Wait For Me

"But.." Caleb and Emily blocked Olga as Cherie guided Eve so that she could reach there on time. 

She could hear the distinct complaints of Olga but it faded as they took the turn.

"Thank you, Cherie. For understanding me." She knew it was hard to go against their master. Especially when she can not assure that they will not be punished by Damien. She did know how he would react.

He was going to such lengths to hide the truth from her. What if he did not listen to her. It would be a lie if she said that she was not scared.

But even if she had to bear his ire, she could not let this go.

"This way, your grace." Cherie took out a key from the small vase and opened the door for her. "His grace would be in the first room. The room belonged to his deceased father." she explained in a low voice full of remorse.

Eve knew there was still too much for her to know. She had lived as an ignorant person all this life. But not anymore.