Protecting Her

"Where is Ian and Cotlin?" Eve asked once Damien had placed her in the bed and sat on the other side of the bed. He was looking at her as if they had met after a century. His gaze made her shift on the bed uncomfortably. He furrowed at once.

"They could be anywhere in this huge world. They are not kids that I would babysit for them." Eve rolled her eyes. She was not a kid either. But she was sure that he was looking for her for ages. 

"I have asked them to wait at the door and bring people in to see how Harold had kidnapped me and was beating me." Damien's eyes narrowed at the word beating. He held her arms and scowled. 

"Did that scum beat you?" she paused and blinked. Should he not ask how Harold was burnt first? She could never understand how Damien's mind always finds a way to put her first. But the thought always melts her heart.