Chapter 7

"Go Enyo!" shouted Max. 

It had been two weeks since she had transferred to the school. She was doing excellent. Enyo was smart, athletic, witty, and pretty. He blushed. A lot of boys liked her. A lot of them hated him for being her friend. 

Now, in PE class, Valerie had challenged Enyo to another competition… again. Valerie was really annoying when it came to competitions. They were racing on the track today. Enyo was at least seven meters ahead of Valerie. She smiled, not looking out of breath at all. 

"She's so hot!" said a boy behind Max. 

Max couldn't help but agree. "Loser!" said the person behind him. They kicked him in the back of the head. Max yelped in pain 

He turned around and saw Jack smirking at him. "Excuse me…" he muttered and left the bleachers. 

Max suddenly had the urge to go to the restroom. He walked behind the bleachers and into the boy's bathroom. "Ow," he said, rubbing the back of his head with the palm of his hand. 

When he was done, he walked out the door. A bench was in front of him so he sat down and sighed. "Excuse me," someone said. 

Max turned around and saw someone looking at him The man's face was half scarred and Max flinched from looking at him. The man didn't seem bothered, "Excuse me, I'm looking for… Enyo? Do you know her?"

Max looked at him "You know Enyo?"

"Yeah," said the man, he held out his hand to shake, "I'm Hemlock, her older brother."

Max shook his hand, "I'm Max."

"Oh!" said Hemlock, "Perfect, Enyo's told me a lot about you…"

Max narrowed his eyes. Hemlock looked nothing like Enyo, except for his eyes which were red, just slightly a different shade. "Nice to meet you. I can take you to Enyo right now! She's at the track."

"Actually…" said Hemlock as Max turned around to walk to the track, "I'm here for you."

"Wha-" A hand covered his mouth and Max breathed in an unfamiliar smell. 

His head spun and his throat burned. His eyes closed and the darkness ate him. 

Enyo ran at a job. Or, her pace of a jog, which was a normal human sprint. She smiled at the wind on her face as she crossed the finish line and slowed to a walk. A few seconds later, Valerie crossed too. Valerie panted, her hands on her knees, "Good game," she said. 

Enyo smiled. For the past two weeks, Valerie had challenged her to competitions ranging from math to athletics. For a normal human, Valerie was very talented. Unfortunately, Enyo was not normal. Valerie had made it her personal goal to defeat Enyo in some type of competition.

Enyo liked it. She was glad she could help such a talented girl improve. All Valerie needed now though, was a nicer attitude, which she couldn't really change. Enyo looked up at where Max was sitting before. 

She frowned, he was gone. She walked up to the bleachers. Jack was in the seat where Max had been before, "Hey Jack, you know where Max went?"

Jack shrugged, "Your loser boyfriend went to the bathroom."

"Thanks!" grinned Enyo. 

She ran to the boy's bathroom and knocked. "Max, you in there?"

No reply. She knocked again and was met with the same answer. She turned around. There was a bench in front of the bathroom. She walked over and sat down. 

Enyo frowned and stood up suddenly. There was a familiar scent that wafted in the air. She wrinkled her nose and sniffed. Poison #3, specifically, Melatonin. One of Hemlock's processed specialties.