Bigger Demon

"My lady, are you really going to do that?" Everyone in the empire knew that House Lancaster was richest, they were billionaires but at the same time, their wealth did not come from good sources, their master had sold his soul to the devil and each of their generation had to bear the curse. The curse of being a demon.

Their red eyes were the symbol of the curse.

In all honesty, Evangeline had never realized she was so brave. She had offered marriage to that demon! But what was done was done, and she would never regret her decision. The one living in this house was more than a demon!

"You do not need to worry about me anymore. You are.." Before Evan could speak further, the room door burst open.

Harold stared at them with a cold gaze. He walked in slowly gauging reactions from Evan. He was sure she had seen it. She had noticed him and Elene. He was expecting her to throw a tantrum or threaten him with her position. But she was surprisingly meek and docile. That did not suit her. Hmm! Should he provoke her to see what was in her mind? 

"I thought you were sick and needed rest. That is why I never came to disturb you, but I can see you still have the strength to run around and follow men!" His gaze turned colder but Evan could feel lust in his eyes, "Could it be that you are not satisfied with one night and need more?" 

He chuckled when he saw how her eyes widened and fear filled them.

"You should have come to me. As a husband, I will fulfill your every need." He sat on her bed and placed a hand on her thighs when her whole body stiffened.

The flashes of his and Elene entangled on the bed passed through her eyes and she jerked her hands away with disgust.

His eyes narrowed instantly. No matter how angry she was, Evan was a people pleaser, she could never stand against him, afraid that she would hurt him or others.

Had it not been the case?

"I. I went to ask him for help. I heard that we owe him money." Evan stammered a bit when she noticed the look of his eyes changing.

He forgot about her mood and stood up abruptly. He was sure he had hidden it well, how did she know?

"Were you spying on account books behind my back?" He raised his voice, really infuriated this time.

She stared at him hard. What an amusing situation. The position had always belonged to her and her father yet he thought that she was spying when she touched the account books.

But now was not the time yet. She had to endure it for three more days, for her safety.

"Oh! So it's true!"


"You did not know?" Then what was just?

"I heard it from the duke when he was talking to Count Douville. He said that he owns all of our properties. I could not believe it, so I ran behind him but he only laughed and left. How much do we owe him and why? I am sure our condition was good." His hands clenched into a fist and his face turned red as if someone had taken off his clothes in public.

"You are sick. You should be resting. Do not make a fuss. Can you not read the mood of the house? Your father had just died, and we are still mourning. Yet you care about creating a scene in public. Should I lock myself in the room to get some peace?" He threw the glass on the corner violently as he glared at her before leaving the room.

The door banged behind him with great force. She stared in shock at the entire scene.

"Do you understand why I have taken this decision now?" She sighed, she had already given up on this man when she had decided to marry Damien. They why tears were still pouring out of her eyes like a broken dam.

"I understand, my lady. But there is no way that I will leave you alone. I will follow you even if you go to hell." Daisy hugged her mistress with all her heart.

She did not know what else she could do for her mistress. She had never felt that she was so weak before.

"If you are with me, I will feel strong. We just need to bear it for three more days."



In the carriage,

"Master, do you want to return to the estate or are you going to announce your marriage in your ancestral house?" Ian was dying of suspense but he knew better to ask questions to his master.

"I will leave but you will not. Follow the lady in the dark and report everything to me. If she is in danger, I do not care about being caught." Ian's eyes widened with shock.

"You are asking me to reveal my identity in case of danger?" He had taken so many dirty tasks for the master that he lost count.

He had killed, kidnapped, bribed, sold, and brought humans. He had done anything to make sure that his master stayed at the top. But before each mission, he was reminded that he could die but never reveal his identity.

Now his master was going to let go of that rule just for some minor spying. The cold and confident gaze of the lady flashed past his eyes and he shivered.

"Since when have you started asking me questions?" Damien raised a brow with an annoyed look that made Ian shiver.

He bowed his head and instantly ran out of the carriage. The carriage started and left him alone. Ian kicked a small stone with his feet.

His eyes took in the structure of the building like a hawk and a slow smirk formed on his face.

"Ha! There is finally someone to change my master! This is going to be interesting."