The Test

"So you mean it is not the mistake of those foolish girls who poured color over my wife but it is her mistake to not check the entrance of her marriage altar?" Dami raised an amused brow as he sauntered into the room with a smile on his face. But the elders knew better. His cold eyes and the mockery hidden beneath his words.

"Why would our daughters do it? You can not accuse others without any proof!" The man frowned deeper as he warned Dami only to make Dami laugh.

"Did I blame them? I did not remember taking their name." he did not? Of course he did not. Understanding dawned. He had only called them foolish girls. The man's face went red instantly and he coughed and looked away.

"Philip only said that your wife is still naive. It would be better that she trains herself first as duchess and only then can she take her position." Spoke to the other elder, Darren in a soft voice.