
His declaration finished with that. He didn't bother to answer any of their inquiries and let his words sink in. The adepts began eating quickly until one of them stood up.

"Thank you for the food," Aki said as he rushed back to the house. "It was delicious, but I better go now."

"I left the door to my room open," said the oldest of them as he began to run as well.

"Sweet gods, I need a bath," added Kei as she joined them in the run.

Soon, only Gale and the three ladies were left.

"Good lord, this is crazy," Jenni muttered, licking her dessert.

"Do you not intend to compete with them?" June asked her.

"I haven't thought of it yet," she said. "But I guess if I can get a load of food, I certainly will." She finished her dessert and began to lick the container under everyone's gaze. "Oh, them? Most of them are no competition to me."