going back to her seat. Black definitely doesn't crack. She had to be 70 atleast still kicking and looking good doing it.
The Stones were a biker gang formed right here in Abilene. From what I heard they really get down, but was ran off buy another gang out of a town called Sweetwater, but ain't shit sweet about the Water.
All I had to do was spot the vests and I'd find ol boy.
I saw what you did. You're so sweet. You gone grow to be a great man and I'm here for it
I looked up and saw Jewels eating.
You made me a plate huh?
Did!!! Handle your business. â¤ď¸
I put my phone up and scanned the street for the stones. I found them towards the end of the park. They were all off their bikes and you could see a Mexican cat sitting on a old school Monte Carlo.
When I approached them nobody was talking, they was just exchanging mugs and you could tell Dude was pissed. I needed to holla at dude though and these niggas was in my way.
"Man I don't need no more watch dogs"
Ol boy said.
His frustrations were written all over him. He was really pissed and sad I could tell.
"Naw I'm not here to watch I'm here to talk"
I said.
"Talk about what. I'm not no friendly nigga"
He said putting his hand on his gun.
I leaned up against his whip. That strap ain't move me at all.
"I know you had something to do with Kiarri getting smoked"
I lit my wood up.
"You don't know shit"
Inside his whip he had clothes, shoes and other personal items.
"Looks like you out of a place to stay. You was the the one who ran the stash house huh"
He looked at me puzzled.
"You and Kiarri put Doe on the play"
I said dropping ashes on the ground.
His silence was cool with me I just needed him to listen.
"Look. You don't gotta explain shit to me I already know what went down. Kiarri knew Doe would do it and you was the mastermind. Doe killed Kiarri cause she knew too much and left you alive cause yo people gone kill you anyway"
I offered the wood and he took it.
"It wasn't supposed to go down like that. Doe got greedy. Other dude found one of our stashes and that's how it happen. Kiarri was greedy too. She played innocent, but she was fucking on Doe. I found out the same night the play went down. We got into it and she called that nigga to meet up for her cut then-
He made the blown out brains gesture. He hit the wood again then passed it.
He coughed so hard he had to hop off his car and stand next to me.
"You must have had a good ass reason to hit ya own stash house"
I said.
He didn't want to say nothing and I respected it. I didn't need to know his reasons. I just needed to know if he'd do it again.
"How you get them niggas to move around" he asked.
Referring to the watch dogs he had.
"Money talk bro, I gave em a rack to leave you alone for a second"
Dude laughed and said.
"You must be that nigga or sumn"
I handed him the wood again.
Let's talk businessâŚ
Uh huh who this girl Gianni done walked up here with. I looked around for Bre. She usually who my son be with. Im not sure who this girl is or why Gianni didn't say nothing before he walked off, but I had some questions.
She was helping me and My friend Mrs. Stone pass out plates and I couldn't help myself.
"Excuse me young lady do you know Kiarri!"
"No ma'am I'm here with a friend and just wanted to help. He's off handling his business and I don't want to be a bother"
She don't know who I am. That's how I'm going to keep it then.
"Well aren't you sweet. Your parents raised you well. Who's your friend?"
"Oh his names Gianni"
"He must be a handsome young man if he's here with you"
"I'll take that as a compliment"
"Bro you know you out of bounds over there by yourself"
"Man I'll kill all these fucking mescans bro but you say you got a plan for me so I called you instead. I don't know how long I got before I start turning these muthufuckas into street tacos"
"Yeah just chill. I need you out here not in the dirt. I'm on the way now"
Reggie was hemmed up at Paula's. This nigga know the north side off limits unless you got somebody wit you. This the last thing I needed. I still had Jewels wit me and I wasn't trying to have her back in no shit.
The night at Candyland had her shook. She told me Bre had a gun and wouldn't let her move. She was worried about me cause I had just left them there.
She definitely gone start asking questions now.
I made my way back to the function after chopping it up with Ant. That was dude name. I told him we could possibly get something going and he agreed to meet me in a couple days.
He needed to lay low because he knew he had the cartel at him for letting the stash house get hit. He say his uncle told him he wouldn't kill him, but he had to get out the Lene asap.
"Hey we gotta slide"
"Gianni where you going?"
Gino asked.
Him, momma and Jewels were sitting down at a table and I realized I didn't introduce them.
"You show up with this beautiful young lady and don't even introduce us. Now you saying you leaving. Gianni what ls going on?"
"I'm sorry. I got mixed up with the donation. And talking and stuff. Momma this is-
"Too late boy. She already did that. Got this pretty girl over here by herself"
She looked at Jewels.
"You should break up wit his trifling ass"
Jewels just smiled that smile you don't ever want to miss.
"You trying to break up?"
She asked putting me on the spot.
"Yup if you don't come on"
I was only joking, but jewels got to her feet so quick.
"Nice to meet you Mrs. Madez. See you later Gino"
Once we were in the car jewels said.
"You threw me to the wolves back there boy. Your mom is beautiful. And Gino is so sweet"
"I'm sorry foreal. I was just caught up in everything that I was trying to do. I'll make sure to make it right next time"
"Is there gone be another time after the next time?"
"And some"
I was turning down treadaway when Jewels sat up right in her seat. She was lookkg around confused then looked at me and said.
"Why are we headed towards my place?"
"I got some things to do Jewels and I don't need you around for it. I'll come back and scoop you aftwards"
She fixed herself in her seat. Like women do when they about to talk some shit.
"No I'm going with you Gianni"
I saw how serious Jewels was. She wanted to be around me regardless of what I had going. Was the thrill of it all getting to her.
Did it feel good being next to a nigga like me?
I didn't even argue.
I passed up ACU and came up 13th till I got to
We get to Paula's and of course it's packed. I didn't need a parking space though I wouldn't be here long.
I pull up right to the gate that led to the outside eating area.
"Stay here"
"Ok Gianni"
The way she says my name, will make me forget everything I'm supposed to be doing. I wanted to give her a kiss and something was telling me she wouldn't have stopped me.
With my 40 on my waistline I went to put my wood out and decided I didn't need to.
You could see Certa and about 4 of his soldiers had surrounded Reggie.
I made it thru the gate and around Certa and his boys.
"What seems to be the problem here, Top"
"Fam I don't know you nigga,but ya boy being disrespectful. He out of bounds and won't answer none of my questions, you know the way shit work around here"
"Naw you see untill about a month ago it was like that, now it's like this. Ain't no more out of bounds. Y'all not getting enough money over here to be making them type of calls"
They laughed at me.
"Nigga do you know where you at? This Little Certa. Certa blood was spilled all over these streets and if I say this black mufucka out of bounds he is. Then you talking about money, my family bring this shit in on a daily boy what is you saying"
"Yeah I heard of the Certas. Last I heard they was getting they stashes hit and they drops scooped on them same streets, you taking money from Miss Paula but you cartel? Something not adding up"
I said.
Leaning up against the table Reggie was sitting on and passing him the wood.
"Nigga you gone be the one get us killed out here" Reggie said taking a hit of the wood.
He was calm and collected even under pressure. And I needed a nigga like that around me.
"Na we not dying tonight Reg"
I knew I was at a disadvantage.
It was four on two, but if you hit a nigga where it hurt the most once, it'll make em think twice.
These niggas was really trying Reggie thinking he was a bitch. They wasn't trying to kill shit.
Certa must have thought about what I said. He whispered something to one of his boys and he ran off.
He came back running but way harder.
Whatever he whispered to Top sent him over the edge cause he screamed at us.
"Matarlo y llevĂĄrselo"
All of a sudden his boys upped on me and Reggie.
Then 2 of them came towards me. And the other two was running up on Reggie.
They stopped when the red dots appeared on they chest. They was looking down and around confused, but I had to stay in mode.
"You see Top this how it's gone"
I walked past the still bodies of men seconds away from death.
I slid on Top big ass. He had to be 6'5 260.
"I'd get out of town if I were you. Them red dots be finding shit that's out of bounds. The north side belong to me now"
I walked past Certa making sure he understood what I said.
And i understood I just started a war.
"You owe me a pair of all blacks fuck nigga"
Reggie said to Certa before rubbing shoulders wit em.
I turned in the direction of the dots only to see darkness. Did I have hood angels watching over me?