[The overhead light went off and when it came back on, two gentlemen stepped out from the lab.]


POLICE CONSTABLE 2: [Walking] What is it?

JASON: I just want to give you the lab results of what you asked me to do.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: [Stops walking] …..The donuts I asked you to analyse.

JASON: Yeah that one.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: Alright brief me on your results but be snappy 'bout it since I have to go somewhere.

JASON: Will sure do. To begin, the red donut had canine mark slightly similar to one of the bite marks on the neck of the deceased.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: Are you insinuating here that the killer is the person who ate the red donut. [Remembers that ANDRE was the one who ate the red donut]

JASON: No sir you would have to hold your horses there. Well if it was like the hair or the saliva of the killer on the body of the deceased, we could conclude the identity of the killer using the DNA but we have only a canine mark and that's all.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: If that's the case so why are you giving me results then.

JASON: Well sir there's an adage which goes like this "Patience moves mountains", simply put means that a steady approach can make a difference. All what I want to say is that you have to patiently wait for the right justification to this predicament.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: So could you care to explain further concerning all this your big talk.

JASON: If you insist then I will tell you right away. After examining the bite mark on the donut similar to the one of the marks on the deceased, I was able to come out with a hypothesis subdivided into three theories.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: [excitement recognized in his voice] Three theories!!

JASON: Yes I have three possible theories to prove the murder but isn't sure which is the right one.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: As I mentioned earlier I'm sort of in a rush right now so could you be fast with whatever you have to say.

JASON: My first theory is that a wild cat was involved to be precise, a panthera leo.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: What the hell is panthera leo?

JASON: That's just the scientific name of a lion.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: [Startled] Before you mention any of those whatnot names don't forget this, I wasn't really a fan of biology class so wouldn't know those sorts of weird names.

JASON: Sure thing, won't forget. The reason why I assumed it to be a lion is primarily 'cos all the bite marks punctured into the deceased neck are canine like. I think either the murderer uses the lion to carry out the act since there hasn't been any news of a deranged lion running loose on the streets.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: Interesting stuff you got, carry on.

JASON: If the lion isn't the possible answer my next theory could probably be the answer. You are aware of how the doctor's syringe operates, right.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: Of course I know that, I ain't daft or something.

JASON: Well anyway with the syringe it is either used to extract blood from a patient or to transfer a drug. My second theory is based on the probability that the murderer is a doctor who uses a kind of machine like a syringe with canine like needles at one end for sucking up the blood of the victim…

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: [interjecting] A machine!

JASON: Yes and it could be that the doctor/murderer is illegally taking the blood of people since the deceased also had loss of blood able to fill close to five pints in a blood bank which is similar to the black females death.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: This could be it, well the last theory.

JASON: This last theory is disobeying science completely and it is even strange for me to say it.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: Quit the long tale and just spill the beans.

JASON: Theoretically speaking I believe that the murderer could be the fictional character, a VAMPIRE.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: You got to be kidding me, that's absurd.

JASON: Which is what I thought but the description of how a vampire kills with reference to all the Info from the fictional writers and forbidden books matches the exact murder method performed on the deceased.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: I thought you science guys don't believe in fiction and fairy tales, can you hear yourself spouting this nonsense.

JASON: What I just said isn't nonsense but a theory which could be proven right or wrong with just evidence, if you're able to carefully investigate with the leads I just said.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: So I assume that's all what you wanted to tell me, right.

JASON: Yes sir.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: In that case I would give it a try when I'm less busy. [Saying this, he left the forensics lab heading for somewhere unknown]