
I woke up with a groan. It would be so much better if mornings didn't exist! Then I cracked an eye open and realized why my room was so bright. Mom had opened my curtains. "Mom!" I said putting a pillow over my head.

"You could sleep in when we weren't royalty. Now that we are you need to get up," Mom said.

I huffed. "Fine." I got up and Mom pointed to a green dress. I smiled. "At least I can still wear my favorite color."

She nodded. "No makeup too."

"Yay!" I said happily. I was never a makeup girl. Mom left and I got dressed quickly. I wonder what today will bring to the castle. 

I went down to breakfast and Dad beamed at me. "Ah, if it isn't the most beautiful princess ever."

I blushed. "Dad!"

"There isn't anyone here to embarrass you," Mom said smiling.

"T-there's the servants," I sputtered as I sat down. We started eating. 

"Y/n?" Mom said.

I looked at her. "Yes, Mom?"

"Your father and I have talked and we decided that we'll let you out of the castle anytime you'd like."

"Really?" I asked getting excited. The servants and guards were going to hate this. "Thank you!"

She held up a hand. "But you'll have to be with a bodyguard at all times."

I nodded slowly. "Okay. So which guard will be going with me?"

"None. We decided one of the Ninja would be better and the only one who didn't have an assignment was the Green Ninja," Dad said.

I froze. "What?"

"It surprised us too. Why wouldn't the Green Ninja have an assignment? He's the most powerful person in the world."

"It's lucky for us because I would rather he do it than anyone else," Mom said.

I stared at them. Shocked. "You do know he hates princesses, right?" I said.

Mom sighed. "I heard that but I'm sure he's different now that Harumi is no longer evil. Besides, he's learned to trust Vania so he'll learn to trust you."

This is a bad idea! "Mom, on second thought, I don't want to go outside the castle." Please that that work, I mentally pleaded.

Dad frowned. "He'll be staying with us and will be watching you even while you're on the grounds."

I stared. "Even in the castle? No one can get in!"

"We aren't taking any chances, Y/n," Mom said firmly.

"Mom, please. Nothing has happened since we moved here."

"Why are you so determined that he not be your bodyguard?" Dad asked.

I closed my eyes. They didn't know about my power to sense other people's emotions or that I could heal people. With my emotion power, I am able to soothe anyone and I can heal any wound. I've kept it from them and I bet that Green Ninja will find out real quick and tell them! I calmed myself. "When will he be here?" I asked as I opened my eyes.

"Tomorrow. He has the room next to yours too," Mom said.

Of course, he has the room next to mine. How else will he be able to keep me safe? I mentally snorted. If I get attacked I bet he'll just let them attack me. We finished breakfast in silence and I went out to the garden. I sat on one of the benches and stared off into the distance. I'll keep him out of my room and as far away from me as possible. I leaned back and shut my eyes. My parents were throwing a ball in two days. Everyone was invited. They could wear whatever they wanted was the perfect time for an attack. It would be best if we had someone to protect us other than the guards. I growled. Great. Now I wanted him to be here? Ugh!

I opened my eyes and got up. Then I started pacing. Something my Mom wouldn't be happy with but I had no choice. It was either this or drive myself crazy. I paced for about ten minutes and decided I'd try to make the best of this. I was better than Harumi and the Green Ninja will see that he can trust me. I went in and to the room next to mine. The room was a peach color and honestly looked horrible. I sighed. Nothing I can do about that. I went in and made the bed with green, sheets, blankets, and a pillowcase. Then I looked around and hung up a weapon rack. There. Now it looks a little better. 

I went to look at my clothes and sighed again. All my clothes were green but a few skirts and shirts. Oh, well. It's my favorite color and I'll tell him that if he asks. I read for the rest of the day. When it was dark out, I brushed my hair and teeth and got into bed. Let's see what tomorrow brings.