Chapter 13

"Asclepius?" asked Bat. 

"Yes?" answered an annoyed voice, "What do you want, I'm busy."

"I can hear…" muttered Bat, "Those intestines aren't gonna get worse though, the persons dead…" 

"You can hear it? Mush Mush Mush…" Asclepius sighed, "How can I help you?" 

"Enyo's in trouble," said Bat. 

Asclepius didn't reply. "Hello? Hello? You still there?" asked Bat.

"Yeah," said Asclepius, "What happened this time?" 

"This time?" Bat rolled his eyes, "Hemlock and Anaya are after her. I'll send you her coordinates."

"Wait, wait, hold on a sec," muttered Asclepius, "Why should I even help her?" 

"Because," said Bat, "She's your little protege, also cause chances are, Hemlock and Anaya are probably gonna cause a lot of trouble that someone like Father has to clean up. Also there's a civilian there, they kidnapped him as bait." 

At the mention of Father, Asclepius sighed, "Fine, but I'm on vacation." 

"YOU'VE BEEN ON VACATION FOR YEARS NOW!" shouted Bat at his phone. 

"All good sir?" one of his assistant's heads popped in through the door and he waved her away. 

"Fine, fine," muttered Asclepius, "But what do you want me to do?" 

"Um," said Bat, "Save her? Help save the bait? Do some magic healing or some shit." 

"Give me one bottle of that poison you got and we have a deal," grinned Asclepius. 

"How the f*ck do you know about that?" asked Bat. 

"You know," said Asclepius, "Bugs, spies, etc. They're easy to hire when you've got money. We have a deal?" 

Bat sighed, "Deal. I've sent you the coordinates" 

"Alright," grinned Asclepius, "Bye!" 

"Wash your hands!" shouted Bat as the phone hung up, "I swear, healing people with hands covered in intestine juices…"

"Sir?" asked the assistant. 

Bat sighed, "I don't get paid enough for this…"

"You don't get paid," said the assistant. 

The pain disappeared and Enyo's body relaxed into a fighting stance. Anaya and Hemlock turn and fled. She ran after them. Due to her speed, she easily caught up and she kicked Anaya in the back, sending her slamming into a car. BEEP! BEEP! The car alarm went off. 

Hemlock looked at her in fear and he held up his hands, "Wait!"

Enyo did not care. Or at least the unemotional part of her didn't care. Her dagger was in her hand again and she pulled out the other one. The flicked to her side and she walked menacingly towards Hemlock. 

He fell on his butt and Enyo advanced. She lifted her daggers and plunged them towards his heart. STAB! The dagger plunged into the soft flesh of Anaya's arm. "Arghh!" she screamed in agony. 

Enyo grunted as Anaya kicked her in the stomach, hitting the bullet wound. Enyo barely felt the pain. She recovered quickly and spun her hands into an upward kick. Her feet hit Anaya and she fell onto Hemlock who groaned as she fell on his wound. 

"Retreat!" shouted Anaya, standing up. 

Hemlock groaned on the floor and pulled something else out. Anaya shook her head, "It's too dangerous, you'll take out the entire building and everyone in it! That's us!"

"Okay," said Hemlock, "This is our last resort, let's try to outlive Wild Mode then." 

Enyo charged at them and they scattered. She chased after Hemlock. Her Wild Mode was starting to wear off and she could feel the tiredness and pain seeping back. She ignored it. BAM! She hit Hemlock. CRASH! He slammed into a wall and crumpled down. 

BANG! Anaya found her gun and shot. It missed and Enyo pulled out her gun with amazing speed. BANG! Her bullet found its way into Anaya's arm. BANG! Another hit Anaya's gun and the gun broke. "You'll pay for that!" shouted Anaya. 

Enyo ignored her and picked Hemlock off the floor. "You shouldn't have come," she said. 

He gasped and wheezed as her hands closed around his throat. "At-gasp-lea-gasp-least I can kill you-gasp!" 

"You mean I'm going to kill you." smiled Enyo. She squeezed harder. Wild Mode was very close to wearing off and her body was on fire again. 

"Nope." Clink. 

Something fell to the floor and Anaya slammed into Enyo. Enyo dropped Hemlock and stumbled to the side, gasping at the pain that flared. Fssssss… went the item that Hemlock had dropped. 

"Cya!" laughed Hemlock and Enyo watched as he and Anaya jumped off the building. 

Enyo groaned and looked at the item. Shoot, it was a specially developed grenade, made by Father's favorite gunsmith. Max might still be in the building. Enyo looked around and started running. BOOM! 

The entire building shook and Enyo went flying. Her back was scorched by the fire and heat and she was falling. She saw black smoke rise from the parking lot which was now reduced to a pile of rubble. She lay on the floor, three floors down from where she had been before. 

She heard the sound of a car screeching. Were those sirens in the distance? 

"Enyo!" she heard someone call, but it felt so far away. 

"Max?" her body was back into full pain mode. Every nerve hurt and it was hard to breathe. Dark droplets fell from the sky. Tornado was right, she thought, there's a storm coming…

The last thing she saw was the darkening sky, a blond head, and the palest set of red eyes. Asclepius? Then pure darkness.