Not You, But Me

He started sucking and grazing them and a soft moan escaped her mouth.

She gasped and he took the chance to enter her mouth. She tried to imitate his actions sloppily but in the end gave up and let him take the lead. His tongue poked her and soon they started playing a game of tagging.

The kiss had turned fierce and ravenous. His hands that were holding her waist started to roam on her body freely. Her gown had already been falling due to the opened threads moving further down from the back, while staying at its place in front due to lack of space between the two entangled bodies. 

But that was enough for his hands to touch her bare back. His lips were so fierce as if he would suck the life out of her body. Soon she started turning breathless but he did not let her go.

Her hands that were holding his neck moved and hit his chest but it was no more than a tickle for him. Going out of breath, she mustard all her strength and bit his lips.