
"My father started learning runes when he was in his forties," Jenni said, sucking in a deep breath. "It took him over eighty years to become a Master Runesmith. Granted, being a common-born, he didn't have resources… And the accomplishments in runes were quite backwards back then…"

Like the number of Master Runesmiths could be counted with one arm. Of course, there were some ancient runesmiths among the elves and the legendary Celestial, who brought this art to this world, but that hardly proved anything to her point. 

"It's still quite backward, even now, I think," Warden commented offhandedly as he began frying the rice. "I have been instructing some adepts from the department and learned why they were so inefficient. Honestly, only a couple of them will cut it as an Adept, and one of them is very old with over a hundred years of experience… Which brings me to question that he probably took all that time to become efficient."

"What about the other person?"