She Was His!

There was pure hunger in the way she caught his lips, leaving him hungry, ravenous and thirsty for more of her touch. Her actions were sloppy, anxious but full of command and control. 

His hands came around her waist, his lips firm. She stepped into him and forced him back a step. She would be a different kind of wife. She wouldn't wait on his decision. She was deciding. And she had decided that they would consummate, today, now and there would be no other answer accepted. 

She came at him like a storm leaving him bare and vulnerable. her mouth hungry and hot, her small hands gripping him tightly as her body writhing up against him.

He was puzzled, for a fleeting moment. Guilt for a Very fleeting second but more than anything he was hungry for her. The desire between them was scorching like burning coals. His heart wavered but his body knew no control at that moment.