
I quickly ran to Ninjago and then slowed down as I tried to find out where Lloyd was. I cocked my head to the side. Then I heard a huge crash and I took off in that direction. Lloyd in his dragon form was destroying a building. "Lloyd!" I yelled. 

He froze and turned to me. "Y/n?" He said.

I ran over to him. "You have to stop this!"

"But you died."

I grabbed his hand. "I'm not dead," I said softly. "I'm right here, with you."

His hand cupped my cheek. "I saw you die. How are you back?"

I smiled. "Your grandfather didn't think it was time for me to die."

His eyes widened. "You saw him?"

I huffed. "Yes, Now shut up and kiss me." He did and we stayed lip-locked for a long time.

"Y/n!' A voice shouted.

I broke off the kiss and groaned. "Dammit." I watched my parents storm over to us. "Yes, Mom and Dad?" I asked.

"You get away from him this instant," Mom said.

I narrowed my eyes. "No."

"What?" Dad said.

I looked at them defiantly. "No. I will not be moving away from Lloyd. I love him." Lloyd's grip on my waist tightened. "I'm not planning to go back to the palace too," I added.

Mom blinked. "But you're the princess. Once we die you'll become queen."

I shook my head. "No," I said firmly. "I'm going to stay with Lloyd."

"Y/n, he's a dragon!" Dad said coldly.

Lloyd winced. I glared. "Not his fault. It happened after he fought the Crystal King." I smiled at Lloyd. "If I'm honest, I think it makes him look hot." Lloyd stared at me in surprise. I smirked.

"Y/n," he muttered.

I turned back to my parents. "I died. That's why Lloyd went into a frenzy. The FSM told me I wasn't supposed to die because I needed to be there for Lloyd. So I'm not leaving him." I turned on my heel (grabbing Lloyd's wrist in the process) and started heading in the direction of the Monastery. 

"Y/n, are you sure about this?" Lloyd asked ten minutes later as we both sat on the couch in the Monastery.

I nodded. "More than sure. I love you."

He smiled. "I love you too." He kissed me and kissed back. After a few minutes, he bit lightly on my bottom lip and my mouth slid open. He swept his tongue into my mouth and explored it. I tried to get control but I lost the battle. Though somehow I ended up in his lap. 

I broke the kiss. "Um, how did this happen?" I asked curiously.

He smirked. "Were you too busy kissing me to realize you'd crawled into my lap?"

I glared. "Shut up." I snuggled against him. "Well, I might as well make the most of it, right?"

His arms came around me. "Mm-hmm," he murmured as he started kissing my neck.

"Lloyd," I grumbled. The door opened and in came the other Ninja. I made to get up but Lloyd tightened his grip on me. "Lloyd! Let go," I hissed.

He shook his head. "Nope, you're mine."

I groaned. "Bueno, no lo sueltes. Veremos qué piensan tus amigos."

He snickered. "Fine by me."

Kai was the first to come in. "Whoa, you have a girlfriend now?" He said.

Lloyd rolled his eyes. "You seem surprised."

"Well, yeah. I mean, you don't usually trust girls. You only trust Nya and Pixel."

"I was a princess when we met," I said smirking as Lloyd glared at me.

Kai blinked. "Princess? I thought you swore off them!"

"Thanks, Y/n," Lloyd grumbled. 

I grinned. "You're welcome."

"I've got to go tell the others!" Kai said running into the other room.

Lloyd sighed and let me slide off his lap. "Be prepared for their questions, Y/n."

I shrugged. "I don't mind answering questions."

He raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"


"Then answer this. Will you marry me?"

I stared. "Are you serious?"

He looked at me in the eye. "Yes."

I hesitated then mentally snorted at myself. "Yeah, I'll marry you," I said smiling. He kissed me and we were still kissing when the others came into the room.

"Hey, you two," Nya said.

We broke apart. "Sorry, but she just agreed to marry me so I couldn't resist kissing her," Lloyd said.

Nya squealed. "You're getting married? That's great!"

I giggled. "It is, isn't it?"

"I've never thought there would be a day when Lloyd got married," Cole said.

Lloyd frowned. "What?"

"Well, you had practically swore off women..."

"I did not! I just couldn't find anyone I was interested in!"

"There was also a bit of time when we thought you were gay," Jay said.

"What?!?" Lloyd yelled. "Are you guys crazy!?!"

I was laughing and so was Nya. "Lloyd, chill," I said as I tried to stop. "There's no need to get mad. You're with me and they can obviously see that you aren't gay."

Lloyd glared at them. "They're my friends. They should have known that I wasn't gay."

"In our defense, we thought Harumi messed it up for you," Cole said.

I put my hand on Lloyd's shoulder and willed him to calm down. He relaxed then scowled at me. "You just used your power on me, didn't you?"

"What? No," I said innocently.

"You did."

"Well, you needed to calm down!" I looked at the others and saw they were confused. "I have three powers. Healing, talking to animals, and being able to sense and change someone's emotions," I explained.

"Oh," Kai said. "That's useful."

I shrugged. "Only when I can use it."

"Is that how you died?" Nya asked Lloyd stiffened beside me. "The guy somehow blocked your powers?"

I slid my hand into Lloyd's. "He put a Venge stone bracelet on my wrist so I couldn't use my powers. Otherwise, I would have healed myself and not died."

"She saw the First Spinjitsu Master," Lloyd said. "He brought her back."

"Just like he did for you," Pixel said.


"He showed me what Lloyd was doing here in Ninjago so I knew I needed to come back," I added. "Because apparently without me, he lets his dragon form take over." He was still in that form. 

I saw his tail twitch. He looked at me. "You like me in this form," he said.

I nodded. "I do and I like your human form."

"She's definitely a keeper," Kai said and the others agreed. We all sat to watch a movie and then went to bed. 

I curled up beside Lloyd. "Love you," I murmured.

He wrapped his arms around me and held on tight. "Love you too." We fell asleep.


Bueno, no lo sueltes. Veremos qué piensan tus amigos. = Well, don't let go. We'll see what your friends think