Safe Hunting

"This is not supposed to happen," shouted the lanky guildman. "Quick, try to connect with the guild..."

"I'm trying..." said the other guy, a longread in hand. "It's just not working, damnit!"

"You don't have to connect to the guildmaster, anyone would do..."

"I'm trying..."

Gale shook his head and turned his attention to his companions. "Before we try anything, I would like to know how you two fare in a battle?" he asked, eyes flashing towards Jenni.

He didn't believe she was much of a fighter, but she probably could handle herself well against a single foe of similar power.

"I went through the military training," she said, sounding a little embarrassed. "The bare minimum military training."

Well, if there is any issue, I'll simply store her in the soul domain, he thought and turned his attention to Dawn.