First Battle

I walked to the field with all my friends and family. Then waited for Liam and his army to appear. He did thirty minutes later. He stopped ten feet from me. "So that's your army," he said in amusement. "What a small army."

I glanced at Nightmare and gave a small nod. Portals opened and more people flooded the field. Gaara and Naruto both came and stood beside me. Liam paled. I smiled. "You were saying?"

He stared. "What?"

"Nightmare will eat Liam," I muttered to Gaara and Naruto. They nodded. I turned to Liam. "We've been prepared for battle for a long time, Liam. So don't think you'll win."

He glared. "This is only one battle of many that will happen."

"Unless you die today," I said grinning.

"Who said I'm going to die?"

I rolled my eyes. "Enough chit-chat. Let's fight." All of my people attacked and his people met them. I carefully slid out the sword that was strapped to my hip and fought one-on-one with several. I pretended I wasn't killing them and that they were just passing out at my feet. 

My Lloyd suddenly appeared next to me. "Are you okay?" He asked as his sword slid through someone's heart.

I swallowed hard. "Mm-hmm." I wasn't. I hated seeing people die even when I was the one causing it.

I saw his eyes narrow. "You aren't okay," he said and spinjitsued around us.

When he stopped I sighed. "No, but I have to be." I kicked a guy's legs out from under him and shut my eyes as I stabbed him.


I glanced at him. "I'm fine, Lloyd." I slammed my elbow into another guy who was trying to grab me then turned and slammed my sword into him. Another tried to grab me and I realized their orders were to capture me. Fat chance. I kicked the guy in the nuts and cut off his leg. Then continued o. Hacking my way through the people. I crawled up onto a rock and stared outward. It looked like Liam's people were taking the brunt of everything. I pulled the bow off my back and notched an arrow. Then let it fly. 

 I was still shooting arrows from my perch when someone screamed, "Retreat!" Liam's people ran for it.

I jumped off the rock and hurried over to my husband. He kissed me fiercely. "One battle won," he said when we broke apart.

I nodded. "Several more to go," I said tiredly. Naruto and Gaara came over. "How many casualties?" I asked them.

"Not many," Naruto said.

"We lost only five people," Gaara said. "I don't think he trained them that well."

I relaxed. Five people. That wasn't too bad. "I noticed that too. He must have rushed things a bit."

"I think he lost about a hundred people," Lloyd said.

"Hmm." I looked around. "Did we lose people from your world, Naruto, Gaara? Or was it from ours?"

"Um, I think it was two of the other Garmadon's fish army and the rest were from our world," Naruto said.

I snorted. "Don't let the other Garmadon hear you say that. He'll be pretty mad."


I shrugged. "He calls them the 'Shark Army'."

The other Lloyd came over. "It was a pretty good battle."

"Yes," I agreed.

He smirked at me. "And we didn't lose many people."

I scowled. "Screw you."

He laughed. "Just saying you were worrying for nothing."

"My worries were perfectly well reasoned."

My Lloyd snorted. "You were doubting your army."

I elbowed him in the ribs. "Shut up."

He shook his head. "You're the leader. You now see that your army can handle these battles. Have faith."

I turned to Gaara and Naruto. "Am I the only one thinking about tying him up and throwing him in a prison cell?"

Gaara nodded. Naruto laughed. "Can't say I'm feeling the same way," he said.


Other Lloyd grinned. "How are you planning to do that?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you implying I'm weak?"

He blanched. "" He called to someone. "Someone's calling me. Gotta run." He ran away.

I chuckled. "Coward."

My husband shook his head. "No, you're pretty scary when you want to be."

"Am I?" I asked the other two.

They both shook their heads. "We can't agree or disagree. We haven't been around you as much as they have," Gaara said.

I sighed. "True." I thought for a minute. "I think we should have three leaders. Me, someone from your world, and one from the other Ninjago."

Lloyd looked at me thoughtfully. "But you'll be the main leader."

I rolled my eyes. "Only if all the leaders agree to that."

"I think Gaara should lead the people from our world," Naruto said.

I shook my head. "You have to discuss it with everyone from your world." I turned to Lloyd. "Will you go tell the other you to discuss it with the people from his world?"

"Sure, but what are you going to be doing?" He asked.

I tilted my head toward the tent that held the injured. "I'm going to help the injured." He nodded and kissed me quickly before walking away. I hurried over to the hospital tent. Both Nya's were there. "Hey," I said.

"Y/n!" This world Nya said. "Do you think you can heal them all with your powers?"

I looked around. Fifty people were injured. "Um..."

"Then Medical Ninja from Gaara's world are taking care of their people," other Nya said quickly.

I nodded. A girl with pink hair came over. "Hi, are you Y/n?" She asked.

"I am," I replied.

"I'm Sakura Uchiha," she said. "I'm a Medical Ninja. But a lot of these wounds will use up a lot of chakra. I was wondering if you could...?"

"Sure." I followed her and spent the rest of the day healing people who were injured. Which turned out to be more than fifty because the searchers kept finding more. When we were done I went in search of my husband only to get blocked by Gaara and the other Lloyd. "What's up?" I said. I was tired but I was the leader in this so I had to stay here.

"I'll be the leader for my world," Gaara said.

"And I'll be the leader for mine," other Lloyd said. 

"The people from your worlds agreed to this?" I asked.

"Yes," they both said.


"We've both decided you'll be the main leader though," Gaara added.

I smiled. "I see."

"Now you can go get some sleep," other Lloyd said. 

I nodded and went to the tent that was mine and my husband's. When he came in I was on the bed. He lay beside me. "Are you okay?" He murmured.

"Yes. Just tired," I said yawning.

His eyelids were half closed which told me he was just as tired as I was. "Same."

"Gaara and the other you are the leaders of their world."


He was almost asleep. "I love you, Lloyd," I whispered as my eyelids fell closed.

"Love you too," he muttered and we both fell asleep.