A piece of cake

Arthur didn't need someone to show him the way to the kickball field after a night of memory fusion. He didn't use transportation and jogged 20 minutes to the field in a nearby park, finishing his warm-up in the process.


  There were already a number of people warming up in front of the goal playing crosses for headers. Arthur went to the side wearing Arsenal's away yellow jersey, and by the way it was dressed, he knew it was one of his own.


  The two sides in this match were the London Arsenal Fans Association and the West Ham United Fans Association. The people warming up on the opposite pitch wore West Ham United's away red jerseys, and even though it was an amateur game, there was a lot of ceremony and refereeing.


  West Ham United, nicknamed "The Hammers", have their home ground in the Newham area. The area is home to a large number of Hammers fans who meet at the stadium on weekends to play soccer matches.


  Today, the fans on both sides of the ball are "elite" and want to win. Many of the youngsters are from big school teams and have some strength.


  Arthur had just walked to the sidelines when a burly middle-aged man about six-foot-eight, with a Mediterranean haircut that was not good for judging age, waved at him. "Arthur, you're here."


  "How do you do, Mr. Davis?"


  "It's me." Baden-Davis shook Arthur's hand cordially. "It's great that you're willing to come and play with us, everyone knows you. We're going to win today with you, why aren't you wearing a goalkeeper's shirt?"


  "Because I want to play forward today, is that okay?"


  "You can ... right?" Baden introduced his sidekick friend Mark a little awkwardly.


  Mark plays forward in the team and is short and skinny, not very competitive at first glance compared to Arthur.


  Mark was self-aware and smiled at the two men. "Arthur is definitely better than me, so I'll be the audience today."


  "Thanks." Arthur smiled and shook Mark's hand, thinking that if I played on this team you'd have to be a spectator all the time if you didn't change your position to something else.


  Baden introduced Arthur to the others again and briefly introduced a few of the core of the team. Baden played right back himself with average strength, strong in his off-field organizational skills, and was president of the fan club.


  They come together because they like soccer and form teams that play without ranks or wages but have fun. That's a big reason why the professionalization of soccer in England is doing so well, there are so many people who like to play.


  After a hundred years of exploration, the British soccer league has a complete system, high and low levels of the league echo, from the bottom up to form a clear hierarchy, all levels of close contact with the pyramid structure, for the British top soccer continued "blood supply".


  In 2021 it was calculated that there were roughly 5,300 soccer clubs in the UK, with over 7,000 men's soccer teams alone. There are teams made up of fans almost everywhere, with London having the most.


  And at that time, there were only 8,000 registered soccer players in China.


  Arthur is a failure in the Arsenal u18 ladder team, but a bull in the amateur soccer circle in London. In the eyes of amateur players, those like him who come out of the training camps of the Premier League giants are geniuses, and even if they are eliminated, they can become professional players in the future.


  For 99.9% of fans in the UK, the Premier League, League One and League Two are unthinkable, but the fourth tier, League C, is a high-level league. Anyone who has played one season of English C can boast for the rest of his life.


  Without further ado, Arthur took off his jacket and took to the field to warm up. He was wearing Steve Hood's number 10 jersey from the u18's, the two had exchanged jerseys when they first entered the u18's as a way of encouraging each other.


  Arthur was not practicing, but was shocked, the quality of this body was so strong that he couldn't believe it himself.


  With a single leap in the scramble for the top, he outshone everyone in height, and no one else could even reach his shoulders with their heads after jumping up. What kind of concept is this? He believed that on the basketball court, he could easily finish the dunk.


  Soccer players are generally not as bouncy as basketball players, but Arthur has nba player level bouncing, even in the nba are excellent.


  A cross that looked impossible to contest was headed in by Arthur. And his waist and abdominal strength is also very strong, there is a lagging movement down to the top, the header is very powerful, smashed into the ground and rebounded into the goal, the goalkeeper did not have half a reaction.




  "Fark, that's a damn high jump, isn't it?"


  "It's really worthy of being one of the three Arsenal marshals, what a horrible physical fitness."


  "Holy shit, why is he a goalie if he's so good at this?!"


  The Arsenal team has three main training camp "camp grasses", Arthur is ranked first, countless fans marveled at his face. He is followed by 175c sunshine boy David Bentley and midfield core Steve Hood.


  Arthur was so cool it felt like he could fly. He'd never jumped this high before crossing over.


  It's too easy. How can a header be so easy?


  Does my 85 shot power include headers?


  Before, he used to feel a little pain in his head when he put his head on the ball, but now he didn't feel it at all. The head iron he had become was also a great advantage of playing soccer.


  Continuing to practice, Arthur realized that his reaction time and agility had become terrifying as well. He could quickly anticipate where the ball was going to land and run to it when he saw it coming, and of the five passes his teammates made, he scrambled for four and scored two.


  Twice it was topped high, and he used the lion's fling with more difficulty.


  He collects a lot of exclamations when he top scores. He's so fierce that no amateur player can match him.


  Judging where the ball is going to land is a skill that Arthur knew before he crossed over, and with his average physical attributes, it's almost impossible to grab the point if he can't judge where the ball is going to land.


  His reaction time is faster than before he crossed over, perhaps because he has been a goalkeeper for a while. Goalkeepers all have fast reaction speeds and must always make predictions based on the situation on the field in order to pounce on those quick shots.


  Excitedly, Baden asked, "Are all your u18 players this physically impressive?"


  "Maybe. The position I wanted to play the most was actually striker, but there were too many great guys in the team, and I couldn't compete with them because of my bad technique, so I had to stay as a goalkeeper." Arthur smiled confidently, "Now that I've left Arsenal, I don't want to be a goalkeeper anymore."


  Fans listened to him and thought Arsenal were going to be invincible next. That's the kind of depth only the giants have, right? How many strong men must be in the youth camp to force someone of Arthur's physicality to be a goalkeeper?


  The goalkeeper is already so good at grabbing points and fighting for the top, how strong is the u18's proper center forward? He's going to be a superstar in the future, isn't he? What's his name again?


  In their opinion, Arthur is also strong playing forward, and is perhaps modest in his poor technique.


  Without further hesitation, Baden smiled and asked, "Does everyone have a problem with Arthur being center today?"


  "No comment, it's too strong."


  "No comment, it's a descending blow for him to come and play soccer."


  "So do I."


  "I can't even think of what to do defensively, you just have to wait in the box and grab a point." The college student playing center back sighed. He had just tried to confront Arthur twice and was squeezed to the point where he couldn't stand up.


  Arthur was two years younger than his age, yet somehow stronger than he was, with an underhand solidity that made him feel like he was pushing a wall, with an overhand that didn't even work. Oddly enough, Arthur didn't seem to weigh much.


  Baden asked, "On counterattacks when we pass long, can you head the ball?"


  "No problem." Arthur had a huge advantage for headers, and lack of match experience wasn't an issue. The opponents were warming up in the other half of the field and no pros were fans.


  People on the other side of the field were also watching Arthur and chatting.


  "How good is Arsenal's u18? How can a guy with his physical conditioning just be a goalkeeper?"


  "He's a semi-professional after all, a keeper can't be bad physically, not to mention he's starting for Arsenal."


  "He's in bad shape because of an accident at home, it's all over the news, if nothing happens he should be great."


  Fans in the UK have more or less heard of Arthur, the title of "worst young player" is not nice, but impressive. Arthur has gained some attention for his looks alone, but if he had any strength, he would have been blown up by the media.


  Both sides have come together to determine the starters, and after warm-ups the game is about to begin.


  The Hammers fan team is mainly made up of students, all around 180c tall and looking strong.


  The majority of the British are of Caucasian race, commonly known as the white race. Because of their higher latitude, they have a pale complexion, are taller, have large, light-colored eyes, a three-dimensional face, thin lips, and hairy. This race is generally broader-boned than the Orientals and appears taller, plus slightly taller due to their dietary structure.


  Arthur stood in the middle of the field observing his opponent with unbridled excitement.


  He played against a foreigner for the first time in his life and the game was monumental.