Shock Treatment

"She… She must have gotten better from the shock." May spoke hastily, earning a glare from Elene, but she was too engrossed to care about it, "you know i have heard that people get their wounds healed by shock before but it is my first time seeing it." she would do anything as long as Grace nodded her head and accepted their excuses.

"Ah, did you hear that? My father is calling for me." Grace left the room as if she was running away from demons. But May heard her laughing and deflated like a balloon. Before she could recover her senses, a slap landed on her face.

"You… what nonsense were you spouting in front of nobles. How could a wound formed by a stabbing dagger improve my shock treatment?" May covered her cheeks with her hands and looked at Elene with an aggrieved face. It would not have happened if the lady had not jumped from the bed. She should have been lying on the bed no matter what.