Chapter 28

Balerion ran wildly as Baal continued to violently bite its neck, tearing the flesh in the same place, attempting to tear its head from its body. The trees below were trashed as Balerion charged toward the hills, aiming to knock Baal off by slamming his back into the rocky terrain. However, just before Balerion could hit the rocks, Baal heard Androw's voice in his mind, "Leave him."

Baal didn't hesitate, leaping from Balerion's back as the massive dragon crashed into the cluster of rocks, causing a large cloud of dust to rise. From the smoke, Balerion emerged growling, struggling to his feet. His body was bleeding from the deep claw marks left by Baal, and from the torn flesh on his neck, not just blood and smoke leaked, but also black flames.

Baal momentarily hesitated, distracted by the confusion of hearing Androw's voice. Balerion growled in anger, his body bleeding and smoldering. Ferociously, Balerion tried to approach Baal, but Baal flew backward, evading the attack before taking to the sky.

Seeing Baal ascend, Balerion didn't hesitate to breathe black flames at Baal, who deftly avoided the attack. At that moment, Baal heard Androw's voice in his mind again, saying, "Sīmonagon," commanding him to rise higher into the sky. Hearing Androw's voice again made Baal more excited; he roared in defiance towards Balerion before ascending higher.

Writhing in pain, Balerion laid down briefly before flapping his colossal wings to pursue Baal once more, roaring towards the sky. His entire body emitted heat, and the flesh on the right side of his neck, significantly torn, seemed to burn from his own flames leaking from the wounds. Despite the searing pain, Balerion was determined to hunt down Baal.

With struggle, Balerion continued his pursuit. The higher he flew, the more rage he felt, his roars echoing defiantly as he tried to close the distance between himself and Baal. But Baal, aware of Balerion's injuries, began to intentionally slow down, drawing Balerion higher into the sky. As time passed, the distance between them started to widen once Baal began ascending even further.

Balerion struggled to keep up, his injuries taking their toll as his body bled profusely. His vision started to blur as he entered the clouds, unaware that a trap awaited him.

"Attack," Androw's voice rang in Baal's mind. Camouflaged within the clouds, Baal waited patiently. In the next second, Balerion emerged from the clouds, only to be met by Baal's claws tearing through his wing membrane, crippling his ability to fly. Balerion roared in fury, flapping his broken and unbroken wings desperately to avoid falling, but he couldn't control his descent.

Baal, relentless, dove after him. Balerion, sensing the imminent threat, tried his best to take Baal down with him. He breathed black flames in a final desperate attempt. The searing flames engulfed Baal, forcing him to halt his approach as Balerion spiraled downward, desperately trying to lessen the impact.

The once-mighty Black Dread crashed into the mountain with a boom, causing destruction below him. Dust and debris filled the air, obscuring the fallen dragon before rolling down. Baal circled above, watching for any signs of movement from Balerion.


On the shore, Rhaena leaned against the injured Dreamfyre, watching Balerion's fall. She murmured, holding back her pain, "The beast is dead, my love." She tried to close her eyes, finding peace in seeing the beast that killed her brother-husband dead. How long she had wished for this to happen, to rid herself of the nightmares that had haunted her for so many nights.

In the distance, near the mountain range where Balerion had fallen, the great dragon's body rolled back into the depths, causing further destruction as it tumbled. The impact from the fall was enough for Balerion to lose his last breath, leaving him lying lifeless amidst the rubble.

On the other hand Androw stood distant from the place where Balerion had fallen, he still felt the magnitude of Balerion's fall even from afar. All this time, he had been experiencing everything through Baal's eyes, a strange new ability to link his mind with his dragon he never know until few minutes ago. Seeing nothing else go wrong, Androw fell back with a sigh. The tension from moments ago dissipated, but his thoughts quickly turned to the repercussions of this event. He smiled awkwardly, thinking, "How am I supposed to deal with them?" He glanced at the woods, burning and destroyed by the dragons. He knew he was going to face either Jahaerys or his whole court soon.

He looked towards the beach, where Baal had thrown Rhaena's dragon, hoping she was okay. She was the only ace that could make things right after this. Then he glanced at Aerea, who was still weeping, seeing her first dragon ride end in such a tragedy.

He wanted to scold and scream at her for what she had done, but what was the point of scolding a child who couldn't fully comprehend her mistakes? Who knew why she was truly crying? At that moment, with a roar, Baal descended, drawing a smile from Androw, who felt proud of his dragon. Baal flew towards the fallen Balerion, unleashing a breath of green flames on the lifeless body.

But Balerion was already dead from the fall and the blood loss. Seeing his prey no longer reacting, Baal landed near Balerion and began to bite off the flesh, aiming to claim his trophy—Balerion's head. After completely breaking Balerion's neck, Baal lifted the severed head and threw it to the side, roaring triumphantly to the sky.


Fellow readers, I understand that many of you might not have been satisfied with the sudden outbreak of dragons. I acknowledge that some of the choices I made alongside the main character might have contributed to this. However, it could lead to more intriguing situations. For more chapters, please visit my Patreon.

