
With a couple of people jumping into the gate of pulsating lights and disappearing, more began to drop the fight and run towards the gate, creating chaos in their wake.

A few of them got injured in their run as well. They hadn't seen the arrows of the orc archers coming and now lay on the cold ground, arrows struck to their bodies.

"Sister," one of her sisters called, as Cassandra took note of her surroundings. The little upper hand they had in the battle was washed out by the few who chose to abandon the fight to run towards the gate. The first two had been the catalyst; even now, more were joining them in the foolish endeavour.

There were even soldiers in the midst of them—they should be seasoned enough to know what their actions meant. But Cassandra didn't have high hopes when she saw Tayl Alebson leading his men through the obstruction of the forsaken. His goal, too, was the gate.