1-Mu Wanwan

southeast continent - Blue Mountain City

A young woman wore a large tunic on her body trying to hide, she wandered the streets with few coins and tried to find cheap foo

The only thing visible on her body was beautiful deep green eyes.

Her name is Mu Wanwan, a transmigrant who woke up 2 days ago

Before she was Mu Wanwan, she was called Rebecca Garcia, a black Latina girl who loved reading Chinese cultivation works

Unfortunately, at the age of 20, his house was bombed by mistake, the military was doing a training session when everything got out of control.

From a cute anti-social black girl who doesn't leave the house to a world of cultivation, it could be her luck but it's not

When she inherited the memories she was very sad, Mu Wanwan is the only daughter of the patriarch of the Mu family, one of the 3 big families

But since birth she was treated like trash, why? she has dark skin

In this world, white skin is synonymous with supreme beauty, if it weren't for the blood test at birth, Mu Qin could have killed his daughter and wife on the spot with suspicion of treason

Her mother literally began to be excluded and treated badly and died of heartbreak when she was just 2 years old, since then Mu Wanwan lived in an isolated house in the Mu family.

Finally at the age of 12 she was expelled from the family, Mu Wanwan then got a job as a servant in another big family, the Gu family.

The Gu and Mu family have always hated each other, perhaps they hired her just to mock the Mu family, the young miss cleaning dishes and washing their dirty laundry

Mu Wanwan became traumatized by her skin color and began to hide with capes and cloaks, finally at the age of 18 she couldn't stand it and committed suicide, finally Rebeca took over the body

Why does she have dark skin when her father and mother are white Asians? She doesn't know but that doesn't change the sadness she feels

Rebecca or rather now Mu wanwan bought cheap rice and went home


In her small and ugly room, Mu Wanwan took off her cloak and looked at herself in the reflection of the water.

beautiful green eyes, long straight black hair, her face is very beautiful but due to a difficult life and poor diet her body is very thin and is obviously poorly nourished

"I'm 18 now...I've never been taught how to farm...the only way is to try to save money and pay someone to teach me... " Mu wanwan

The age to start cultivating is 12, but she was expelled from the family and they never taught her anything, even reading she only learned from other servants of the Gu family

[Ding....the system detects the lack of culture in this world, so the Dark Skin bitch system is activated]

Mu wanwan suddenly smiled, she had a system

[the Host's body is in poor condition and is not worthy of representing the Dark Skin beauty, as a beginner's gift the body is upgraded to Tier SS+]

Suddenly Mu Wanwan felt her body burn

Her almost non-existent breasts began to grow without stopping and soon became two huge breasts with pink nipples.

Her skinny ass disappeared, became a perfect huge black ass

Her legs thickened and grew, becoming seductive, her lips became plump and her entire dark skin gave off an air of softness, her body odor resembled the smell of roses and fruits.

[the lawsworld tried to limit the beauty of your body.....to allow your beauty in this world, the system gives you the ultimate DarkSkin physique]

Mu Wanwan's perfect body seemed to emit a pure aura...she felt every cell in her body strengthening

After a while, she looked at herself again in the water and was paralyzed, her face was the most perfect sight she had ever seen in her life.

[congratulations, now the host is qualified to represent dark skin beauty, the system issues the tutorial]

[The host can use beauty to seduce and enchant men and women, you receive dark coins with every sexual action you perform, you can use them for everything in the system store, in addition you can use coins to upgrade everything in the world]

[as the host has no knowledge in cultivation, you receive a starter pack]

[congratulations, you received 1 cultivation wiki book, you received 1 Tier S breathing art (black queen's breath), you receive Tier S Mastery in the battle art of needles, you receive +100 in understanding,Seductive Attire (Tier B)]

[Name]: Mu wanwan

[status]: Spiritual root 105, comprehension 155(+100buff)

[body skill]: Dark Phoenix Bloodline (sealed with 12 seals, use 100 coins to remove 1 seal), Dark Skin supreme physique (stays young forever, reproduction+1000, Stamina +1000)

[learning skills]: Black Queen's Breath (tierS), Needle Mastery (tierS)

[black coins]: 0


"Dark Phoenix bloodline? So that's why I have dark skin... but what do these root numbers mean..." Mu wanwan

[read the Wiki book the host received]

Mu wanwan quickly picked up the book and read


2 hours later she seemed enlightened

In this world there is a way to measure cultivation talent or the so-called spiritual root talent

There is an artifact where 12-year-olds drip a drop of blood and with that the artifact emits some lights that are, white, green, blue, purple, orange, red and golden

If it doesn't emit any light, the young man cannot cultivate, white light is the lowest talent while red is the greatest, of course mu Wanwan read the system book and knows more about it

White light has 1-10 points at the root, green light from 11 to 30, blue light from 31 to 60, purple from 61 to 100, orange from 101 to 200 and red from 201 to 300

if it exceeds 300 it is a golden light or also called children of destiny

in other words, Mu Wanwan was born with orange talent, probably due to her bloodline, if the Mu family finds out about this, it will undoubtedly be the biggest regret in history

Blue Mountain City is just a small city in the Falcon Kingdom, the most talented in the city's history is a blue talent who was recruited by a sect more than decades ago

The cultivation levels are; 1-bone training (1-9), 2- Qi refining (1-9), 3- foundation building (early, intermediate, advanced and peak), 4- golden core (early, intermediate, advanced and peak), 5-Nascent Soul (early, intermediate, advanced and peak, 6- realm Harmony (early, intermediate, advanced and peak), 7- Void Breaking(early, intermediate, advanced and Peak), 8- Venerable (early, intermediate, advanced and Peak) and 9-Nirvana (1-9 tribulations)

The strongest in the city are the ancestors of the Mu, Gu and Jiang families who are at the peak of Qi refining.