One Blade

The battle lasted for a quarter of an hour, and Warden finally landed some blows on his opponent.

The short swordmaster began to slow down, attempting to sneak in blows. He managed to execute a combination of two or three attacks at once with his blade; however, the damage they inflicted on Warden was almost equal to what a single blow from him did to the swordsman.

The void essence at work.

"I'm hoping you're enjoying yourself," Warden said, his spear flashing just a little short of his opponent's nose, barely missing by an inch. But the wind didn't miss the attack. Baleful wind, empowered by his intent and void essence, crashed into the swordsman's head before he could muster a block. Even the block he came up with only saved him from having his head blown off. Well, even if his prowess was suppressed, he was a goddamn gold ranker. He wouldn't die just from this.