Talking About Liam

I looked at the wall of the tent and sighed. Liam is a bastard and he's my father. I never let that sink in fully but now that the first battle has happened it won't leave my head. I sorted through the bandages and huffed. Nope, still thinking about it. "Hey, Y/n? Are you okay?" Sakura asked.

"Hmm? Oh, I'm fine. Just thinking," I said vaguely.


"Not important." I finished my task. "Actually, would you mind if I leave for a bit? I need to talk to a few people."

"Sure. You're the boss here."

"Me, Gaara, and the other Lloyd," I muttered and hurried off. I sent a text to Vania, Harumi, our Nya, Pixel, and Skylar. I told them to meet me at the edge of the trees. I paced until they got here.

"What's wrong?" Skylar asked. "Did Lloyd get to you again?"

I shook my head. "No, this time it's Liam."

"What about him?" Harumi said sitting on a log. The others sat beside her.

"Nya, you were there when he made his little announcement," I said.

She nodded. "He said that you were his daughter."

"Really?" Harumi said. "Wow."

"So it's bothering you," Vania said.

I nodded. "Yes. I'm trying to figure out if it's true. I don't even look anything like him."

They all studied me. "May I scan you?" Pixel asked.

I held still. "Go ahead."

She scanned. "It seems that he was telling the truth. Your blood and his are similar."

"Damn," I growled. 

"Lloyd won't love you any less," Skylar said. 

"True. His father used to be evil," Nya agreed.

"That's not what I'm worrying about!" I paced for a few minutes. "He said my mom and he did it and I was the result. But does the King know?"

"I doubt it," Vania said. "Most people don't like talking about their ex."

I messed with my braid for a few minutes. "This sucks! I can't focus on anything!"

"Okay, you're letting this get to you and you shouldn't," Harumi said.

Nya nodded. "What you need to be worrying about is the next battle."

"A battle that we have to make sure we're prepared for," Skylar added.

"We're more prepared than the first time," I said. "I want to talk about this. That's why I called you here."

"Okay," Pixel said.

"Both Lloyds had evil fathers. Mine is currently trying to kill me. Again."

"Well, Garmadon tried to get rid of Lloyd when I resurrected him," Harumi said.

I shook my head. "He didn't succeed like mine did."

"Yours tricked you then tortured you," Nya pointed out. 

"Then he killed me," I said.

"Hmm, are you debating whether you want to kill him instead of Nightmare?" Vania asked.

I was about to shake my head but then I paused. Is that what I was going for? He killed me and revenge would have me killing him. But I hated killing people. I shook my head. "No. Nightmare will still kill him." I frowned. "He has to eat Liam otherwise he'll just come back to life like he did when Lloyd killed him."

Harumi stood up and put her hand on my shoulder. "If you ask me, I think you should talk to your husband about this. He knows what it's like to have an evil father." She walked away with the others.

I pondered her statement for a minute and then went looking for him. I found him showing Naruto different sword maneuvers. He saw me. "Now practice by yourself," Lloyd told him. Then he walked over to me. "I thought you were going to be in the Medic Tent for the rest of today."

"I was but something kept popping into my head and destroying my concentration," I replied.

He frowned. "What?" 


His gaze darkened. "What about him?"

"Pix scanned me and it turns out Liam was telling the truth. He's my father and I'm just trying to figure out how to not dwell on it." I looked at the ground. "Harumi thought I should come and talk to you about it."

He sighed. "You talked to the girls first?"

I nodded. "They told me I could talk to them if something was bothering me."

"Y/n, look at me." I did and he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Listen, there is nothing wrong with thinking about your evil father. I thought about Garmadon all the time when he was evil. The important thing is you shouldn't let it get to you."

"How do I do that?"

He kissed me. "By distracting yourself."

"I tried that. It still popped into my head."

He shook his head. "I didn't mean organizing things. I meant either training or healing someone."

"There's no one left to heal."

"Then train with me." He glanced over his shoulder. "And Naruto." He lowered his voice. "Just between you and me, he sucks at using a sword."

I giggled. "Well, he didn't really have to use one in his world. He could just use his jutsus there."

Lloyd raised an eyebrow. "Sasuke is excellent at using a sword."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course he is. He started using it when he left Konoha. But now he only has one arm so what do you expect?"

Lloyd turned back and watched Naruto for a few minutes. Naruto totally missed the dummy and the sword slid into the ground. Lloyd shook his head and looked at me. "I'm beginning to regret taking him on as a student."

I laughed. "How about this? I'll go spar with the other you."

He scowled. "And leave me with him?" He tilted his head in Naruto's direction.

I grinned and started walking away. "You made your decision. Now you have to live with it." I ran off but was cut off a minute later by someone from Liam's army. I glared. "What do you want?"

"I have a message from your father," he said.

"He's not my father," I snapped. "What's the message?"

He cleared his throat. "'You will turn yourself over to him or more of your people will die.'"

I thought for a minute. "We only lost five. He lost a hundred. Tell him that."

He inclined his head and walked off. Sasuke had been coming over. I made a motion to let him go. We both watched as he walked into the forest and was gone. "What was that about?" Sasuke asked.

I shrugged. "I should turn myself over to him or more of our people died. My message back was we only lost five while he lost a hundred."

He nodded and went back to guard duty while I continued my search for the other Lloyd. Damn, having a lot of people milling about makes it difficult to find someone.