Before the death of Denson, Jebon has planned to use the secret passageway linked to the Ikede royal palace against them. So on the day of the expenditure, he channelled about half a thousand of outstanding soldiers to this secret passageway to fight the palace garrisons who are estimated to be about two hundred in total. Their mission is to annihilate the King and attack the royal guards' headquarter.
He then send about 1.5k soldiers to each gates of Ikede. After the arrangements, king Justin now send a letter to king Dublin informing him of the waged war.
All the officers of the Ikede kingdom are gathered at the chember in the royal palace to do the talking of their internal affairs. "Your majesty, I'm eunuch Barty". A humble tremendous adjacent voice is heard from the rear of the chember. He is one of the king's closest guard alongside the envoys from the Zeon kingdom conveying the king's letter.
"Come in". The King ordered after a moment of delay to evaluate on wether he is expecting a message from Barty, but none is vivid in his mind but even so, since he will state his mission, there's no need for despair.
"What is the matter?" The King asked as soon as Barty got in and bowed to worship the King and made the proceeding hail like; "may your days be long your majesty. I have waiting outside right away two envoys from the Zeon kingdom. Should I send them away?" The servant already knows that the King always gets upset with anything that has to do with the Zeon kingdom and so does not expect him to welcome her envoys.
"No. Let them in to have an audience with me". The eunuch bows and leaves for the envoys.
The chember become so quite as if a monarch's death has being reported. All the officers are rather curious to know what actually is the matter that has connected them to the Zeon after severing ties together. But the silence did not last long until the prime minister breaks it.
"What on earth does he want from us this time?" "I suppose he has come to apologise to his majesty for daring to pick a fight with him". One of the officers hallucinates. " And what makes you think that Justin is such a light minded man?" I'm sure he wants to make a war challenge with us considering how our men have annihilated their farmers recently". Another officer objected.
"Shut up your mouth!" The King thundered. " If he dares me in a war challenge, then he has practically called for his death and his subjects".
"The envoys are here your majesty". Eunuch Barty announced.
"Let them in". The King ordered.
"Your majesty, one of the envoys starts after bowing in worship to the King, his majesty our King has ordered us to deliver this letter to you". He stretches his pair of hands to hand over the letter to the King. Another officer behind the prime minister collects the letter from him and reads.
"Zeon and Justin has been in good terms with each for a very long time. Our fathers have made sure that this good relationship was maintained so that there was no reason for these two great kingdoms to shed their precious blood in a battle.
And even in the present time, I have tried my ultmost best to restore the good tidings of these our fathers land entrusted in our care. But you Dublin have always being the thorn piercing the flesh of this relationship. You started by raping my young girls on the streets, robbing and assaulting my young youths and aged adults. And now you have upgraded to killing my enormous and innocent farmers. And yet, you are still full of yourself, hoping to escape the consequences. But in my whole nobility, I have demanded ten elegant and elite soldiers as ransome for my butchered subjects or else I will have to attack you with my full Savage to avenge my noble subjects. I'm running out of patience, so you have just two weeks to make your decision before I make mine. Thanks and remain healthy".
There's a precedent uproar from the officers urging the King to send a remorse letter to the King of Zeon and then try negotiating with him to avoid war. "Your majesty, the prime minister opted out, Ikede is not in good shape to engage in a war right now and Zeon is not a small kingdom that should be taken lightly, we must stop this war. And after all, we are guilty of the allegation. We don't have a splendid motive to fight and if we engage on this war, that means we are embarking on an unjust battle your majesty. Imagine how strong the Zeon is on their strength your majesty, how about when the heavens support them? We will be totally defeated".
"Shut up! You coward!" The King thundered. Are you afraid of the Zeon? Now listen you wretches, go back to your wretched King and tell him that I'm waiting for him anytime he attacks. Tell him I said he should go to hell with his threat and ransome. Also inform him that from now on, the Ikede will be attacking the local villages of Zeon. So if he is threatened, he should surrender and become a subject state to the Ikede because that's the only way for the Zeon to survive".
King Dublin is an ambitious man who never gives in to any threat unless it claims his life. He never, judging from the recent scenerio believed that Zeon can be a match to his kingdom in a battle. He has drawn an imaginary picture of himself to annex the whole of Zeon and believed it's time finally to punish Zeon mercilessly for being his rival in a gross domestic product silent competition.
He drastically envies Zeon for outperforming and being the lead in the governmental development. And he determines to silence Zeon permanently. He already thought of attacking the local villages of Zeon before launching an attack on the central power of Zeon. So it's as if his wish reached Justin and he made the war declaration. He is overly ready and have a tantamount curiosity to see Justin bleed profusely in his sword. He grawns and said "it's time to plunder completely that God forseken kingdom.
Immediately the envoys left the palace, King ordered his guards to go after them and annihilate them completely. He doesn't want to kill them right in the palace because he does not want to defame the palace with their blood.
being away that Zeon soldiers are always incredible, they send much more soldiers to out number and subdue them completely.
The envoys on the other hand have perceived they may be attacked on the way and thus devise a countermeasure to defend themselves.
"I'm of the opinion that they will send about five guards against us knowing we are just two". One of the envoys pressumes.
"No. They know we're not immatured so they will send much more soldiers to completely subdue us".
"So what must we do to save ourselves and complete the king's assignment?" " Don't worry, the heavens won't forseke us because we are riding in a just course". The other envoy assured.
As they are still talking, arrows have started dropping side by side of each of them. Immediately, they fall helplessly on the ground and feign death. The Ikede soldiers noticed that and believed they're dead and rushed to chop off their heads to present to the King.
As they approaches, the envoys lit up a sutan (a smoke bomb) and smoke cover the sight of the Ikede soldiers. The envoys annihilate them from the rear and set off on their way immediately. But one of them is greatly wounded by the arrows while the other has wound of sword on his elbow but although this is painful, they never feel it's pain because they have triumphed over ten soldiers just in pairs on a surprise attack. They take this as a sign of victory for the war.
Meanwhile the officers' meeting came to an end alongside the departure of the Zeon envoys. The prime minister and other officers are walking towards their different destinations. "I don't know what his majesty is thinking by planning to engage in a battle with the Zeon? We don't even have enough war provisions to engage in a war with the Zeon. This war is literally going to result to our own detriment. We must stop his majesty at all costs." One of the officers said in a heavy tone.
"How do you intend achieving that when he does not even listen to anyone else except for his own opinion. He is already blinded by his grudge against the Zeon King and this is why he is making these irrational decisions. If ever are going to fight this battle, it is obvious that more of our soldiers will bleed in the field than the Zeon's. Just look at it; we don't have war provisions and we are guilty of the universal law against the Zeon by killing their farmers without a cause and here we are positioning ourselves to fight them. We must come up with a plan to stop his majesty.
Although his majesty is making a hasty decision, the Zeon cannever be a match to us in a battle. They will never dare to challenge is because that will mean walking directly to the lake of fire. Therefore, you must watch what say against his majesty. I ca not stand here to watch you all bad-mouth the King no matter what.