
Jay had taken Lloyd to the comic store to get Lloyd out of the monastery. We put up the decorations quickly and Misako somehow made a green cake with green frosting. I looked around. "It's really green in here," I muttered. I went to Lloyd's and my room and wrapped his present. I said it was a green dragon but it had some gold on it. It even had golden eyes which are cool. I went and put it on the present table just as Nya put down her and Jay's. 

"There," Nya said smiling. "At least we don't have to deal with Lloyd pestering us any more about this party."

I snorted. "No, now we have to deal with him saying he hates celebrating his birthday during the party."

She laughed. "True."

Harumi put down her and Morro's present. "At least he won't be complaining for long," she said.

"Yeah, he'll soon forget after he starts opening our cool presents," Skylar said putting her and Kai's present down.

I shook my head. "Doubtful."

"Well, he'll be paying attention to you too," Harumi said. "So maybe it will distract him from complaining."

I blushed. "Harumi!"

"What? It's true!"



Nya laughed again. "He does love you, Y/n. Maybe he'll forget that this is his birthday party while you're here."

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you forgetting he'll remember once everyone sings 'Happy Birthday' and he sees the cake?"

"Eh, that will only be for a few minutes," Skylar said grinning.

"Ugh, now I'm going to make sure he pays attention to everyone else."

"You will?" Pixel said joining our group. "I didn't think you were that mean."

"I'm not! But I can't just keep him from everyone and I most assuredly can't keep him from complaining."

"You could try," Nya said.

"Or she can kiss him every time he starts," Skylar suggested.

I didn't need a mirror to know my face was bright red. "Skylar!"

She laughed. "It's only a suggestion."

"A terrible one!"

"I actually like it," Harumi said and dodged the spoon I threw at her.

Morro came over. "He and Jay are on their way back. Misako says we should just keep enjoying ourselves and she'll start making people dance when Lloyd gets here."

I wrinkled my nose. "Who put that idea into her head?"

"No idea."

Nya was slowly inching away. I frowned at her. "You did?"

"It might have slipped out."

"Nya!" Skylar, Pixel, Harumi, and I started chasing her and were still chasing her when the boys came in.

"Whoa," Jay said as Nya hid behind him.

The four of us stopped in front of him. "Move, Jay," I ordered.

"What's going on?" He asked.

I glared. "Nya has asked Misako if this party will have dancing and now Misako will make us dance," Pixel explained.

"It slipped out!" Nya exclaimed. "It was an accident."

Skylar stepped forward. "Move or we'll take you down with her," Skylar said to Jay.

He swallowed. "Um..."

Lloyd smirked. "I have an idea." He whispered something to Jay and then went and whispered to all the other Ninja.

My eyes narrowed. "What is he doing?" I asked Jay.

He grinned. "Nothing."

"Uh-oh," Harumi said as Kai, Cole, Zane, and Morro surrounded us with Lloyd leading them.

I scowled. "Really? This is how you're going to play it?"

Lloyd nodded. "Think you can beat all of us?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Why are you protecting Nya? Do you want to dance?"

"No, but this is a fun game and it is my birthday."

"Says that guy who hates celebrating them!"

"Hey, I'll help you girls," Vania said coming to stand with us.

I smiled at her. "Glad to see you made it."

She shrugged. "I would have been here sooner if you told me this was going to happen."

I looked around. "It's a new development."

"I see."

I smirked at Lloyd. "Still want to fight us?"

He raised an eyebrow. "You think Vania showing up changes anything?"

I looked at the girls. "Let's get them!" We attacked. Pixel went for Zane, Vania went for Cole, Skylar went for Kai, Harumi went for Morro, and I went for Lloyd. I tackled him to the ground and we both playfully punched each other like the others were doing. I was trying to pin Lloyd's hands over his head but he was quick and his tail kept getting in the way. "Stop using your tail," I growled at him as I rolled out of the way before it could wrap around me.

He smirked. "Let me think about that. No."

After twenty minutes of fighting all of us girls had the boys pinned. I had one leg holding both of Lloyd's down and the other holding his tail while my hands had his hands pinned over his head. "Looks like you boys lose," I said smiling. Then I turned my head to Jay who was still in front of Nya. "Hand her over, Jay." 

Lloyd chose that moment to twist his body and somehow he managed to get me pinned. I glared and smiled. "You were saying?"

"We still win,' I growled. "You might have me pinned but the other girls have the boys."

"Ah, but you're their leader. If they don't want anything to happen to you they'll let them up."

I rolled my eyes. "You aren't going to do anything to me."

He raised an eyebrow. "Want to bet?" He looked at the others. "Let them up or she gets thrown into the pool."

My eyes widened. "You wouldn't."

He grinned. "I would."

That's when a thought occurred to me. "Hey, Misako!" I called. Lloyd's eyes narrowed. "Us girls could use some help." 

She came into the room. "Goodness, What's happened?"

"Oh, we were just trying to get at Nya and then we fought the boys. Lloyd's threatening to dump me in the pool," I said casually. 

Misako shook her head. "Lloyd, you will not throw your fiancee into the pool. It's freezing out there."

He snorted. "She wouldn't hesitate to do it to me."

I grinned. "Possibly. But, me dear fiancee, I settled for just pinning you to the ground."

He sighed. "Fine. I change it to put frosting in her hair if you don't let the others up, girls."

My eyes narrowed. "Do you have any idea how long that will take to get out?"

He grinned. "A while."

I tilted my head to the girls. "Don't do it! He's bluffing."

His eyebrow went up. "Are you sure about that?"

I smirked. "You won't don't because if you do, I won't kiss you for a month."

He glared. "You wouldn't do that."

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure about that?" I said copying what he said earlier.

He groaned. "Fine. You win." He got up.

"Lloyd!" Kai said trying to flip Skylar over. "Don't give up!"

Lloyd frowned at him. "If Skylar said that to you, you would have done the same thing."

Kai stopped struggling and sighed. "True."

The girls let the boys up and we managed to convince Misako to take out the dancing. The rest of the party went smoothly. Lloyd opened the other's presents and thanked them. I handed him mine nervously. Lloyd opened it and blinked. "It reminds me of your dragon form," I hurriedly explained.

He stood and kissed me. "I love it," he murmured.

'Hey, if you're planning to do something, do it in your room," Kai said.

My eyes widened and my face felt hot. "Kai!!!"

He shrugged. "All couples do it. I'm surprised you haven't done it. Are you seriously still a virgin, Y/n?"

I swear my face was as red as a tomato now. "That is none of your business!" I glared at him.

He held up his hands. "Just saying."

I ran out of the room and went to our room. Then flopped onto my stomach and dug my face into a pillow. Lloyd came in a little later. "Y/n?" He said hesitantly.

"I'm okay," I muttered though it was muffled by the pillow.

He laid down beside me. "Let's just get some sleep, okay?"

I turned and laid on my back. I made sure my eyes were away from him. "Do you want to do...that?" I asked nervously.

He sighed. "Someday. But not today."

I cuddled against him and yawned. "Goodnight."
