Academic Criteria

Even though Jason had the enthusiasm of a teenager when he talked about his guild, he hadn't actually made one yet. Apparently, you need at least four members of the iron rank to form a guild. 

There is also the matter of a three-star Arcane Society badge, but that didn't seem to be the problem. The guy didn't even have a single member guaranteed to join his guild yet, but he looked as confident as ever. 

Well, Jason Forger seemed to be a confident fellow, looking exactly like what he was—young, boastful, and equally talkative.


Warden listened to him as he ate the food, which was better than anything he had eaten before. More importantly, he didn't buy this food; it was all on Jason's pocket. 


"So, what do you say, Warden?" Jason asked. "Will you join my guild?" 


"Doesn't seem too bad," he replied, chewing on the meat. "If my other things don't work out, then sure."