The neighbor is an English actress

  Arthur King talked to his coach for a while and from memory went back to his dorm and packed up his things to go home. A friend offered to help and took a half day off work to drive him back.


  "Arthur, don't be depressed, there are so many teams in London, you can play elsewhere if you leave Arsenal. If you really can't you lower your standards a little bit first, start playing from the first division or second division, and when the first team is on vacation I'll accompany you to find a new team."


  "Thanks, I'm not going to give up playing soccer." Arthur gave a confident smile.


  Both come and go, from now on he is the British Arthur King, beside this Steve Hood can be regarded as his "Merlin". In Arthur's memory, Steve is definitely a beloved friend and brother.


  Steve is also 185c and weighs much less than Arthur at only 70 pounds, making him look somewhat slimmer.


  Steve's confrontation ability is poor, but in Arsenal u18 is the absolute core of the midfield, or is widely regarded as a technical midfielder. His dribbling ability is strong, his passes are very imaginative, and his technique and speed are excellent.


  The two were childhood friends and played soccer together in elementary school before pairing up to join the Arsenal youth camp.


  Steve is a pure Englishman with a pale complexion, large and deep eyes, angular face and thin lips. The only other thing about him is that he has a surprising amount of hair that is still a bit naturally curly, and his image and demeanor are a bit like that of Real Madrid star McManaman, who doesn't seem to be going bald.


  Steve is understated, humble, and absolutely polite, and all the u18 players have a good relationship with him. Steve never blamed Arthur for the team's poor performance and often encouraged him to pick himself up after a loss. Bookla


  Arthur had just crossed over and was very impressed with Steve just from memory, the dude could get along. Having a friend in the ring saved him a lot of trouble, it would have been too hard for him to train on his own.


  Steve drove a brand new black Mazda sedan. He had a good family and got his license early to drive to camp, which many players felt envious of.


  When he got in the car, Steve instructed, "I'm not due home for another two weeks, and I'd advise you to keep playing soccer with amateurs to stay in shape and keep your focus on the field to make a successful signing. That runner might take a vacation to find you and fool you into becoming an actor, so don't make a mistake."




  Arthur's mind was immediately flooded with jumbled memories of who Steve had referred to as "the runner". It was his childhood friend, a neighbor a year older than him.


  This young lady has a severe stutter and got hooked on acting to practice normal speech. She used imitating other people's speech as a cure and it really worked. She now becomes articulate and only stutters a little when she is particularly tired or excited.


  To his surprise, the neighbor's name was Emily Blunt, one of the future UK's biggest actresses.


  She has played many famous roles, such as Full Metal Bikini, the warrior woman who killed Tom Cruise countless times in Edge of Tomorrow. She also co-starred in the magical blockbuster "The Jungle Book" with Mr. Johnson in the style of a female Jackie Chan. She's best known for turning down the role of Marvel's Black Widow for the bad movie Gulliver's Travels.


  Nineteen-year-old Emily was no runaway, capable of leading roles in theater and a newcomer to the drama circuit. She likes to stop by Arthur's house and often advises him to get into show business, saying he's wasting his talent if he doesn't rely on his face.


  Of course the predecessor wouldn't agree, he wasn't interested in being an actor, he just wanted to be a soccer star. What fan hasn't fantasized about winning the top league, the Champions League, or the World Cup?


  The thought of having such a close friend of the opposite sex made Arthur feel that his new life was full of fun. The "soccer god" game is so powerful, not only gave him a good body, even help him choose a girlfriend.


  As far as he could remember, Emily had been seeing him and swooning a lot since she was 15 years old. Nothing happened between the two, simply because the original was a straight man of steel who loved soccer more than beauty.


  Emily made a bold move late last year, and he turned it down without much thought, citing the fact that "a girlfriend would interfere with his punt speed". Moreover, there were a large number of girls chasing Arthur, and he turned them all down.


  In a future China, there are showbiz people who size up toothpicks all wine tables to choose their consorts, and writers who perform the deeds of a sheepdog in the body of a teddy. Compared to these people, Arthur is also wasting his talent.


  The original body can only pounce on the ball not play the ball, can only keep the goal not break the goal. In life, even if he was faced with a very simple, single good chance, as usual, he could choose not to score.


  In the face of Emily such a good girl he can be indifferent, this is by the ability to be single ah! Arthur thought it was funny, maybe the original body was just a tool man created by the system.


  He can attract girls all by his face and body, no soul, good looking skin in a million.


  Unfortunately, it would be some time before he could see Emily, who had recently traveled to the Midwest to attend college in Hooverhampton. She also attends theater productions when she can and is a busy person, so the two can only chat online occasionally.


  As for the identity of the soul wearing no parents, Arthur is half sad emotions, do not even recognize ah.


  On the way home, the brothers chatted about a couple of famous soccer teams in London. Steve again advised Arthur to aim low and try out for a lower division team, as the Premier League u18 ladder in London plays regularly and knows the ropes.


  To put it bluntly, Arthur is the worst of the Premier League youth team goalkeepers, so how can the first teams of these teams sign him?


  Arthur asked, "Do you think any team would sign me if I stopped being a goalkeeper and played another position instead?"


  "How is that possible?" Steve raised an eyebrow, not believing that his best friend could make the transition. "We've been one dragon's head, one dragon's tail, and known as the double-crossing dragon kicking around for years, and it's too late for you to change positions."


  "That's because you don't know that there's a karate gatekeeper in Japan named Tsutomu Ken Wakashima."


  "I know about the Soccer Busters manga, but he hasn't transitioned to play another position?"


  "... "Arthur clearly underestimated the fame of Soccer Bombers, many Europeans read Japanese manga as well.In 2002, Tsutomu Ken Wakashima hadn't even made the transition to being a center forward in the manga yet.


  The two chat about soccer along the way, and Steve is very much looking forward to the 2002 World Cup, which starts in two months' time, and is optimistic that England will go on a tear this time around and be crowned world champions.


  England went straight out of the qualifiers by virtue of beating Germany 5-1 away from home. Countless England fans are confident about the team's prospects, believing that this is a true golden generation with a luxurious three-line lineup.


  Arthur still spoke along with Steve even though he knew the outcome. Every time England goes to the World Cup, they are the favorites to win the tournament, with an all-star lineup of the Three Lions. After the game, England fans will turn into soccer hooligans and start cursing, spraying the team as the "Three Lions".


  In memory, he and Steve ranted together about Beckham, who received a red card in a crucial game, in the 1998 World Cup. Now Steve is a Beckham fan again, dreaming of making the national team and playing with him in the 2006 World Cup.


  Steve thinks Arthur is a bit hyper because the World Cup is approaching, he's been worried that Arthur will be devastated if he leaves Arsenal yet.


  Arthur had spent most of his time with a frown on his face since his parents' accident, and today, when he was forced to leave the team, his brow was instead stretched. Steve didn't understand why he was suddenly looking away, but was genuinely happy that his friend was coming out of his haze.


  The truth was, Arthur couldn't be upset.


  He suddenly became a bull who was fluent in two languages and didn't have to spend any time learning them. He even had a good body capable of playing in the top league, and didn't need to sacrifice his IQ to get it.


  When people are capable, they are empowered.


  It won't be long before I get promoted, get a raise, become Mr. Soccer, win the Golden Ball, pick up a rich white girl, and go to the top of my life. It's still a little exciting to think about!


  What's the point of having a bankrupt family? He wasn't rich before he crossed over, he just hadn't gotten so mixed up that he was a parasite.


  Arthur now lives with his second uncle's family in the Newham district of East London, part of what is a poor neighborhood in London.


  The Newham area is quite promising, with the main stadium of the 2012 Olympics, Europe's largest shopping center, and countless new apartment buildings being built here. In the future, the price of houses in Newham will skyrocket and it is worth investing.


  At this time many parts of the Newham district are still undeveloped, not many residents roads are also very spacious. Even if Steve drove a Mazda did not encounter traffic jams, more than half an hour to reach home without incident, which seems to herald the beginning of Arthur's turnaround.


  Looking through the car window at the scenery along the way, Arthur remembers something now and then.


  He used to live in the city center and all the old King family originally lived in the city of Manchester. His father John came to London first to develop his career and get married and have children, then his second uncle's family moved here, and only his third uncle stayed to live in Manchester before moving to the United States to develop his career.


  The first time he met his "relatives" after crossing over, Arthur was not a bit nervous. As far as he could remember, his second uncle's family were all jokers and very easy to get along with.